1.Bereavement events give people psychological trauma and the huge impact, Different coping styles of bereavement to restore the balance of the psychological impact is different.丧亲事件对个体造成的心理创伤和冲击是巨大的,而不同的丧亲应对方式对恢复个体心理平衡的影响是不同的。

1.She was absent because of a recent bereavement.她因最近丧亲而缺席.
2.We all sympathize with you in your bereavement.我们对你丧亲之痛表示同情.
3.The Psychological Intervention against the College Students Who Lost Relatives in the Earthquake;对地震中丧亲大学生的心理干预探析
4.compensation for bereavement亲属丧亡之痛的补偿
5.Sorrow caught the bereaved mother.丧子的母亲悲不自胜。
6.The bereaved has entered the church. The bereaved were comforted by their friends.丧失亲人的人走进教堂。丧失亲人的人们得到他们朋友的安慰
7.The boy's recklessness dismayed his mother.那男孩的鲁莽行为使他母亲感到沮丧。
8.Survivor of the disaster who lose their relatives are much to be pit灾难中丧失亲人的幸存者很值得同情
9.Each time I get despondent, my father cheers me up我每次沮丧时,父亲总给我打气。
10.Bereavement is often a time of great grief.丧失亲人常常是最悲痛的时刻。
11.We did not know how to soothe the bereaved mother.我们不知如何安慰那位丧子的母亲。
12.I was unmanned by the death of my father.父亲的去世使我感到颓丧。
13.Miss Lin, grief written all over her face, flew to her mother.林小姐飞跑到母亲身边,哭丧着脸说:
14.Survivors of the disaster who lost their relatives are much to be pitied.灾难中丧失亲人的幸存者很值得同情.
15.She went in to mourning on the death of her mother.她母亲死了, 她穿上了丧服。
16.His depression came to an end when she kissed him.她的亲吻扫除了他心头的沮丧。
17.I remembered making funeral arrangements for my mother after she died.我记得母亲逝后给她安排丧葬的经历。
18.Survivors of the earthquake who lost their relatives are much to be pitied.地震中丧失亲人的幸存者很值得同情.

Childhood bereavement童年丧亲
5)bereavement crisis丧亲危机
1.In essence,the coping styles of the bereavement crisis are various methods and strategies which to slow or eliminate the psychological trauma and impact caused by bereavement events.丧亲危机应对方式的本质就是个体所采取的为减缓或消除丧亲事件对个体造成的心理创伤和冲击的各种方法或策略。
6)adolescents whose relatives died丧亲青少年

丧亲丧亲bereavement 丧亲(bereavement)爱人、子女或亲友等的死亡,这种亲人的死亡引起丧亲者抑郁、沮丧、茫然、无所依靠、失望、紧张等心理反应。这种反应持续时间过长会影响人的心身健康。从动物实验和观察中发现,出生后数月突然离开母亲的婴猴,会表现激动,然后情绪抑郁、不与同伴交往,而渐渐死去。虽然当时它的营养状态良好,而且没有任何器质性病变。有人对英国医疗记录中的4500名55岁以土寡妇进行分析发现,丧夫后6个月内死亡的寡妇有213人,占该年龄段死亡率的40%。另有人多次证实丧亲者一的心肌梗死、冠心病、癌症等发病率均较正常人为高。故极有必要进行丧亲咨询。 (徐云撰梁宝勇审)