生态正义,ecological justice
1)ecological justice生态正义
1.There are the four theories considering the ecological civilization and harmonious society from the Marxism ecological thought,the life right of human beings,the ecological justice and the natural harmony.从马克思生态思想、人的生存权利的实现、生态正义和生活自然的"和谐"等方面思考"生态文明与和谐社会建设"的内在机理,提出生态文明是对资本主义工业文明的超越,是人类文明的新阶段和新发展,符合人类的生存权利走向现实的"定在"。
2.The basic principle of ecological justice is to maintain the harmony between man and the Na.生态正义实质上是人对与自己的生存和发展密切相关的各种生命以及整个自然界所持的价值观念、价值规范、评价准则的反思和构想 ,其核心是人与自然的关系。
3.To realize the ecological justice is the important objective of building a well-off society in an all-round way and of realizing the harmonious development of society.作为社会正义的重要组成部分之一,生态正义是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要目标。

1.Ecological Justice and Its Realization from the View of Harmonious Society;和谐社会视角下的生态正义及其实现
2.Analysis on Theoretical and Practical Reasons of "Environmental Justice" Thought;“生态正义”思想的理论理性与实践理性分析
3.Justice in Distribution: An Indispensable Ethical Element for Building an Ecological Civilization;分配正义:建设生态文明不可或缺的伦理之维
4.The Significance of Compreheading in the College Students Psychological Status Job-Hunting;试论正确把握专科毕业生择业心态的意义
5.Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude; righteousness.正义行为举止或态度上符合道义上的公正;正当
6.Is Global Green Governance Possible? Green Justice and Overcoming the Dilemma of Ecological Security;“全球绿色治理”是否可能?——绿色正义与生态安全困境的超越
7.However, we cannot disregard the insight of eco-socialist, but we should scrutinize once more and develop historical materialism to maintain its age feature forever.但我们应当正视生态社会主义者的洞见,在争鸣中发展历史唯物主义。
8.dynamic correction function generator动态校正函数发生器
9.Somebody lived to shield the right;有人一生都在捍卫正义;
10.Hiatus and Remedy:from Administrative Ecology to Ecological Administration;缺失与斧正——从行政生态到生态行政
11.Ecological Instruction:Ecological Trend of Instruction Study;生态化教学:教学研究的生态主义取向
12.On the ecological centre doctrine principle in ecological aesthetics;试论生态美学中的生态中心主义原则
13.This attitude was equated with justice by Cicero.西塞罗将这种态度看成是正义。
14.On the Idea of the Original Position in Rawls Theory of Justice;论罗尔斯正义理论中的“原初状态理念”
15.System Justice: A Research into the Problem of Justice in the Current Social Life;制度正义:当前我国社会生活中正义问题研究
16.Research Progress of Ecological Footprint Improved Models生态足迹的修正模型研究前沿与动态
17.For my part, the care which I have exercised, gentlemen, has been directed by but one motive that-the state shall have justice done.拿我来说,我所以采取审慎的态度,先生们,只是本着一个动机,就是国家要能伸张正义。
18.Factors of Capitalism Ideology:Non-ecological Effect on Traditional Economic Development Outlook资本主义意识形态中的非生态化影响

generalized ecological justice广义生态公正
3)health justice卫生正义
1.The Health Justice Deficiency and the Over-High Mortality Rate of Puerperants in Floating Population;流动人口孕产妇死亡率畸高背后“失落”的卫生正义
2.From the view of realizing health justice,The paper discusses the consistent objective between health justice and "Primary Health Care for all".从实现卫生正义的视角,阐述了卫生正义与“人人享有卫生保健”的目标一致性,提出并论述了初级卫生保健是新时期实现卫生正义的有效路径,强化政府对初级卫生保健的责任和职能,以农村初级卫生保健为重点,大力发展城乡社区卫生服务等策略建议。
4)production in justness and rationality生产正义
5)ecological obligation生态义务
1.There are such factors in legal relation of ecology as ecological body;ecological right;ecological obligation;ecological object.生态法律关系的要素包括生态权利和生态义务、生态主体和生态客体。
6)Ecological significance生态意义
1.Ecological significance of plant gaseous nutrition and green power;植物气态营养与绿能的生态意义
2.Distribution of abundance on meiobethos and its ecological significance in Xunjiang Bay, Xiamen;厦门浔江湾小型底栖生物数量分布及生态意义
3.Studies on the Paving Environment Design in Urban Public Space from View of the Ecological Significance;城市公共开放空间中生态意义的铺地环境设计研究

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