
1.The Publicity of the Cyber-Space and Cyber-Public in China中国的网络世界及网络公众的公共性意义
2.Research on Internet Citizens Participation Based on Deliberative Democracy Theory;协商民主视角下的网络公众参与研究
3.The Problem and Strategy on Internet Public Participation in Environment Impact Assessment论环境影响评价中网络公众参与存在的问题与对策
4.PLMN (pulbic land mobile network)公众移动电话网络,[港]公地流动网络
5.Circuit-switched Public Data Network , CSPDN线路交换公众数据网络
6.Packet-Switched Public Data Network , PSPDN分封交换公众数据网络
7.Reflections on two dimensions of Internet literature -- Internet technology & public cognitions;反思网络文学的两个维度——网络技术与公众意识
8.The Research and Application of Security Model Based on the Public IP Network;公众IP网络安全模型的研究及应用
9.Regulatory networks and the public through information dissemination of audio-visual programmes.监督管理通过信息网络及公众传播的视听节目。
10.ARP Attack and Defence in Public Internet Community;公众网络环境中的ARP欺骗攻击与防范方法
11.A Research on the Virtual Communities Influence on the Public Figures Image;网络(虚拟)社区对公众人物及其形象的影响研究
12.The-Sales Network Buiding and Management of FAW-Volkswagen Audi Brand;一汽—大众公司奥迪品牌营销网络的建设与管理
13.Reflections on the Public Cognitive Alienations for the Harmfulness of Internet Crimes;网络犯罪危害性的公众认知异化及其反思
14.Neighboring Right Owners Rights to Communicate to the Public on Information Networks in China Copyright Law;析邻接权人“通过信息网络向公众传播”的权利
15.Morality Pre-warning Set By Public Self-authorized Agenda within Internet Communications网络传播中公众自我议程设置的道德预警
16.Initial Discussion on Smart Home System Based on Public Data Network浅谈基于公众数据网络的智能家居系统
17.Internet: Publicly accessible computer network connecting many smaller networks from around the world.网际网络:公众存取的计算机网络,由来自世界各地许多较小的网络连接而成。
18.Research on Demand Model and Network Solution of Emergency Response Capability of the Public Mobile Communication Network公众移动通信网应急能力需求模型与网络方案研究

public wireless mobile IP network公众移动IP网络
1.An automatic identification system(AIS) based on public wireless mobile IP network(MIP-AIS) was developed to solve the problem of collision avoidance and safety navigation for non-IMO convention ships in the coastal and inland waterways,which remedied the defects of the AIS based on VHF communications in application fields.为解决内河与沿海非公约适用船舶的避碰和安全航行问题,弥补现有基于VHF通信方式的AIS系统在该领域应用的缺陷,提出一种基于公众移动IP网络的AIS技术(MIP-AIS)。
3)public data network公众数据网络
4)public wireless network公众无线网络
1.The public wireless network has been used to provide communication service for smart grid in developed country.利用公众通信网络为智能电网提供服务在国外已经出现,本文在研究美国SmartSynch公司、AT&T公司和电力企业合作开发的智能电网通信系统解决方案的基础上,分析了公众无线网络与智能电网结合的优势,指出电信企业为智能电网提供通信服务将是一个有前途的新业务,并讨论了这种业务的业务模式、业务前景和它对网络的要求。
5)internet public participation网络公众参与

1ip stick分子式:CAS号:性质:专门用于涂敷口唇的唇部彩色化妆品,由油、脂、蜡等基质原料与多种色料经熔化、混合、研磨后熔烧浇铸而成,制品形态有锭状、笔状及软膏状。颜色以红色为主色调,辅以珠光或可变色彩。产品体表光洁、亮丽,结构细腻,软硬度适中,易在唇部涂展使用。卫生要求十分严格。