1.The cross-cultural study of metaphor is the most valuable and significant research field of contemporary metaphorology.隐喻的跨文化研究是当代隐喻学最具有价值和前景意义的研究领域,因此有必要在隐喻学的学科地位业已确立的基础上,提出建立隐喻文化学的问题。

1.Computational Metaphor:An Alternative Approach to Metaphor Study;行走在第三条道路上的隐喻研究——计算隐喻学刍议
2.A Pragmatic Approach to Metaphor:On Searle s Metaphor Theory;隐喻的语用学阐释——评塞尔的隐喻理论
3.Models and Metaphors in Science:The Metaphorical Turn;科学中的模型与隐喻:隐喻性的转向
4.Philosophg yin Metaphor;Metaphor(隐喻)的哲学阐释
5.Studies on Cultural Differences in Metaphor and Metaphor Teaching;英汉隐喻的文化差异及其隐喻教学研究
6.To Improve English Learners' Metaphorical Cognitive Ability through Metaphorical Concepts通过隐喻概念提高英语学习者的隐喻认知能力
7.Towards the Truth of Metaphor--The cardinal problems of Ricoeur's philosophy on metaphor走向隐喻的真理——利科隐喻哲学的基本问题
8.The Mechanism of Understatement:A Cognitive Explanation Based On Metaphor and Metonymy低调陈述:基于隐喻及转喻的认知语言学诠释
9.An Experimental Study on Development of Metaphorical Awareness and Competence in College English Teaching大学英语教学隐喻意识和隐喻能力培养的实验研究
10.Metaphor was simply a kind of figure of speech according to traditional Rhetoric, while it's been considered as a cognitive phenomenon.传统的修辞学认为隐喻仅仅是一种辞格,而现代的隐喻观认为隐喻的本质是一种认知现象。
11.A Study of Application of Conceptual Metaphor to CET;概念隐喻在大学英语教学中运用研究
12.Cultivation of Metaphorical Competence and the College English Teaching Reform;隐喻能力的培养与大学英语教学改革
13.Idea Field,Contrast,Metaphor and College English Teaching;思想场、对比、隐喻与大学英语教学
14.Metaphor Cannot Deconstruct the Dualistic Antagonism between Philosophy and Literature;隐喻不能解构哲学与文学的二元对立
15.On Conceptual Metaphor and Its Enlightment to EFL Teaching概念隐喻及其对大学英语教学的启示
16.The Idea and Significance of Subject Construction of Metaphor Culturalology隐喻文化学学科建设的构想及其意义
17.A Cognitive Approach to Fostering Metaphoric Competence in English Learning--Studies of Metaphors in Business English;从认知角度培养英语学习中的隐喻能力——经济类英语隐喻研究
18.Analytical Philosophy s Perspectives on Metaphor--Partly-on the Difference between Metaphors and Analogies;分析哲学视野中的隐喻研究——兼论隐喻和类比的区别

the metaphor of reasoning理学隐喻
3)study metaphor学习隐喻
4)scientific metaphor科学隐喻
1.On scientific metaphor in physics;试析物理学中的科学隐喻
2.On the basis of far-ranging rise of multi-discipline studies on metaphor, naturally and necessarily, a special study of scientific metaphor has become a new research area in philosophy of science.在隐喻的多学科研究广泛兴起的基础上,对于科学隐喻进行专门研究的要求也自然而又必然地成为科学哲学的一个新兴研究领域。
5)literary metaphor文学隐喻
1.Explaining the literary metaphors from the cognitive perspectives;文学隐喻的认知心理基础诠释
6)metaphor teaching隐喻教学
1.A contrastive study is made on the cultural differences between the Chinese and English metaphors, on the basis of which it is reinforced that metaphor teaching is an integral part of the culture teaching and some problems involved in metaphor teaching are put forward.探讨隐喻、思维和文化三者的关系,对比分析英汉两种语言中隐喻使用现象的异同及其根源,指出隐喻教学是文化教学的一部分以及在隐喻教学中应注意的问题。
