1.It is very special that the painting\'s brilliant be viewed as the most important aesthetics value in Yolngu paint art.育伦古绘画中存在着独特的审美观念,将画面的明亮视为最重要的审美特质。

1.The moon is as bright as day.月亮象白昼一样的明亮
2.The moon shone clearly.月亮明亮地照耀着,月光皎洁。
3.The moon looks bright because of the reflection of light.月亮由于光的反射而显得明亮
4.The moon rose high, shining as brightly as a silver plate.月亮升得高高的,明亮犹如银盘。
5.It's night and I see The silver moon and bright starts.夜晚我看见 银色的月亮明亮又开始了。
6.The weather was cold but clear, and the moon was brilliant.天气挺冷但很晴朗,月亮皎洁明亮
7.They stayed keen and bright.两眼目光犀利而明亮
8.a coarse cloth with a bright print.有明亮图案的粗布衣服。
9.softly bright or radiant.柔和的明亮或者放光。
10.The bright lights blinded me for a moment.明亮的光使我一时目眩。
11.The sun was shining brightly.太阳明亮地照耀着。
12.How Bright the moon shines tonight!今夜的月光多么明亮!
13.The crystal pendant lamp looks soft and Bright.水晶吊灯,柔和明亮
14.Bright fluorescent colors.明亮且发荧光的颜色
15.She has bright golden hair.她有一头明亮的金发。
16.Her eyes were shining brilliantly.她两眼闪光,晶莹明亮
17.Bright denotes intense light.明亮指的是强烈的光。
18.The shops were brilliantly lit up.那些商店灯光明亮

the bright moon明亮的月亮
3)To become lighter; brighten.变得明亮;使明亮
4)Bombus lucorum明亮熊蜂
1.Morphological characters and bionomics of Plodia interpunctella, a pest in Bombus lucorum colonies breeding in captivity;明亮熊蜂繁育室内印度谷斑螟的形态特征与生物学特性
2.Comparative studies on pollination biologies of Bombus lucorum and Apis mellifera ligustica in Katy apricot greenhouse;温室凯特杏园明亮熊蜂和意大利蜜蜂的传粉生物学比较
3.A Study on Effect of Environmental Temperature on Bombus lucorum Colony Development;环境温度对明亮熊蜂发育影响的研究
5)Bombus lucorum L明亮熊蜂
1.Foraging behavior and pollination ecology of Bombus lucorum L. and Apis mellifera L. in greenhouse peach garden.;明亮熊蜂和意大利蜜蜂在温室桃园的访花行为和传粉生态学比较
2.Bombus lucorum L.明亮熊蜂Bombus lucorumL。
3.Continuously three years investigation were conducted on foraging behavior and pollination ecology of two species of Chinese bee, bumblebee Bombus lucorum L.2004-2006年连续3年应用明亮熊蜂和意大利蜜蜂在北京为温室桃园传粉,其访花行为和传粉生态学的研究结果表明,两种蜂都可以替代人工掸花为温室桃园提供有效的传粉服务。
6)shining illuminate光亮照明
