赤壁市,Chibi City
1)Chibi City赤壁市
1.The Features and Development of Eco tourist Resources in Chibi City;赤壁市生态旅游资源特色与开发
2.Xindian lies in south-west of Chibi city, separated to linxiang city of Hunan province by a river, it had been a material distrib.新店古镇地处湖北省赤壁市西南边陲,与湖南省临湘市一河之隔,早在明清时期就是湘、鄂、赣三省及周边五县市的物资集散地,又以运送羊楼洞的砖茶而名扬鄂南,它是沟通湘、鄂的经济文化走廊,有着悠久的历史,浓厚的地域文化,特色鲜明的空间形态和传统建筑,并忠实地记录着当地历史、经济、文化发展的进程。

1.The analysis of SWOT about tourism market of Chibi;赤壁市旅游市场发展的SWOT分析
2.Research on Design and Investing Management of Chibi Sewage Treatment Plant赤壁市污水处理厂设计投资管理研究
3.The Study of Chibi City's Urban Land Grading Based on GIS基于GIS技术的赤壁市城区土地定级研究
4.A Study on Evaluation of the Benchmark Land Price in Chibi City Based on Kriging Interpolation基于Kriging空间插值法的赤壁市城区基准地价评估研究
5.Though Chi Bi,which is now Chi Ji Hill in southwest Wu Chang in Wu Han City,has become obscured,it should be reinstated.展开遭遇战的赤壁 ,即今武汉市武昌西南的赤矶山 ,虽已湮没 ,应为其正名。
6.War of Chibi Took Place in Chibi Street and Tongzhong Town, Hanchuan,Hubei;赤壁之战古战场新考——真正赤壁之战古战场在汉川
7.Excavation of a Liao Dynasty Tombs Containing Mural Paintings at Baoshan ,Chifeng,Inner Mongolia内蒙古赤峰宝山辽壁画墓发掘简报
8.After Battle at the Red Wall, assists Liu Bei to still Jing Nan.赤壁之战后,协助刘备平定荆南。
9.Those who sojourn at Su Dongpo's Red Cliff should not miss the opportunity of reading aloud at the spot the inspired lines of the poet:游东坡赤壁,不妨一吟他的神来之笔:
10.Chihpi is situated on the south bank of the Yangtse River, to the northeast of Chiayu Hupeh Province.赤壁在今湖北省蒲圻县西北长江南岸。
11.The Battle of the Red Cliffs determined the triangular balance of power of the three kingdoms, Wei, Shu and Wu.赤壁之战决定了魏、蜀、吴三国鼎足之势。
12.On Su Shi s Colligraphic Thought in the "Ode of Chibi" in the Expression;论苏轼的书学思想在《赤壁赋》中的体现
13.Argument about the Mis-printed Characters in the Poem "Niannujiao-Chibi";《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》词“强虏”辨
14.The Reknowledge of Key Note in the Affection of "Former Fu on the Red Cliff";对《前赤壁赋》感情基调的重新认识
15.The Exploration of Artistic Features of SU Shi s Former Part and Latter Part of Chi Bi Fu;苏轼前后《赤壁赋》艺术特点共性探索
16.The Narrative Rhythm of the Battle of Chi Bi in the Historical Novel Three Kingdoms;论《三国演义》赤壁之战的叙事节奏
17.Several Issues in Niannujiao Memory of the Past at Chibi by Su Shi;苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》词中的几个问题
18.On the Works of Using the Rhyme Sequence of "NianNuJiao.Meditating on the Past in ChiBi" By Sushi;苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》之步韵词论略

Chibi No.1 Middle School赤壁市一中
1.Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Test Anxiety of the Students in Chibi No.1 Middle School;本文探讨了考试焦虑的成分、形成过程和考试焦虑的程度划分,分析了学校内的年级、文理科、性别等因素对高中生考试焦虑的影响及相关关系,并以湖北省赤壁市一中544名分别来自不同年级和不同学科性质的学生作为被试,应用TAS《考试焦虑量表》和自编的问卷对学生进行心理测量,了解高中生考试焦虑的普遍状况和高中生考试焦虑的成因。
1.Several Issues in Niannujiao Memory of the Past at Chibi by Su Shi;苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》词中的几个问题
4)Chibi region赤壁地区
5)Battle of Chibi赤壁之战
1.A Reflect of Luo guanzhong s Achievements in Literature from the chapter of "Battle of Chibi" in the "Romance of the Three Kindoms ;从《三国演义》赤壁之战的描写看罗贯中的艺术成就
2.An important reason for Cao Cao s failure in the Battle of Chibi is that after occupying Jiangling,Cao Cao was arrogant because of victory.赤壁之战胜败原因后人多有评说,几成定论。
3.Especially in the battle of Chibi,Cao Cao was honored though defeated.尤其赤壁之战,曹操虽败犹荣。
6)Chi Bi Fu赤壁赋
1.Su Shi s Buddhist trend in his former and latter Chi Bi Fu;苏轼前后《赤壁赋》的佛道倾向

赤壁  中国长江中游古战场。位于今湖北省蒲圻西北约40公里、长江南岸赤壁山,隔江与洪湖县乌林相望。元以前属蒲圻县,明曾一度改属嘉鱼县,故明、清有些史料记载:赤壁位嘉鱼西南。因江边山体为红砂岩构成,崖壁呈赭红色,故名赤壁。赤壁山一面临江,三面环山,主峰望江峰海拔73米。临江一面山势陡峭,群崖壁立,有一石崖突出,高20余米,形如长垣,伸入水面,横截江流,颇为险要。长江北岸湖泊密布,南岸山峦连绵。沿江可东至夏口(今武汉境),西达江陵,与乌林共锁长江航道,堪为水陆用兵之地。东汉建安十三年 (208)秋,曹操夺取荆州(今湖北襄阳),占领江陵后,欲乘胜兼并江东,遂率师顺流东下,被孙权、刘备联军阻于赤壁。曹军初战失利,退回江北,屯兵乌林,与联军隔江对峙。东吴都督周瑜以曹操骄躁轻敌、远道劳师,兵不善水战且疫疾流行,巧用火攻大败曹军,奠定了魏、蜀、吴三足鼎立之势,史称赤壁之战。赤壁由此闻名。赤壁古战场遗址,历来存有争议,一说在今武昌西南35里的赤矶山。