1.Question answering system in network education based on chaptered ontology and transfer network基于章节本体和转移网络的自动答疑系统

1.One of the numbered subdivisions of a chapter in the Bible.圣经中的节圣经章节中多个小节之一
2.There is a summary at the end of each chapter.每一章节后均附有小结。
3.Refer to Section 8E in Service Manual参阅维修手册章节8E
4.Chapter heads: Chapter title and/or number of the opening page of each chapter.章节标题:每章起版 时所用的名称或/和数字。
5.Again and again passages in his essays exasperate or bewilder.他的文章里使人忿然或困惑的章节屡见不鲜。
6.If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant.如果某章节不符合上面关于附属章节的定义,那它就不能被称为固定章节
7.Coherence in Disorder__Narrative Chapters and Interchapters in The Grapes of Wrath;凌而不乱——论《愤怒的葡萄》中的叙述章节和插入章节
8.Please refer to the Bone and Joint Health section for more information about osteoarthritis.更多详情请参阅骨头和关节健康相关章节
9.See Actuators and Accessories section for more detail.参阅执行机构和附件章节,了解更多细节。
10.I will send you another chapter soon.我将会在短期内寄送另一章节给您。
11.Each of these phenomena will be described in greater detail in subsequent sections.在以后的章节更详细描述每个现象。
12.A new chapter of my career as a diplomat is about to begin.我外交生涯的一个新的章节正要开始。
13.Comprehension will be assisted by reference to the corresponding section of Part I.参考第一部分有关章节可以加深理解。
14.A written text that has been abridged.删节,节略一篇缩写后的文章
15.From Luke Sixteen 19 to 31摘自《路加福音》十六章(第19节到31节)
16.This division of the chapter has several subdivisions.该章这一节里又分成几个小节.
17.Strengthen Energy-conservation and Improve Preparation of Energy Saving Specialized Chapter加强节能工作做好节能专篇(章)的编制
18.(Judaism) a chant of praise (Psalms 113 through 118) used at Passover and Shabuoth and Sukkoth and Hanukkah and Rosh Hodesh.(犹太教)一种用在逾越节、光明节等节日赞美歌(从章到章)。

3)adjusting of chapters and sections章节调整
4)chapter construction章节划分
5)Zhangjie Ti章节体
1.Sociology & Zhangjie Ti:the Symbol from Traditional Historiography to Modern Historigraphy ——One of Formations of Civilized Historiography in late Qing & Early Min;社会学与章节体:史学由传统走向现代的标志——晚清民初文明史学理论的构建之一
6)learning and integrity文章节义
