社会选择,social choice
1)social choice社会选择
1.A Study on Social Choice Based on Voting;基于投票的社会选择研究
2.The paper is a study of individual liberal rights in social choice.研究了社会选择中的个人主权问题。
3.The individual liberal right in social choice is studied.研究了社会选择中的个人主权问题 。

1.Community Establishment: the Transformation from the Government Choice to the Social Choice;社区建设:从政府选择走向社会选择
2.Institutional Innovation of State-owned Forest Innovation--From Government Choice to Social Choice国有林区体制创新——从政府选择转向社会选择
3.The Antithesis Quality of the Social Welfare Function and Social Choice Rules;社会福利函数与社会选择规则的对偶性质
4.Social Responsibility of Corporate--The Choice of the Enterprise and Society to Win;企业社会责任——企业与社会共赢的选择
5.The Problem of Social Sex Equality Research on the Choice of Social Security System;社会保障制度选择中的社会性别平等问题研究
6.Choice of Channels for Constructing Socialist Harmonious Society;试论构建社会主义和谐社会的路径选择
7.Approaches to Constructing the Harmonious Society During the Social Transformation;社会结构变迁过程中构建和谐社会的路径选择
8.Social Mobility of Farmers and Option for Social Policies in the South of Jiangsu--Taking Kunshan as an example;农民社会流动与苏南社会政策选择——以昆山为例
9.Social Security Tax:The Best Choice for Financing Models of the Optimized Social Security;社会保障税:优化社会保障筹资模式的最佳选择
10.The view of socialist grace or disgrace is the inevitable choice of constructing the harmonious society;社会主义荣辱观是构建和谐社会的必然选择
11.The Relationship of Constructing a Socialist and Harmonious Socitty and the Pattern Selection of Social Control in China;构建和谐社会与当代中国社会控制模式选择
12.Choice of Criminal Policy in the Process of Constructing Harmonious Socialist Society in China;中国构建社会主义和谐社会刑事政策的选择
13.Deliberative democracy:the realistic choice in constructing socialist harmonious society;协商民主:构建社会主义和谐社会的现实选择
14.Executive Options for Administrative Value in the Process of Building a Harmonious Socialist Society社会主义和谐社会构建中的行政价值选择
15.On the Tax Policy to Construct Socialism Harmonious Society in China构建社会主义和谐社会税收政策选择研究
16.On Social Progress of Diversified Choices in Social Security Main Body论多元化社会保障主体选择的社会进步性
17.The Choice of the Socialist Road and the Adhering to the Road of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics社会主义道路的选择与中国特色社会主义道路
18.Socio-Cultural Development Alternatives in a Changing World变化中世界的社会文化发展选择

Social selection社会选择
1.From the evolutionary perspective technology progress strategy is characterized by diversity,consistency and social selection etc which lend a smack of evolution to its evolutionary process.从进化的视角出发,技术进步策略由于其所具有的多样性、延续性和社会选择性等特点而使其演化过程具有进化色彩。
2.The mutual stipulation of man and nature is the prerequisite of the ecology-based outlook on the world and the mutual stipulation of natural selection and social selection is the realistic foundation of the ecology-based outlook on the world.人与自然的相互规定性是生态世界观的前提条件,自然选择与社会选择的相互规定性是生态世界观的现实基础。
3)the Social Choice Theory of Urban Planning社会选择论
4)social choice method社会选择方法
5)social choice function社会选择函数
1.Multivalued social choice function of strategyproof is studied.研究了多值社会选择函数的防策略性,介绍了多值社会选择函数的防策略性定义,对其在严格偏好情况下的性质进行了研究分析。
2.Theorem is one of the mecessary theorems in social choice theory,which demonstrates the social choice function of a definition under an extensive preference domain.该定理说明一个定义在广泛偏好域上的社会选择函数,如果它的值域中至少包含三个备选社会状态,那么它是防策略的当且仅当它是独裁的。
3.We analyze the three conditions that Hattori has given,and then establish a new social choice function with subordinate reations,which only satisfy the condition of unrestricted domain and not the conditions of existence of a dictator and independence of influence of irrelevant individual,so as to make the social choice functions with subordinate relations more complete.分析了Hattori给出的三个条件的合理性,并建立了一个仅满足非限制域条件而不满足存在一个独裁者与无关个人影响力独立性条件的具有从属关系的社会选择函数,使具有从属关系的社会选择函数族更加完备。
6)social choice rule社会选择规则
1.Given a society of finite individuals and the set of two alternatives,we define the majority rule as a social choice rule and give some sufficiency and necessity conditions when the social choice rule is the majority rule.在给定的有限的参与人集合及两个备选对象集的条件下,就社会选择规则定义了一种简单多数规则,并给出了一社会选择规则是简单多数规则的几个充要条件。
2.Given a society of finite individuals and any set of alternatives, we discuss the sufficiency and necessity condition or sufficiency condition when the social welfare function is a majority rule; Given a society of finite individuals and finite set of alternatives, we define the majority rule as a social choice rule and give some sufficiency and nece.本文第一章将就两个备选对象定义的Asan的弱路径独立性和Woeginger的亚社会可约性概念推广到任意备选对象集,在给定的有限的参与人集合及任意备选对象集的条件下,讨论了一社会福利函数是简单多数规则的充要或充分条件;第二章在给定的有限的参与人集合及有限的各选对象集的条件下,就社会选择规则定义了一种简单多数规则,并给出了一社会选择规则是简单多数规则的几个充要条件。
3.It will establish a model of 2-person Bayesion mechanism under above environments and give a sufficient and necessary condition of social choice rule that can be Bayesian implemented when the individual preferences and initial endowments are both incomplete information.将Dutta和Sen(1994)关于不完全信息环境中二人贝叶斯执行问题扩展到纯交换经济环境中,建立了纯交换经济的双人贝叶斯机制模型,给出当偏好关系和初始禀赋都是不完全信息环境下,一个社会选择规则贝叶斯可执行的充分条件和必要条件。

社会选择理论社会选择问题属于福利经济学的论题,含义是如何通过个人选择来确定社会选择,或者说,如何通过个人的意愿来决定社会的意愿。具体地讨论社会选择问题,就会涉及到人们的价值判断问题,但高级微观经济学把此问题抽象化,使其变成定出一套规则,按照这套规则并依据社会上各人的偏好来定出社会的偏好。高级微观经济学不讨论这套规则对谁有利、是否符合道德规范等价值判断问题,因而所作的社会选择问题研究属于实证经济学的范畴。投票悖论是社会选择问题的原型,它假定某选区有三名候选人甲、乙和丙,要求选民按照自己心目中的顺序对他们进行排序,最后按照得票多少排出三位候选人的名次。投票的结果是: 三分之一选民的排序为:甲、乙、丙;三分之一选民的排序为:乙、丙、甲;三分之一选民的排序为:丙、甲、乙。于是出现了这样的情况:三分之二的选民认为甲比乙好,三分之二的选民认为乙比丙好,还有三分之二的选民认为丙比甲好。结果,按照少数服从多数的原则,社会就无法在甲、乙、丙之间排出先后名次来。阿罗在1951年对此问题进行了深刻研究,证明了社会选择的不可能性定理。自阿罗以后六十年代以来,出现了许多这方面的新成果,集中研究怎样给出社会选择原则、在什么条件下社会选择是可能的、又在什么条件下社会选择是不可能的。至今,社会选择问题仍是众所关注的。