生态道德教育,ecological moral education
1)ecological moral education生态道德教育
1.This paper introduces the present situation of Chinese ecological moral education for university students and the contents of the ecological moral education, and advances some measures for carrying out the ecological moral education for university students by university library.介绍了我国大学生生态道德教育的现状和生态道德教育的内容,提出了图书馆对大学生进行生态道德教育的措施。
2.Based on the necessity and possibility of ecological moral education on the city senior students in China, and the present situation and problems, the thesis has done a series of studies and analyses.生态危机导致了人类生存危机,也提出了道德教育的新话题——生态道德教育
3.As a result, ecological moral education strengthening and man and nature harmony promotion is the important content of realizing sustainable development and necessary requirement of building a socialistically harmonious society.因而,加强生态道德教育,促进人与自然的和谐,是实现社会可持续发展的重要内容,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。

1.A New Subject of Moral Education in the 21st Cencury: Ecological Morals Education;21世纪德育新课题:生态道德教育
2.The Cooperation of Taoist Ecological Ideology and Contemporary Education of Ecological Morality;论道家生态思想与当代生态道德教育的协同
3.The Study on Ecology Morality Education for City Senior High School Students城市高中学生生态道德教育问题研究
4.Ecological Moral Education: an innovation in school moral education;创新学校德育开展对青少年的生态道德教育
5.Eco-moral Education of University Students with Confucian Ecological Concept;结合儒家生态观对大学生开展生态道德教育
6.Revelations on Ecological Morality Education Provided by Harmonious Thought;和谐思想对学校生态道德教育的启示
7.On Necessity of Giving Peasants Education in Ecological Morals;论对农民进行生态道德教育的必要性
8.The Complexity Science Perspective on Universities and College Ecological Moral Education复杂科学视野中的高校生态道德教育
9.Study on the Biological Moral Education of Senior High School Students in Northwest of China;西北地区高中生生态道德教育问题研究
10.Practical Significance and Countermeasures of Ecological Moral Education For University Students;大学生生态道德教育的现实意义和对策
11.Thought on Strengthening the College Students’ Ecological Morality Education;关于加强大学生生态道德教育的理性思考
12.Ecological Moral Education of College Students is Essential to the Construction of Harmonious Society构建和谐社会应加强大学生的生态道德教育
13.On the Ecological Moral Education under the Harmonious Society;论与构建和谐社会相适应的生态道德教育
14.The General Goal and Principles of School Ecological Moral Education;浅析生态道德教育的目标及其基本原则
15.Study on the Present Situation and Countermeasures of the Eco-morality Education新时期高校生态道德教育的现状及对策探究
16.The Education Research of Fostering the University Students' Ecology Morals in Visual Field of Ecological Civilization生态文明视域下大学生生态道德养成教育研究
17.Environmental Ethics Education--the soul of ecological civilization;环境伦理道德教育——生态文明的灵魂
18.The Latent Curriculum--On eco-morals education curriculum;潜在课程——生态型道德教育课程的思考

eco-moral education生态道德教育
1.This paper talks about the present status and countermeasures of eco-moral education.随着生态危机的日益加深以及人类自我意识的觉醒,生态道德教育已经引起许多国家的重视。
2.Based on the demonstration of the important value and significance of these propositions in the eco-moral education of university students,the author puts forward some suggestions on how to enhance the eco-moral e.中国儒家思想家的生态智慧理念是中华民族的宝贵财富,蕴藏着丰富的思想内涵和生态道德哲理,文章深入阐述了儒家“天人合一”、“仁民爱物”和“节用而爱人”的命题对于大学生生态道德教育的重要价值和意义,并提出了如何利用儒家生态观加强对大学生的生态道德教育
3.Ecological crisis has not only caused the survival crisis of mankind, but also raised a new topic for moral education, that is eco-moral education, because the essence of ecological crisis is the values and ethics of .生态危机导致了人类生存危机,也提出了道德教育的新话题——生态道德教育,因为,生态危机的实质是人类的价值取向和伦理道德问题。
3)eco-morality education生态道德教育
1.A Study on College Students Eco-Morality Education;大学生生态道德教育研究
2.The thesis analyzes the status of the eco-morality education in colleges and universities and some reasons leading to it, learns from some successful foreign countries, searches for the realizations and routes.随着生态危机的日益加深以及人类自我意识的觉醒,生态道德教育已经引起许多国家的重视。
4)ecological and moral education生态道德教育
1.On the Ecological and Moral Education in the Harmonious Society论和谐社会背景下的生态道德教育
2.Strengthen ecological and moral education is to implement the strategy of sustainable development of specific actions, reactive power in the contemporary era, the benefit of future generations.加强生态道德教育,是实施可持续发展战略的具体行动,功在当代,惠及子孙。
5)On the Morals in Ecology论生态道德教育
6)ecological morality education生态道德观教育
1.Strengthening ecological morality education in universities is a rational choice for university moral education to meet the demand of our era.加强高校生态道德观教育,一方面是高校德育适应时代发展的需要,另一方面是树立和落实科学发展观的需要。

成功道德描写的教育作用成功道德描写的教育作用education by successful moral writting  驱力,给人以启发和勇气,促人前进,甚至陪伴人们走完人生的历程。这些其他手段难以比拟和代替的道德教育作用,是文学中的道德描写通过艺术形象诱发读者的想像、牵动读者的感情而实现的。 (梁息全撰}亘{巫固审)成功道德描写的教育作用(。ducationby sueeessfu一moral writting)文学的道德内容熔铸在形象之中,对人的品德影响是在无声无形中进行的。成功的道德描写的教育作用有:(l)能激发人们的道德情感、荡涤人们的心灵。作品中的道德力量能激发人们的思想情感,但又不停留于斯。作品描写得好,就会拨动人的心弦。在赏心悦目的欣赏过程中,读者的心灵被荡涤、情操被陶冶,促使人去追求做一个有益于人民的有价值的人。(2)能使人辨美丑、分善恶、明是非,提高读者的道德认识能力。在形象感染的过程中提高了读者的道德判断力,促使正确的道德观念和信念的形成。这种情理结合的判断力不仅充实了人们的道德意识,而且成为道德情绪中的直觉力量,成为人们面临实际情境时迅速进行道德定向,作出合乎道德反应的内驱力。(3)能给人以前进的勇气、开拓新生活的力量。作品通过潜移默化使读者形成追求美好境界的道德信念和情操。成功的道德描写促成的这种内