环境危机,Environmental crisis
1)Environmental crisis环境危机
1.Disenchantment and Reenchantment: Surveying Environmental Crisis with Natural View;“祛魅”与“返魅”——环境危机产生的自然观审视
2.The global environmental crisis is the consequence of modernity.全球性的环境危机是现代性的危机。
3.Facing a global environmental crisis, human beings have to respond in a reasonable way, and reflect on their own behaviours.面对全球性的环境危机,人类不得不对自己的行为作出理性反省。

1.The Essence of Environmental Crisis: the Crisis of Human Reason;环境危机的实质——人类理性的危机
2.Study on cause analysis and countermeasures of enterprise’s innovation environment crisis;企业创新环境危机的原因分析与对策
3.Environmental Crisis-Exploration into the Reality;环境危机——一个现实问题的实质探究
4.A New Reflection on the Relationship between Man and Nature in the Age of Environmental Crisis;环境危机时代人与自然关系的新思考
5.The International Cooperation of Environmental Crisis Management in Northeast Asia东北亚地区环境危机管理的国际合作
6.Abstract: Urban development is facing an ecological crisis as the destruction of environment.文摘:随着环境污染日趋严重,现代城市建设面临着生态环境危机
7.Industrial pollution is destroying the health of people living by the cradle of Chinese civilisation, the Yellow River.环境危机正威胁着中华文明的摇篮—黄河流域。
8.Research on Library Crisis and Crisis Management under Digital Network Context数字网络环境下图书馆的危机与危机管理研究
9.Financial Crisis and Environmental Protection--Philosophy Consideration of Response for Environmental Protection to the Financial Crisis金融危机与环境保护——环境保护应对金融危机之哲学思考
10.On The Challenge & Opportunity For Environmental Legal System Construction以环保应对危机——环境法制建设的挑战与机遇
12.Strategies to Handle Brand Name Crises in an Intricate Internet System;复杂网络环境下的品牌危机处理策略
13.Environment and Energy Crisis and the New Way of China s Industrialization;环境能源危机与中国新型工业化道路
14.On the Trust Crisis of Internet and Ethics Environment of Electronic Business;网络信任危机与电子商务的伦理环境
15.On the trust crisis of Internet and ethics cultural environrnent of electronic business;网络购物的伦理环境与网络信任危机
16.References of Environment Legal Construction to the Economic Crisis环境法治建设对经济危机的方略借鉴
17.Study on College Students Employment in Financial Crisis金融危机环境下大学生就业问题研究
18.Research on Graduate Employment under the Financial Crisis Environment金融危机环境下大学毕业生就业研究

environment crisis环境危机
1.Therefore, to find the philosophical root of environment crisis is to fi.因此,探究环境危机的哲学根源,需要找出人类在世界观、认识论与价值论上存在的问题。
2.This paper analyzes the nature and origin of environmental crisis from the aspect of human nature,and it actively probes into the approaches to overcome environment crisis.环境危机正在威胁着整个人类的生死存亡,环境问题已经成为亟待解决的时代课题。
3.Since the 21st century, Chinese government faced with challenge of the environment crisis.二十一世纪以来,中国政府面临环境危机的挑战。
3)crisis environment危机环境
4)crisis of water environment水环境危机
5)modern environmental crises现代环境危机
6)the steadily crisis of environment环境"持续性"危机

海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environment  haiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。