1.In the debate about what kind of regime really fitted China in the 1930 s some intellectuals urged the necessity of autocracy,but there was still a viice persistently advocationg democracy.在20世纪30年代中国适于何种政体的大讨论中,一些知识分子提出了在中国实行独裁政治的主张,遭到了激烈反对。
2.In the society dominated by the pursuit of democracy, there was still a voice persistently advocating autocracy.2 0世纪 30年代更有一批自由知识分子扮演了要求独裁的角色 ,并因此引发了近代史上规模最大的一场关于在中国适宜于采取何种政体的大争论。

1.dictatorial government, powers, etc独裁政治、 权力等.
2.a dictator or dictatorial person.一个独裁者或者独裁的人。
3.of or characteristic of a dictator.属于独裁或具有专制独裁者特征。
4.Of, relating to, or characteristic of a dictator or dictatorship; autocratic.独裁的具有专制独裁者特征的或独裁的;独断专行的
5.Oppressive, dictatorial control.难以忍受的独裁统治
6.The dictator was greedy for power.那个独裁者贪图权力。
7.likened to a dictator in severity.像一个独裁者似的严格。
8.Zeus was not an autocrat by any standards.宙斯绝不是一位独裁者。
9.contemned the actions of the dictator;蔑视独裁者的法令;
10.The office or tenure of a dictator.独裁者的职位或任期
11.The dictator was toppled from power.那独裁者被推翻了。
12.The dictator was suffering from megalomania.那独裁者患有夸大狂.
13.The authoritarian government was tottering.独裁政府摇摇欲坠了。
14.a dictator with much blood on his hands血债累累的独裁者.
15.A reactionary or dictatorial person.一个反动的或独裁的人
16.a tinpot little dictator无足轻重的独裁者.
17.Napoleon was a dictator.拿破仑是个独裁者。
18.He is practically a dictator.他实际上是个独裁者。

1.In the debate about what kind of regime really fitted China in the 1930 s some intellectuals urged the necessity of autocracy,but there was still a viice persistently advocationg democracy.在20世纪30年代中国适于何种政体的大讨论中,一些知识分子提出了在中国实行独裁政治的主张,遭到了激烈反对。
2.In the society dominated by the pursuit of democracy, there was still a voice persistently advocating autocracy.2 0世纪 30年代更有一批自由知识分子扮演了要求独裁的角色 ,并因此引发了近代史上规模最大的一场关于在中国适宜于采取何种政体的大争论。
1.Then we prove that for any social welfare function F,whose range contains more than two alternatives and whose domain consists of all preference profiles,the semi-strict monotonicity and weak Pareto property are the sufficient and necessary conditions of dictatorship.在这篇短文中,给出了关于社会福利函数F的半严格正向响应的概念,并且证明了如果备选对象至少有三个,则弱帕累托性质与半严格正向响应性质是独裁的充分必要条件。
2.In this paper,the definition of weak Pareto optimal,(weak) IIA,(strong) dictatorship and decisive set etc is given.给出了与多元社会福利函数相对应的弱Pareto性质,(弱)无关备选对象的独立性,(绝对)独裁及决定集等概念,并给出了独裁的一个充分条件。
3.It is discussed that under what conditions the social choice correspondences is complete dictatorship, and it is shown that for any social choice correspondences F, whose range contains more than two alternatives, the following statements are equivalent: (1) F is complete dictatorship; (2) F is not constant and strong Strategy-Proof; (3) F is poor Pareto and Strong Monotonic.给出了关于社会选择规则F强单调性及StrongStrategy-Proof的概念,讨论了社会选择规则什么情况下是完全独裁的。
1.Comparing with the totalitarianism of Nazi Germany during the same period,the essay analyzed and generalized three characteristics of the Italian fascist system,namely,rather weak political governance;restricted Mussolini s autarchy;queer“corporation nation”,and therefore,we should reflect profoundly on the political civilization of Europe.20世纪早期,以墨索里尼为首的法西斯党夺取政权,在意大利建立了独裁统治。
2.In the middle of 1930s, a debate on autarchy and democracy proceeded in China, which had 126 great significance to the cognition of the politics of China.国内思想界发生了一场对认识中国政治的本质具有极大意义的独裁与民主论战。
6)complete dictatorship完全独裁
1.It is discussed that under what conditions the social choice correspondences is complete dictatorship, and it is shown that for any social choice correspondences F, whose range contains more than two alternatives, the following statements are equivalent: (1) F is complete dictatorship; (2) F is not constant and strong Strategy-Proof; (3) F is poor Pareto and Strong Monotonic.给出了关于社会选择规则F强单调性及StrongStrategy-Proof的概念,讨论了社会选择规则什么情况下是完全独裁的。
