资源型经济,resource-based economy
1)resource-based economy资源型经济
1.Research Review on the Two Major Problems of Resource-based Economy;资源型经济两大重点问题研究综述
2.The self-strengthening mechanism in the development of a resource-based economy:with a case study资源型经济的形成:自强机制与个案研究(英文)
3.In this paper,the development features of resource-based economy in the interface of Shanxi and Monggu provinces are analyzed and the financial support situation as well as existing problems in this region are discussed.分析陕蒙结合部资源型经济的发展特点,探讨该地区金融支持的现状及存在的问题。

2.Exploitation and Utilization of Social Resources of Resourceful Cities in the Period of Economic Transformation;经济转型期资源型城市的社会资源开发与利用
3.Discussion on the New Establishment of the Economic Transition of Resource-conscious Cities;资源型城市经济转型的形象重塑论略
4.Resource-based Cities in Gansu Province Study on the Economic Transformation甘肃省资源型城市经济转型问题研究
5.On the Effects of Resource Tax on Economic Growth in Resource-based Regions资源税收对资源型地区经济增长的影响
6.Study on Harmonic Development of Agricultural Resource Environment and Economy in the Period of Economic Transformation;经济转型期农业资源环境与经济协调发展研究
7.Transforming the Pattern of Economic Growth and Developing Resource-conserving Economy;转变经济增长方式发展资源节约型经济
8.On the natural resources exploitation in the natural resources-oriented regions in the knowledge-based economic age;知识经济时代自然资源导向型区域资源开发与经济发展问题探讨
9.The function of Private Capital in Northeast Resource-based City(RBC)during Economy Reform;民间资本在东北资源型城市经济转型中的作用
10.Types of Tourism Resourses and Exploitation of Tourism Economy of Shaoyang邵阳市旅游资源类型与旅游经济开发
11.Water Resources Assessment and Exploitation for Economy Transitional Period in Fuxin Area;阜新市经济转型期水资源评价与开发
12.Construction of SD Model of oil Resource and Social Economic System;石油资源-社会经济系统SD模型的建立
13.Analysis on economic development difference of coals resources-based cities in Heilongjiang province;黑龙江煤炭资源型城市经济差异分析
14.The Trend of the Development of Median-resource-based Industry on Circulation Economy;中观资源型产业发展的循环经济模式
15.Accelerating Regional Economic Transformation by Proper Exploitation of Mineral Resources;适度开发矿产资源加快区域经济转型
16.Developing the Circular Economy to Construct Source-saving-type Shanxi Province;发展循环经济 建设资源节约型山西
17.Research on the Model of Economic Growth from the Perspective of Resource Productivity;资源生产率视角的经济增长模型分析
18.Circum-Economy is Key to Construction of Resources-Economical Society;循环经济:构建资源节约型社会的关键

Economy based-resource资源型经济转型
3)resources-saving economy资源节约型经济
1.The improvement of resource tax and fee is very important to construct resources-saving economy It is important to protect environment, reduce pollution This article compare the system of resource tax and fee in China with foreign countries, analysis the inconsistent of the resources-saving economy and resource tax fee, and gives some advices for thi随着我国工业化、城镇化和现代化建设的推进,资源需求将持续大幅度增加,资源供需矛盾日益突出,建立一种资源节约型的经济增长方式已经迫在眉睫,而资源税费改革已经成为建立资源节约型经济的重要环节,这对于提高资源利用效率,加强环境保护,减少污染具有重要意义。
4)economically recoverable geothermals经济型地热资源
5)natural and manual resourses economy资源劳力型经济
6)resource-dependent economy资源依赖型经济

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。