1.The Demographic Changes in Judah from the End of the Monarchy to Persian Period王国末期到波斯时期犹大地区的人口变化

1.And Tamar his daughter in law bore him Pharez and Zerah. All the sons of Judah were five.犹大的儿妇她玛给犹大生法勒斯和谢拉。犹大共有五个儿子。
2."and Tamar, his daughter-in-law, had Perez and Zerah by him. all the sons of Judah were five."犹大的儿妇他玛给犹大生法勒斯和谢拉。犹大共有五个儿子。
3.And Tamar his daughter-in-law bore him Perez and Zerah. The sons of Judah were five in all.4犹大的儿媳他玛,给犹大生法勒斯和谢拉。犹大共有五个儿子。
4.[bbe] And Tamar, his daughter-in-law, had Perez and Zerah by him. All the sons of Judah were five.犹大的儿妇他玛、给犹大生法勒斯、和谢拉.犹大共有五个儿子。
5.Judah, the oldest brother, said,最年长的哥哥犹大说道:
6.Judas betrayed Jesus to his enemies.犹大将耶稣出卖给敌人。
7.Judas betrayed Jesus (to the authorities).犹大(向当局)出卖了耶稣.
8.Judas's kiss犹大之吻(比喻出卖朋友)
9.And many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the Jews had seized them.那国的人民,有许多因惧怕犹大人,就入了犹大籍。
10.So he gave them to her and slept with her, and she became pregnant by him.”犹大就给了她,与她同寝,她就从犹大怀了孕。
11.And Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became the traitor.16雅各的兄弟犹大,和以后出卖主的加略人犹大
12.The history of Judah from that time forward is the history of the Jews and Judaism.此后犹太人和犹太教的历史基本上就是犹大支派的历史。
13.And Tamar his daughter in law bare him Pharez and Zerah. All the sons of Judah were five.代上2:4犹大的儿妇他玛、犹大生法勒斯、谢拉.大共有五个儿子。
14."But Jeroboam had put some of his men to make a surprise attack on them from the back, so some were facing Judah and others were stationed secretly at their back."耶罗波安却在犹大人的后头设伏兵。这样,以色列人在犹大人的前头,伏兵在犹大人的后头。
15."and the men of Judah gave a loud cry; and at their cry, God put fear into Jeroboam and all Israel before abijah and Judah."于是犹大人呐喊。犹大人呐喊的时候,神就使耶罗波安和以色列众人败在亚比雅与犹大人面前。
16."and the envy of Ephraim will be gone, and those who make trouble for Judah will come to an end: Ephraim will have no more envy of Judah, and there will be an end of Judah's hate for Ephraim."以法莲的嫉妒就必消散,扰害犹大的必被剪除。以法莲必不嫉妒犹大犹大也不扰害以法莲。
17.and some of the children of Benjamin and Judah came to David in his strong place.又有便雅悯和犹大人到山寨大卫那里。
18."and more than this, he made high places in the mountains of Judah, teaching the people of Jerusalem to go after false gods, and guiding Judah away from the true way."他又在犹大诸山建筑丘坛,使耶路撒冷的居民行邪淫,诱惑犹大人。

3)Judas' betrayal犹大卖主
4)Shangyoujiang dam上犹江大坝
1.Foundation leakage treatment and its result of Shangyoujiang dam;上犹江大坝辛、壬坝段坝基渗漏处理及效果
5)Utah State University犹他州大学
1.Analysis on the Management of Electronic Journals at the Library of Utah State University,USA;美国犹他州大学图书馆电子期刊管理剖析
6)Flowering Judas《开花的犹大树》
1.A Biblical Archetypal Approach to Flowering Judas;《开花的犹大树》之圣经原型解读
