1.On NEET in Shanghai and Countermeasures上海“啃老族”的现状与对策分析

1.The boomerang kid phenomenon has become a social problem on a nationwide scale.啃老族现象已成为全国性的社会问题。
2.The boomerang child returned home to live with his parents after graduating from the university.这个啃老族在大学毕业之后,回到家中与父母住在一起。
3.The mice have chewed away some of the woodwork.老鼠已经啃坏了一些木制品。
4.Mice have nibbled all the cheese away.老鼠一点一点地把乾酪都啃光了.
5.we are also removing the brake that restrains the multiplication of mice,却使啃噬农民收益的老鼠,
6.The tiger in the cage gnawed listlessly at a bone.笼子里的老虎在没精打采地啃一根骨头。
7.More than once the teacher was given a homework page that the dog had chewed on.不止一次,交给老师的作业纸给小狗啃过。
8.Some of the woodwork in this old house has been gnawed away by rats.这座房子的木结构部分已被部分老鼠啃球。
9.'It's your duty to invite all the rats in the world to gnaw at your bones. '你的责任是邀请世界上所有的老鼠来啃你的骨头。
10.It is the old oak crowning itself, and which, to heap the measure full, is stung, bitten, and gnawed by caterpillars.老橡树遍体鳞伤,更惨的是还要遭受毛毛虫的摧残,蛀呀,啃呀,撕呀。
11.Modern version of traditional thinking habit under difficult situation--About explanation to "living-on-parents" phenomemon;困境下传统思维惯习的现代再现——关于人们对“啃老现象”的一致性评价的解释
12.Sheep had cropped the grass (short).羊把草啃(短)了.
13.He gnawed sticks and straws.他啃木棍,嚼稻草。
14.wade through a dull book啃完一本枯燥无味的书
15.A fish nibbles at the bait.一条鱼在轻轻地啃鱼饵。
16.eating your innards.正在啃食你的内脏。”
17.The dog was gnawing a bone.那条狗在啃一根骨头。
18.The dogs picked the bones clean, ie removed all the meat from the bones.狗把骨头啃得乾乾净净.

Tentative Study of"the People Who Depend on Their Parents"浅析"啃老族"
3)phenomenon of dependency on the aged啃老现象
4)nibble at an ear of corn啃老玉米
5)Rats gnawed off the lid of the box.老鼠啃坏了箱盖.
6)A rat can gnaw a hole through wood.老鼠能啃穿木头。

次韵孙莘老见赠时莘老移庐州因以别之【诗文】:炉锤一手赋形殊,造物无心敢忘渠。我本疏顽固当尔,子犹沦落况其余。龚黄侧畔难言政,罗赵前头且眩书。(莘老见称政事与书,而莘老书至不工。)惟有阳关一杯酒,殷勤重唱赠离居。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷四