当代启示,contemporary inspiration
1)contemporary inspiration当代启示
1.The Contemporary Inspiration of Urban Psychological Warfare in Wu Jing Qi Shu;《武经七书》城市心理战思想的当代启示

1.J.Habermas s Modernity Theory and Its Contemporary Enlightenment;哈贝马斯的现代性理论及其当代启示
2.Fromm s Humanitarian Ethics and Its Contemporary Inspiration;弗洛姆人道主义伦理学及其当代启示
3.The Contemporary Inspiration of Urban Psychological Warfare in Wu Jing Qi Shu;《武经七书》城市心理战思想的当代启示
4.Scientific and Technological Perspective of Marx and Engels and Its Enlightened for the Modern Times;马克思恩格斯的科技观及其当代启示
5.Lukács s Humanism Thoughts at Early Stage and Its Contemporary Enlightenment;卢卡奇早期的人学思想及其当代启示
6.Contemporary Inspiration of Marx′s Relative Surplus Value Theory;马克思相对剩余价值理论的当代启示
7.The Philosophy Path Pioneered by Marx and Its Contemporary Inspiration;马克思开辟的哲学道路及其当代启示
8.On Pan Tian-shou s artistic education ideology and its contemporary inspiration;论潘天寿艺术教育思想及其当代启示
9.Comparative Study of Confucius and Lao Tse Thought in Harmony and Its Contemporary Inspiration;孔子与老子和谐思想比较及当代启示
10.Contemporary Revelation of Huang Yanpei s Thoughts of Occupational Ethics Education;黄炎培职业道德教育思想的当代启示
11.Inspiration from Private Education in Song Dynasty for Current Private Education;宋代私学对当代民办教育的若干启示
12.Research and Revelation of Contemporary Clinical Pedagogy of Japan;当代日本临床教育学的研究及其启示
13.On Zhuxi s Moral Education Idea Enlighter the Present Age College Education;朱熹德育思想对当代大学教育的启示
14.Views of Modren Western Development s History Evolvrment and Revelation;当代西方发展观的历史演变及其启示
15.Confucian Moral Education and Levelation for Moral Education of Middle School in the Contemporary Era;儒家德育及其对当代中学德育的启示
16.The Directions of the Banking Supervision and Its Revelations;论当代国际银行业的监管趋势及启示
17.History Development of Private International Law and Enlightenment to the Present Age;中国国际私法发展史及对当代的启示
18.The Educational Thoughts in Analects and Its Inspiration to Modern Education;《论语》教育思想及其对当代教育的启示

contemporary enlightenment当代启示
3)Modern Inspiration当代启示
4)The Revelation of Contemporary Picture Book当代图文书启示录
5)contemporary open and enlighten当代启迪
6)modern enlightenment现代启示
1.Moral Connotation of Traditional Wisdom and its Modern Enlightenment;论传统明智的道德蕴涵及其现代启示
2.Regional Architecture Culture Characteristic of the Mous Manor and Its Modern Enlightenment;牟氏庄园的地域建筑文化特性及现代启示
3.Debate of ancient times and now provides a deep modern enlightenment for us: literature and art develop with the development of social life in generally .古今之争给我们提供了一个深刻的现代启示:总体上看,文学艺术是随着社会生活的发展而发展的,但文学艺术的发展与社会生活有不平衡的一面;同时,后代的文艺总是受到前代优秀作品的影响,前代作品也是在后代作品的相对参照下来显示其意义的。

《谢林和启示》  恩格斯为批驳F.W.J.谢林的宗教神秘主义哲学而写的文章之一。1842年在莱比锡出版德文单行本。中译文载人民出版社1982年出版的《马克思恩格斯全集》第41卷。    这篇文章从青年黑格尔派的观点出发,捍卫G.W.F.黑格尔的理性主义和辩证法,揭露了谢林启示哲学的宗教神秘主义的实质。文章批评谢林背叛了早年对理性和自由的追求,屈服于封建专制主义和正统神学思想的压力,陷入了宗教神秘主义的立场;指出谢林从这种立场出发,竭力从右的方面批判黑格尔哲学,限制和反对理性认识,认为只有神的启示才是真理性知识的唯一源泉。文章也指出在黑格尔哲学中存在着"原则"和"结论"的矛盾,指出,由于时代和个人的局限性,黑格尔的结论往往是保守的,尤其在宗教哲学和法哲学方面是如此。然而黑格尔的原则是进步的,一些学生坚持黑格尔的原则,把没有立论根据的结论一一推翻,于是就形成了左派。为了清算谢林,恩格斯援引了青年黑格尔派A.卢格、D.F.施特劳斯、L.费尔巴哈等人的观点和著作。文章表明了恩格斯在思想转变过程中和青年黑格尔派的关系。