旅游生态足迹,touristic ecological footprint
1)touristic ecological footprint旅游生态足迹
1.A Study on Touristic Ecological Footprint of Dujiangyan City;都江堰市旅游生态足迹研究
2.Based on the theory of ecological footprint and the character of tourism consumption,we divided the touristic ecological footprint(TEF)into six components,for example:touristic traffic,touristic catering,touristic accommodation,touristic shopping,touristic sightseeing,touristic entertainment,and evaluated the TEF of Fuzhou National Forest Park.基于生态足迹的理论,从旅游者消费结构特征出发,将城市森林公园的游客生态足迹划分为旅游交通、餐饮、住宿、购物、游览、娱乐等6个方面,并以福州国家森林公园为例,计算出2006年公园的人均均衡旅游生态足迹0。
3.The paper puts forward the concept of touristic ecological footprint and its calculation model by taking Jiuzhaigou natural reserve as an example,calculates and analyses the tourists and residents ecological footprints.文章提出旅游生态足迹的概念与计算方法,以九寨沟为例,构建基于旅游生态足迹效率的自然保护区居民生态补偿标准的测度模型。

1.An Analysis of Touristic Ecological Footprint and Eco-compensation of Jiuzhaigou in 2002;九寨沟旅游生态足迹与生态补偿分析
2.Touristic ecological footprint:a new yardstick to assess sustainability of tourism;旅游生态足迹:测度旅游可持续发展的新方法
3.Touristic Ecological Footprint Model and Analysis of Huangshan City in 2002;旅游生态足迹模型及黄山市实证分析
4.Study on the Debelopment of eco-tourism of Tiantangzhai Based on Touristic Ecological Footprint in Anhui province;基于旅游生态足迹的皖西天堂寨生态旅游发展研究
5.Analysis of Tiantangzhai Based on Touristic Ecological Footprint;基于旅游生态足迹的皖西天堂寨的实证研究
6.Evaluation of Touristic Ecological Footprint of City:A Case Study of Fuzhou City in Fujian Province;城市旅游生态足迹测评——以福建省福州市为例
7.The Study and Analyses of Tourism Ecological Footprint of Yabuli International Ski Resort;亚布力滑雪旅游度假区旅游生态足迹分析与研究
8.The Assessment of Shandong Province Tourism Sustainable Development Based on the Model of Tourism Ecological Footprint;基于旅游生态足迹模型的山东省旅游可持续发展评价
9.The quantitative study on the tourism sustainable development based on the model of tourism ecological footprint;基于旅游生态足迹模型的西安市旅游可持续发展评估
10.Sustainable Development Assessment of Dongshan Island Tourism Based on Tourism Ecological Footprint Model;基于旅游生态足迹模型的东山岛旅游可持续发展评价
11.Calculation of tourism environmental carrying capacity on tourist ecological footprint model;旅游者生态足迹模型对旅游环境承载力的计算
12.Model Based on Quantitative Estimation in Scenic Spots Ecological Footprint;旅游景区生态足迹定量测算模型研究
13.The ecological footprint study of tourism itinerary production in Shangri-La, Yunnan Province;云南香格里拉旅游线路产品生态足迹
14.Ecological footprint and sustainable development of Xining City tourism西宁市旅游业生态足迹与可持续发展
15.Developing Ecological Tourism of Yellow Sea Tidal Mudflat Based on Theory of Ecological Footprint;基于生态足迹的黄海滩涂生态旅游开发研究
16.Estimation of Ecological Carrying Capacity of Tourism Based on Ecological Footprint;基于生态足迹的旅游生态环境承载力计算方法
17.A Study on Sustainable Tourism Development under Ecological Footprint Model;基于生态足迹模型的旅游可持续发展评价研究
18.Review on Applications of Ecological Footprint Model in Tourism Science;生态足迹模型在旅游科学中的应用研究进展

tourism ecological footprint旅游生态足迹
1.The quantitative study on the tourism sustainable development based on the model of tourism ecological footprint;基于旅游生态足迹模型的西安市旅游可持续发展评估
2.Measuring tourism area sustainability based on tourism ecological footprint:a case study in Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County;基于旅游生态足迹模型的旅游区可持续发展度量——以云南省丽江纳西族自治县为例
3.The Study and Analyses of Tourism Ecological Footprint of Yabuli International Ski Resort;亚布力滑雪旅游度假区旅游生态足迹分析与研究
3)tourist ecological footprint旅游生态足迹
1.Based on the theory of ecological footprint,this article divides tourist ecological footprints with total area of 5739.基于生态足迹的理论,将兴文世界地质公园的旅游生态足迹划分为旅游交通、餐饮、住宿、购物、游览、娱乐等6个方面,对小岩湾景区的旅游生态足迹进行研究。
4)traveling ecological footprint旅游生态足迹
1.The traveling ecological footprint is the application of the ecological footprint in the study of tourism, which is narrate by sensible land measure of all kinds of resource consume and castoff absorption of tourist in scenic spot in the tour process, then, it help us to understand the tour requirement and environment infection of the tour activit.旅游生态足迹是生态足迹在旅游研究中的应用,是把旅游过程中旅游者在旅游景区消耗的各种资源和废弃物吸收,用被人容易感知的面积来表述,从而有助于对旅游活动的旅游需求和环境影响的理解,以评价景区生态环境质量。
5)Tourism Ecological Footprint(TEF)旅游生态足迹(TEF)
6)ecological footprint生态足迹
1.Study on ecological reconstruction in Yulin based on ecological footprint;基于生态足迹法的榆林市生态重建研究
2.Effects of urbanization on supply and demand of regional ecological footprint;城市化对区域生态足迹供需的影响

生态足迹“生态足迹”也称“生态占用”,是20世纪90年代初由加拿大生态经济学家提出的。  科学家们首先需要收集一个区域或国家人口大量的衣、食、住、行以及他们所产生的废弃物方面的数据,然后把它们折算成可以生产或吸收这些资源的陆地或水域生态系统的面积。可以形象地理解成一只负载着人类和人类所创造的城市、工厂、铁路、农田……的巨脚踏在地球上时留下的脚印大小。  生态足迹的意义不在强调“事情到底有多坏”,而是探讨人类持续依赖自然以及要怎么做才能保障地球的承受力,进而支持人类未来的生存。  有专家指出,了解生态的限制可以帮助人类做出以自然为依据的抉择。