旅游环境容量,Tourism environmental capacity
1)Tourism environmental capacity旅游环境容量
1.,the environment quality and its evaluation of tourism destination,the influence on environment brought by tourism development and the sustainable development,tourism environmental capacity and its bearing capacity,tourism environment protection countermeasures and its management.通过对文献的统计与分析发现,当前国内区域旅游环境研究主要集中在旅游地环境质量及其评价、旅游开发的环境影响与可持续发展、旅游环境容量与旅游环境承载力、旅游环境保护对策与旅游环境管理四个方面。
2.Based on the fieldwork and startistic analysis of questionnaire survey on Nanjing eastern suburb scenic area, the paper discusses the establishment and value of tourism environmental capacity in some aspect, such as the traveling motivation of tourists, the behavior fashion of tourists and so on.通过对南京钟山风景区的实地考察和问卷调查的统计分析 ,从旅游者的旅游动机、旅游行为方式等方面论述旅游环境容量的确定和意义 ,并提出调控和管理意见 。
3.Based on the fieldwork and statistic analysis of questionnaire survey on Nanjing Eastern Suburb Scenic Area,the author discussed the establishment and value of tourism environmental capacity in some aspect,such as the traveling motivation of tourists,the behavior fashion of tourists and so on.通过对南京东郊风景区的实地考察和问卷调查的统计分析,从旅游者的旅游动机、旅游行为方式等方面论述了旅游环境容量的确定和意义,并提出了调控对策和管理意见。

1.Study on Tourism Environment Capacity of Different Sort of Tourist Zones;不同类型旅游区旅游环境容量的研究
3.Applied Study on Tourism Environmental Capacity in the Eco-tourism Planning;旅游环境容量在生态旅游规划中的应用研究
4.On the Tourist Environmental Carrying Capacity and the Characteristics of Tourist Flows in Ancient Village;古村落旅游地旅游环境容量及客流特性研究
5.Reseach on tourist carrying capacity of tourism enviroment;旅游环境容量测算在旅游规划中的应用
6.The Impact of the Carrying Capacity of Tourist Environment On the Further Development of Tourism;旅游环境容量对旅游业可持续发展的影响
7.On Management Capacity Role in the Tourist Environment Capacity System and Its Measure;管理容量在旅游环境容量体系中的作用及计量
8.Research on Tourism Environmental Carrying Capacity of Tianchi Scenic;新疆天池景区旅游环境容量调控研究
9.Tourism environmental capacity of the northern scenic area in Aiding Lake;艾丁湖北景区旅游环境容量预测研究
10.On the tour circumstance capacity of Luofushan scenic spots area;罗浮山风景名胜区旅游环境容量初探
11.Tourist carrying capacity in Huangguoshu waterfall resort;黄果树风景名胜区旅游环境容量研究
12.Carrying Capacities Analysis of Maiji Mountain Scenic Spot麦积山风景名胜区旅游环境容量分析
13.Improvement and Application of a Modified Tourism Environmental Carrying Capacity Model旅游环境容量模型的改进及应用探讨
14.Quantitative Analysis of Tourism Environment Capacity;旅游环境容量的定量分析──以九寨沟为例
15.Capacity of Ecotourism Environment Research in the Sustainable Development Eyesight;可持续发展视野下生态旅游环境容量研究
16.The Confirmation of the Capacity of the Tourist Environmental Yangling and the Application of Its Corresponding Studies;杨凌旅游环境容量的确定与其应用研究
17.Study on Tourism Environmental Carrying Capacity Management in Wuhan Mulan Celestial Lake View Spot;武汉木兰天池景区旅游环境容量管理研究

Tourism environmental carrying capacity旅游环境容量
1.A research on tourism environmental carrying capacity of ancient villages: a case study of world cultural heritage-Xidi Village;古村落旅游地旅游环境容量初探——以世界文化遗产西递古村落为例
2.So the research on tourism environmental carrying capacity is concerned by the academic circles.因此,旅游环境容量研究也受到了学术界的关注和重视。
3.The four sub-systerms of resources spatial capacity,ecological environment capacity,economic development capacity and psychological capacity were analyzed with the theory and methods of tourism environmental carrying capacity.运用有关旅游环境容量的理论与方法,通过资源空间容量、生态环境容量、经济发展容量和当地居民心理容量4个子系统进行分析,得出庐山风景名胜区旅游环境容量综合值为12804人次/d,其中生态环境容量中的水环境容量是最主要的限制因子。
3)tourist environmental capacity旅游环境容量
1.Study on the Problems of Tourist Environmental Capacity of Jiuhua Mountain;九华山旅游环境容量若干问题讨论
2.The research in this paper is focused on the national scenic resort of Tiantaish an and a quantity analysis is done of the tourist environmental capacity.以天台山国家风景名胜区为研究区域 ,对该区的旅游环境容量进行定量分析 ,并依据环境容量的量值指出存在的主要问题及其解决的措
3.The research in this paper is focused on the national scenic resort of Sanqingshan Mountains and a quantity analysis is done of the tourist environmental capacity.以三清山国家风景名胜区为研究区域,对该区的旅游环境容量进行定量分析,认为三清山南清园游览区的旅游资源容量是三清山风景名胜区旅游环境容量的"瓶颈",并对扩大其旅游环境容量提出了一些建议。
4)tourist carrying capacity旅游环境容量
1.Tourist Carrying Capacity in Karstic Caves——a Case Study in the Scenic Area of Zhijin Cave,Guizhou,China;喀斯特洞穴景区旅游环境容量研究——以织金洞为例
2.Reseach on tourist carrying capacity of tourism enviroment;旅游环境容量测算在旅游规划中的应用
3.This paper summarizes the academic fruit of tourist carrying capacity and their distinguishing features both at home and abroad, and evaluates the conventional measure formula of tourist carrying capacity which is applied widely in our country.本文总结了国外和国内旅游环境容量研究的成果和特点 ,对我国广泛应用的旅游容量传统量测公式进行了评价 ,指出了该公式存在的缺陷 ,并提出了旅游容量修订公式及其适用范围 ,最后对旅游容量实践应用时应该注意的几个问题进行了探
5)tourism environment capacity旅游环境容量
1.In this paper the authors think through analysis that tourism environment capacity in scenic and historic area of Zhongshan is also tourism resources capacity of her, and is about 19.分析表明,钟山风景名胜区的旅游环境容量即 是其旅游资源容量,约为1936万人次/年。
2.According to the estimation,the tourism environment capacity in this scenic spot has been determined to be 23.运用有关旅游环境容量的理论与方法 ,分析了东湖风景区旅游环境与旅游环境容量问题的出现与原因 ,并以土地与景区构成为基础 ,计算得出其旅游环境容量为每年2 350万人次 ,每天为 64393人次 ,同时最大游客在园量为 160 58人。
3.Based on the analysis of the actuality and the influence factors of the tourism environment capacity of Yan an,this paper gives some advice on expanding the tourism environment capacity of Yan an .本文结合延安市旅游环境的现状,对影响延安旅游环境容量的因素进行分析,找出拓展延安旅游环境容量的方向并提出了相应的拓展对策。
6)daily capacity of tourism environment旅游环境日容量
1.The daily capacity of tourism environment is the tourists\' number carried by a tourism environment in a certain period,is an important index of tourism environment capacity.旅游环境日容量是旅游环境在一个单位周期内所能容纳的旅游者数量,是旅游环境容量的一个重要指标。

旅游环境  旅游环境是由山(风景地貌和地貌构景)、水(水景和水文取景)、林木(绿化和园林生态)、建筑(与环境意境协调的或加强环境意境的单体建筑或建筑群)以及天气变化、人文特色等和谐地组合起来的场所。在一定环境中由上述要素所构成的风景,若以自然风景为主,称为天然景观;以建筑为主,称为建筑景观;以人工雕筑为主,称为雕筑景观(大型假山便是雕筑景观)。一个良好的旅游环境,必须是一个风光秀丽,未受破坏和污染,并能够满足旅游者观赏和行为心理活动的地区。旅游区有两种:一种是风景优美的天然名胜(名山大川、深山峡谷、茂密的森林、辽阔的草原、蔚蓝的海洋等),以及一些自然壮观(火山、海潮、冰川,甚至沙漠)等;另一种是人工胜地如历史古迹、著名建筑、繁华城市、优美园林等。通常是两者兼而有之。         旅游是一种既有益于身心健康,又能增长知识的康乐活动。旅游观赏是环境给予旅游者的一种心理活动。旅游者的心理活动因职业、文化素养、经济条件、年龄和性别的不同而存在差别。旅游环境的规划必须考虑到这些差别。专业性游览区为特定的旅游者服务。综合性游览区可同时满足各种旅游者的需要,例如,中国杭州西湖便是一个综合性游览区,其环境规划设计要使不同的旅游者在这里都能够得到满足。    为了引人入胜,旅游环境的规划设计,必须建设一组符合一定旅游路线的重点观赏对象,即主要风景点;还要有一定数量的能引人注目、值得仔细欣赏的对象(花卉、修剪的树形、建筑小品等);还可安排一定的对景、夹景、框景等。此外,还应建造一些供旅游者需要的旅馆、商店和娱乐场所。    旅游事业的发展也会促使新的环境问题的出现。人流在节假日涌向游览区,对地面的践踏破坏了植被。饮食服务行业的污水排放,各种垃圾废品的抛掷,造成各种污染。现代化交通工具排放出大量有害废气等,导致旅游环境的恶化。另外,不恰当地在旅游区或其外围进行开发建设,特别是发展工业,使旅游环境质量下降,严重时还会破坏文物古迹,如酸雨对石雕(主要是大理石和石灰岩的雕刻)和铜铸品的腐蚀。因此要对旅游环境采取保护措施,如制定游览规则和路线,限制进入游览区的人数,进行文明道德宣传,把排放污染物的工厂设置在游览区的下风、下水方向,要求在游览区上风、上水方向的工厂加强废弃物的治理,或把工厂迁往他处。