政治环境,political environment
1)political environment政治环境
1.On the Political Environmental Vicissitude and Its Influences on Drug Control Efforts of Myanmar;缅甸的政治环境变迁及其对禁毒的影响研究
2.Discussing of social political environments of business activity;商业活动的社会政治环境初探
3.Political Environment of Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia东北亚区域经济合作的政治环境

1.Talking about Mao Zedong s Political Stability and Political Environment View;试论毛泽东的政治稳定和政治环境
2.On the Education of Undergraduates Political Opinions in the Environment of the Network Politics;论网络政治环境下大学生政治观教育
3.Political Environment, Strategic Benefit and Corporate Political Action;政治环境、战略利益与公司政治行为
4.Political Environment in Colleges and Ideological Education of College Students;高校政治环境对大学生思想政治教育的影响
6.In order to accomplish this, it is essential to have a stable political environment.要做这样的事,必须有安定的政治环境
7.an intricate and confusing interpersonal or political situation.复杂混乱的人际或政治环境
8.Environment Administrative procedure plays Role in Environmental Rule of law论环境行政程序在环境法治中的作用
9.The primary research on Government s Environmental Managementfrom the Ecological Political viewpoint;生态政治视角下的政府环境管理初探
10.From the Administration to the Government: The Transformation of Environmental Administration to the Rule of Law从管理到治理:环境行政的法治转向
11.Equity and Compensation:The Juncture of Environmental Politics and Environmental Ethics;公平与补偿:环境政治与环境伦理的结合点
12.The Analysis on Legality of ENGOs Participating the Environmental Harness;环境非政府组织参与环境治理的合法性分析
13.On Geographic Environments,Traditional Political Culture and Construction of China s Politics System;地理环境、传统政治文化与中国政治制度的构建
14.Green Financial Policy-the Prioritized Policy for Governance of Ecological Environment of the Western China;绿色财政政策——治理西部生态环境的首选政策
15.Analysis of political ecology environment for legalizing administration procedures in China;政府行政程序法定化的政治生态环境分析
16.The Macro-environment of Ideological and Political Education in Xinjiang and Its Optimization;新疆思想政治教育宏观环境及其优化
17.Research on the Ideological and Political Education of College Students under the Network Environment;网络环境下大学生思想政治教育研究
18.Government Countermeasure Analysis in Solving Environmental Problems in Nanchang;南昌市生态环境治理的政府对策分析

environmental politics环境政治
4)geopolitical environment地缘政治环境
1.In the process of China s rise,the writer analyses what will be the geopolitical environment from two angles: On the one hand, the geopolitical environment of China is relatively inferior to other countries in the world and the peripheral security is of great crisis.中国地缘政治环境的状况及其对中国崛起产生的影响:一方面地缘政治环境相对恶劣,周边安全危机重重;另一方面,中国又拥有得天独厚的地缘政治经济环境。
5)political environment construction-combination政治环境整合
6)international political environment国际政治环境

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。