新型工业化道路,a new road to industrialization
1)a new road to industrialization新型工业化道路
1.Therefore,a new road to industrialization should be taken to enhance efficiency in the use of non-renewable resources.因此,应走新型工业化道路,提高非可再生资源的使用效率,在合理的利率水平下,促进非可再生资源的高效使用,以实现经济的可持续发展。
2.To face these challenges, Yanbian, an underdeveloped area, must conform to the demand of the 16th National Party Congress, take a new road to industrialization, adopt proper measures, and develop knowledge economy,so as to achieve its economic takeoff.面对知识经济新特征的挑战,延边作为一个经济发展相对落后的地区,必需按照党的十六大的要求,走新型工业化道路,采取适当的策略发展知识经济,实现经济腾飞。

1.Take a new road to industrialization走新型工业化道路:
2.The way of new industrialization is different from traditional industrialization.新型工业化道路不同于传统的工业化。
3."Reversed Industrialization": the Choice for Yunnan s New Industrialization;“逆向工业化”:云南新型工业化道路选择
4.New-type Industrialization Road-Beyond Tradional Industrialization;新型工业化道路——对传统工业化道路的超越
5.Exploring industrialized development to create economized enterprise;走新型工业化道路 创节约型企业
6.Trial discussion about ways of new type industrialization in domestic cement industry;试论我国水泥工业的新型工业化道路
7.Regulate structure of coal industry and find a new industrialized route;调整煤炭工业结构 走新型工业化道路
8.Deepen Chinese Manufacturing Industry, Take the New Industrialization Road;“深化”中国制造业,走新型工业化道路
9.The bringing forth new ideas about the administration is the key of the new industrialization;管理创新是走新型工业化道路的关键
10.Some thoughts on New-type Industrialization of Xinjiang对新疆走新型工业化道路的几点建议
11.The Road of neopneo industrialization andThe Chinese manufacturing industry develipnrent;论新型工业化道路与中国制造业发展
12.Following a new industrialization approach and building a powerful nation inpaper industry;走新型工业化道路 创建世界纸业强国
13.Develop Science-Tech Industry of University and Take Way of New Industrialization;发展高校科技产业 走新型工业化道路
14.Financial Development,Capital Deepening and the Path of New-pattern Industrialization in China;金融发展、资本深化与新型工业化道路
15.On New Ways to New Industrialization Against the Background of Economic Globalization;经济全球化背景下的新型工业化道路
16.Taking a new road to industrialization to build informatized Shenhua Group;走新型工业化道路 建设信息化神华
17.New Industrialization Road: The Road of Developing China Cereals and Oils Industry;新型工业化道路——中国粮油工业的振兴之路
18.A new-type way to industrialization being brought along by informatization;以信息化带动工业化走新型工业化道路

new industrialization新型工业化道路
1.Building the Well - Off Society in an All - Around Way and Taking the Path of New Industrialization;全面建设小康社会与走新型工业化道路
2.The process and results of the new industrialization in China has profound world significances.中国走新型工业化道路的过程及其结果具有深远的世界意义,主要表现在:将使世界工业化人口增加一倍,遏制南北差距拉大;推动发展中国家对已有工业化道路进行深刻反思;有助于世界经济的可持续发展以及公正合理的国际经济新秩序的建立,从而有助于世界的和平与发展。
3)new industrialization way新型工业化道路
1.In comparison with traditional industrialization way which having been finished in those developed countries, the new industrialization way of China aim have dichotomy and dynamic connotation istic.中国新型工业化道路是相对于发达国家已经实现了的传统的旧式工业化道路而言的,其基本内涵主要包括以下三个方面:一是以信息化带动工业化、以工业化促进信息化,二是实施中国经济与社会的跨越式发展,三是坚持可持续性发展战略。
2.This paper gives scientific analysis to the significance of new industrialization on the key meaning and basic thinking of practicing new industrialization way .十六大报告中指出:我国将走一条新型工业化道路
4)the new industrialization road新型工业化道路
1.The principle of insisting the new industrialization road and developing economic society is the spirit of the 16th People Representatives Conference.坚持新型工业化道路和建设节约型社会的发展方针是党的十六大和十六届三中、四中全会精神;是树立以人为本,全面协调可持续发展的科学发展现。
5)the New Road to Industrialization新型工业化道路
1.On the New Road to Industrialization in the Perspective of the Recycling Economy;论循环经济视角下的新型工业化道路
6)China's new industrialization road中国新型工业化道路

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理