1.The spatial foundation of the communications is the co-presence.现代城市空间影响着交往模式,交往的基础在于共同在场
2)Common in a Life time共同在世

1.cloacae produced both ESBLs and AmpC enzyme.ESBLs和AmpC酶共同存在者为 9.73%。
2.To exist together, at the same time, or in the same place.共存在同一时间或在同一地方生存在一起
3.There exist public goods, public interests and common wants as long as there are Human society and collectivity.只要存在人类社会、在集体,就会存在共同需要、共利益和公共物品。
4.In the original community, the public ownership existed in the form of both“ commonly-possessed” and“ individual-possessed”.在原始共同体中,公有制以“共同占有”和“个人占有”并存的方式存在。
5.They should draw upon one another's strong points through competition and comparison and should develop side by side by seeking common ground while shelving differences.在竞争比较中取长补短,在求同存异中共同发展。
6.Catholicity and Sameness--An Exploration of Man s Extramundane Existence;共通性与共同性——从中国哲学看人的超越性存在
7.A Philosophical Reflection on Human Beings' Collective Existence,Social Existence and Communal Existence人的群体存在、社会存在与共同体存在的哲学辨析
8.Presence is the link between time and existence and the common meaning.在场是存在与时间的纽带和共同的意义。
9.The various civilizations and social systems in the world should seek long-term coexistence. They should learn from each other to make up deficiencies through comparison and make joint development by seeking common ground while preserving differences.世界各种文明和社会制度,应长期共存,在竞争比较中取长补短,在求同存异中共同发展。
10.Various types of civilizations and social systems should and can seek long-term coexistence, learn from each other to make up deficiencies through competition, and achieve joint development by seeking common ground while reserving differences.各种文明和社会制度应该而且可以长期共存,在竞争比较中取长补短,在求同存异中共同发展。
11.What do they all have in common? The way they portray their content. They also all have a purpose for existing.这些有什么共同特点呢?呈现信息的方法相同,存在目的相同。
12.Law of Universal Value:in the Name of All Existences on Earth;万有价值论——以万有存在和谐共同体的名义
13.Discussions on the Contributions and Problems of the EU Common Agricultural Policy论欧盟共同农业政策的贡献及存在问题
14.They have some different characters on the certain sameness both occurrences of gold in two fields.两矿区金的赋存状态既有共同特征,也存在明显差异,各有特点。
15.Equally or jointly eternal.永远并存的相同地或共同地永存的
16.To coexist or occur with.与…共存,与…一同发生
17.And both one-sided implementation and one-sided accessory constitute one-sided accomplice with non-existence of one-sided organization and one-sided abetment.片面共犯成立共同犯罪存在于片面帮助、片面实行,不存在片面教唆、片面组织。
18.The suggestion of a co-evolution between people and domesticated animals is not new.这种认为在人和驯养动物之间存在共同进化的观点并不是新鲜的。

Common in a Life time共同在世
4)Occurrence in the same field同场共生
5)common market共同市场
1.Construction of common market of tea between Fujian and Taiwan based on the strategy of building the economic zone on the west side of the Taiwan Straits;以海峡西岸经济区战略带动闽台茶叶共同市场建设
2.Deploitation and Establishment of the Industrial Common Market of PPRD;泛珠三角工业共同市场的开拓与建立
3.In view of the background of building common market between the two sides of the straits and building the economic zone on the west side of the straits,based on the current states,the principles,systems,mechanisms and goals for building common tea market between Fujian and Taiwan are expounded,and the countermeasures are proposed.从构建“两岸共同市场”和福建省建设海峡西岸经济区的大背景出发,分析了闽台两地茶叶市场的现状,论述了建立闽台茶叶共同市场的原则、体系、机制、目标等,进而提出建立闽台茶叶共同市场的对策。
6)collaborative floor共同场地
