生态思想,Ecological Thought
1)Ecological Thought生态思想
1.Influence discussion of the ecological thought to the modern landscape design;刍议生态思想对现代景观设计的影响
2.Analysis on Marx and Engels Dialectical Materialism s Ecological Thought;马克思恩格斯的辩证唯物主义生态思想浅析

1.The persistence can keep on to develop the thought and ecosystem thoughts.坚持可持续发展思想和生态思想
2.The Enlightenment of Marxist Ecological Thinking on the Construction of Ecological Civilization马克思主义生态思想对建设生态文明的启示
3.Humanism Essence of Maxist Ecological Thought;马克思主义生态思想之人文本质浅议
4.The Ecological Thinking of Marx and Engels and Its Practical Significance马克思恩格斯生态思想及其现实意义
5.Ecological Thought of Early Confucian and Its Relationship with the Thought of Sheng;先秦儒家生态思想及其与“生”之关系
6.Poetic residence--The ecological idea implied in The Secret Life of Bees;诗意栖居——《蜜蜂的秘密生活》的生态思想
7.The Cooperation of Taoist Ecological Ideology and Contemporary Education of Ecological Morality;论道家生态思想与当代生态道德教育的协同
8.Eco-Ethics in Eco-Tourism: From the Ethical Aspect;生态旅游中的生态伦理思想渊源初探
9.The Thoughts of Ecological Balance and Ecological Recycle in Ancient China;中国古代的生态平衡和生态循环思想
10.Ecology and Economy:A History of Eco-economic Thought;生态学与经济学:生态经济思想探源
11.The Thought of Marxist Natural Productive Forces in the Ecology Sight Field生态视域中的马克思自然生产力思想
13.On Foster's Ecological Marxism;福斯特的生态学马克思主义思想研究
14.About the Thought of Ecological Esthetics in Marks Manuscript;论马克思《手稿》中的生态美学思想
15.The Ideological and Moral Construction of a Harmonious Eco-classroom Thinking构建和谐的思想品德生态课堂的思考
16.On Ben Agger's Ecological Marxism本·阿格尔“生态学马克思主义”思想研究
17.On the Ecological Harmony Ideas under the Visual Threshold of the Max and Enges马克思恩格斯视阈下的生态和谐思想
18.The Society Ecology and Ideo-Political Education Development;思想政治教育生态与思想政治教育发展

ecological thoughts生态思想
1.The following paper introduces the definition of ecology and arcology,analyzes and discusses the building s monomer,group and landscape environment by taking new campus being used in Shenyang Architecture University as an example,and proposes more composite application of ecological thoughts.介绍了生态学和生态建筑学的含义,并以沈阳建筑大学正在投入使用的新校区为例,对其建筑单体、群体、景观环境等方面进行了分析探讨,倡导更多的生态思想的综合运用。
2.His evolution theory embodied initial ecological thoughts.其进化学说体现着朴素的生态思想:自然界是个和谐发展的复杂网络系统,其成员相互依存;生物具有一定的位置体系,每种生物都在争夺各自的有限的位置;系统通过演替不断发展,自然状态下最终会达到平衡;生物通过竞争、趋异和迁移等方式获得生存优势与必要的生理条件。
3)Ecological ideas生态思想
1.The evolution of ecological ideas in urban planning——The method research of urban growth planning(Ⅱ);生态思想在城市规划理论与实践中的发展——城市生长规划方法研究(Ⅱ)
2.On the basis of summarizing the evolution of ecological ideas in constructing cities,the concept, essences and characteristics of an ecopolis are explored,and the conclusion is drawn that constructing an ecopolis would be a historical tendency.在总结建城生态思想演变的基础上,提出生态城市将成为建设可持续发展人居环境的必然归宿,并对生态城市的概念、本质及其特征进行了探讨。
3.The conclusion is that age of eco-city construction is coming soon with the mature of ecological ideas.本文通过对城市发展脉络的梳理,探讨了城市不同发展阶段人与自然的不同联系方式,认为城市生态思想的成熟必然催生生态城市建设时代的到来。
4)Ecological Idea生态思想
1.Ecological Idea and Its Implication for Environmental Management;生态思想及其对环境管理的启发
2.Poetic residence——The ecological idea implied in The Secret Life of Bees;诗意栖居——《蜜蜂的秘密生活》的生态思想
5)ecological ideology生态思想
1.The paper selects three stone inscriptions: "Time flies!" "Eagles fly and fishes swim" "The benevolent keeps silent while the wise remains active!" as an angle to uncover ecological ideology of Zhu Xi,which is regarded as a unity of ecological outlook on the world,morality and ecological esthetics.选取"逝者如斯"、"鸢飞鱼跃"和"智动仁静"这三方具有代表性的摩崖石刻来揭示朱熹的生态思想,并认为朱熹的生态思想是一个生态世界观、生态伦理观和生态美学观三者内在统一,亦即真、善、美完美结合的完整体系。
2.People pay more attention to the positive side of Confucian ecological ideology than it s negative side.当前人们在谈论儒家生态思想时 ,更多的是强调其积极方面。
3.The first part mainly excaverate the dual——cultural roots of author’s ecological ideology, that is the Kyrgyz culture and Russian culture.艾特玛托夫的小说有着浓郁的生态意识,而他的生态思想很大程度上来源于他对吉尔吉斯自然景物的热爱;对这个古老民族纯朴生活的眷恋以及对母性柔情、人与自然亲和关系的缅怀。
6)the thoughts of ecological beauty生态美思想

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