文化范式,cultural paradigm
1)cultural paradigm文化范式
1.The cultural paradigm of translation studies takes translating as not only practical activities, but also discourse constructs.翻译研究已历经古典范式、语言学范式、文学范式到文化范式的变革。
2.To explore on the deep spiritual base,we should make profound reflection and criticism on the philosophical foundation of industrial civilization,advocate a new world outlook of ecological civilization,and radicate a new cultural paradigm adaptive to it so as to accomplish the construction of its profound cultural framework.对生态文明的深层思想基础和精神追求的探寻,首先应对工业文明的哲学基础进行深刻的反思和批判,进而在此基础上倡导一种新的生态文明的世界观,并确立与之相适应的文化范式,从而完成对生态文明深层文化结构的建构。
3.In domestic translation studies,some ontologists maintain that translation studies under cultural paradigm has conspicuously remained a center in academia,however it kept away from linguistic issues in translation,thus not regarded as the ontology of translation studies.国内译学界一些学者认为,翻译研究文化范式已然占据了学界的中心位置,却抛弃了语言层面翻译问题的求解,因此讨论的不是翻译研究的本体。

1.In terms of paradigm, translation studies has shifted from its classical, linguistic and literary phases to the present cultural phase.翻译研究已历经古典范式、言学范式、学范式到文化范式的变革。
2.Cyberculture s Paradigm Transition──From Elite Culture to Popular Culture;网络文化的范式转换——从精英文化到大众文化
3.On the Paradigm Shift from Literary Studies to Cultural Studies;论从文学研究到文化研究的范式转型
5.Capitalization of Culture and Entertainment of Culture: Two Modes of Consumer Society;文化资本化与文化娱乐化:消费社会的两种范式
6.Information Culture Trend and the Transformation of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture;信息文化潮流与当代审美文化的范式转换
7.The Tradition of Yue Culture: The Cultural Source of the Forming of Luxun s Spiritual Model;越文化传统:鲁迅精神范式形成的文化源头
8.Cultural Dialecticalism as a Pardigm of Culture Studies in the New Century;作为新世纪文化研究范式的文化辩证论
9.Formats the indicated span of text based on the current language.基于当前语言格式化指示范围的文本。
10.The Research in Cultural Industry Base on Economical Paradigm;在经济学研究范式下的文化产业研究
11.Culture and Transplantation of Law;文化与法律移植:理论之争与范式重构
12.The Theory and Paradigm of E.P.Thompson’s Cultural Materialism;汤普森“文化唯物主义”的理论与范式
13.Discussion on international cultural relations with basic theory of paradigm;国际文化关系研究基本理论范式探讨
14.The Standardization of Statistics Arrangement Format in the Science and Technology Paper;科技论文中统计表编排格式的规范化
15.On Three Early Paradigms of the Chinese Ancient Ecological Culture;论中国古代生态文化的三种早期范式
16.Study on relationship between corporate culture and corporate governance;企业文化与公司治理范式关系的研究
17.Call for the Transformation of the Research Mode for the "Tang Poems and the Culture of Western Regions";“唐诗与西域文化”研究范式的转型呼唤
18.The establishment of culture management paradigm and its methodology importances;文化管理范式的确立及其方法论意义

cultural mode文化范式
1.The manner of the blending of literaure and history, and the cultural modes with the blending -symbol and metaphor, mean quite a few in the history of literature.文学与历史遇合的方式及遇合而成的文化范式———象征、隐喻的文化内涵及效用,在文化史上就具有重要意义,它使得文学在历史文化中具有建构文化范式的职能,并最终走向人文,介入历史。
3)cultural pattern文化范式
1.The ancient Chinese notion on monarch is of an integrated cultural system, which can be disintegrated into four parts: the notion about the power of monarch, the law of having a monarch, the law of being a monarch and the law being superior to themonarch, and hence form the cultural pattern of "revering monarch-censuring monarch".它可以分解为君权观念、设君之道、为君之道、道高于君等四个组成部分,从而形成"尊君——罪君"的文化范式
4)New cultural Paradigms新文化范式
5)culture management paradigm文化管理范式
1.The establishment of culture management paradigm and its methodology importances;文化管理范式的确立及其方法论意义
6)paradigms of moral culture道德文化范式
1.The openness of moral education emphasizes the reformative and innovative consciousness in setting up moral culture and highlights the students readiness to accept moral culture and the cultivation of moral ability,achieving reconstruction of the paradigms of moral culture.道德教育的开放性在于强调道德教育工作者树立道德文化的变革与创新意识,在于强调受教育者接受道德文化的自主意识与培养道德能力,进而实现道德文化与时俱进的动态变革与创新,实现道德文化范式的时代性重构。

Boole函数的范式Boole函数的范式Boolean functions. normal forms of 致洲月e函数的范式!B。目e韶腼比佣5.normaifom.sot’;E抑e.‘Ix中扒。目“盛I.oPM旧日‘.I,Ie和p删] 表达Boole函数一类特殊公式.区别为析取范式 (disjunctive normal form)(见B喊e函数的极小化(Boolean functio。5 mlnimization of))与合取范式(conzunctive noroial form).如果乘积x了,·x考的所有变元都不同,则称为人级匆等令零(elem“ntary conjunc-t,on),其中,当。二l时,x“二x二当a:二0时,、“=〔二“l”被看作o级的初等合取·如果逻辑和一弓丫一丫戈气的所有变元都不同,就称为;级的初等析取(elemen-tary dlsjunctlon)“‘0”被看作0级的初等析取. 公式吸l\/丫涯r,其中及,,…以分别是;一,r;级的互异的初等合取,称为一个析取范式,数乙一,r称为它的享伞件(complex,ty,;公式戮’“琳其中黔l,…贱分别是尸1,一p级的互异的初等析取,称为一个合取范式,数工泊。称为它的复杂性(com-Plexity).每个不恒为零的Boole函数都可由一个析取范式来定义,一般说,这种范式不是唯一的对于不恒为零的Boole函数,同样也可用合取范式来定义. 从定义Boole函数f(、,一凡)的一个表出发,容易得到家布哲粤苹享(详r几ctd‘sjunctiVen‘,rmalfofm)以!丫…\厂或、,其中谈二一‘,一x哭’·‘,二二1 ,‘),同时忆一,氏。满足‘(认1.·…氏。)=1-表达一个Boole的数f的完满析取范式是唯的.完布仓零苹感(娜r全补“‘conjunct,Ve‘“orma}for“‘)‘“丁以类似地来定义. 对“儿乎所有的”Boole函数,山于一单位集的个数在2门’一石2”2与,{+护万2”’之间变动,故对J‘.儿乎所有的”Boole函数,完满析取范式的渐近复杂性是nZ”’.那些仅在点取零值的凡几‘Boole函数,其完满析取范式具有最弋的复杂性这个复杂性是。