价值主体,value subject
1)value subject价值主体
1.From philosophical and journalistic theory we can see that besides transmission subject and acceptant subject,news value still has a third value subject-society,which is an independent one not belonging to the previou.关于新闻价值主体的构成与认定这一问题,学界一直以来对此存在一个理论缺陷,即完全忽略了把社会共同体作为新闻价值的主体的可能性和必要性,这一直影响着新闻业务的变革和新闻理论的创新。
2.With the development of golbaling and associate-practice and the emeraing of theory innovation in endlessly,we must re-orientate the value subject in order to push the course of global.在全球化和交往实践活动日益发展的情况下,在理论创新层出不穷的今天,我们必须对价值主体重新定位,以推动全球化进程和历史步伐的前进。

1.On Deng Xiaoping s Thought of Value Subject and Value Evaluation;邓小平的价值主体和价值评价思想论析
2.As the soul of criminal law, the value of criminal law must gain available support from the value subjects of criminal law.刑法价值是主宰刑法的灵魂,但刑法价值体系的架构离不开刑法价值主体的有效支撑。
3.On Contemporary Value of Socialist Nuclear Value System;论社会主义核心价值体系的当代价值
4.The Subject and the Object of the Value Evaluation of Ideological and Moral Education;思想道德教育价值评价的主体与客体
5.Value and Value Evaluation: Deep Reflections on the Relationship between Subject and Object;价值与价值评价:主客体关系的深层思考
6.On Collectivism Values and Individualism Values;整体主义价值观与个体本位价值观新论
7.Real Collective-Carrier of Collectivist Values;真实的集体——集体主义价值观的载体
8.Plural: Chuang-Tzu s Recognition Of Subjects Value Judgment;多元化:庄子对主体价值评价观的认定
9.Socialist Market Economy and the Collectivism Values;社会主义市场经济与集体主义价值观
10.Self-identity of Values and the Construction of Socialist Core Value System;论价值认同与社会主义核心价值体系的建构
11.On College Students Value Construction Guided by Socialist Core Value System;社会主义核心价值体系与大学生价值观构建
12.Contemporary Value of Structuring Socialism Core Value System;构建社会主义核心价值体系的当代价值
13.On Construction of Confucian Ren-Dao Value and Socialist Core Value System;儒家仁道价值与社会主义核心价值体系建构
14.Analysis of Value Paradigm and the Value of Educational Policy Subject;价值范式及其对教育政策主体的价值分析
15.Value and value orientations:the profound relationship and stipulation of subjectivity and objectivity;价值和价值观:主客体的深层关系及规定
16.Leading Enterprise Values Construction with Socialist Core Value System以社会主义核心价值体系引领企业价值观建设
17.Cause of Value Emergence of Socialist Core Value社会主义核心价值体系价值生成的动因
18.Cultivate the Undergraduates With the core value system of socialism用社会主义核心价值体系培育大学生的价值观

Subject of value价值主体
1.The subject of value in social development, first of all, is species, but it does not mean to cancel the status of groups or individuals.社会发展的价值主体,首先是类体,但并不取消群体和个体作为价值主体的地位。
2.The main contents are:people- oriented subject of value,common wealth aimed choice of value,practice-emphasized principle of value,three fa- vorables judged measure of value,and collectivism-focused value of life.邓小平理论包含着丰富的价值哲学思想,其主要理论内容有:以民为本的价值主体论,以共同富裕为目标的价值选择论,注重务实、讲求效益的价值原则论,以三个"是否有利于"为尺度的价值标准论,以集体主义为核心的人生价值论。
3.The subject of value is man.价值主体是人 ,价值存在于价值主体与价值客体的关系之中。
3)the subject of value价值主体
1.His idea on value is the one that takes people as the subject of value and as the subject of evaluation.邓小平的价值观是以人民为价值主体和评价主体的价值观。
2.First, we must regard the people as the subject of value, take the joint richness as the target of value and treat the three- be- beneficial- to as the criterion of value.邓小平价值观内含着四个基本点,一是以人民为价值主体,以共同富裕为价值目标,以三个“有利于”为价值标准;二是坚持实事求是、讲求实效的价值评判原则,以人民为价值评判主体;三是坚持价值与真理相统一;四是以爱国主义、集体主义和有中国特色社会主义为价值取向。
4)subject value主体价值
1.The realization of the subject values of competitive athletes has close connection with the internal factors and external factors of athletes.竞技运动者主体价值的实现涉及到运动者自身的内部因素和外在的社会文化因素影响。
2.Both of the aspects support the position of subject value of Person.这两方面共同支撑了人的主体价值地位。
5)Subjective value主体性价值
1.It expresses the subjective value in the moral activities."仁"是人的一种内在的属性和品质,它具有成己成物的内在要求,"为仁由己"说明了行为主体"求诸己"的道德修养方法和道德自律意识以及对于道德义务和道德责任的自觉意识,表明了道德实践活动中主体性价值。
2.Practice is also the ultimate means of realizing man s values, and man s objective and subjective values can only be realized through practical activities.实践是价值要素生成的基础,价值的基本要素都是在实践基础上生成的;实践是价值创造的源泉,只有实践活动才能创造出各种价值;实践还是实现人的价值的根本途径,人的客体性价值和主体性价值只有通过实践活动才能实现。
6)Value Subjectivity价值主体性
1.On Value Subjectivity Dimention of Economic Ethics:Reflection of China s Traditional Econoic Ethics Thinking;浅谈经济伦理中的价值主体性维度——对中国传统经济伦理思想的反思

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分