自然系统,nature system
1)nature system自然系统
1.The nature system has two main inherent qualities, the integral inherent quality of complement of diversities and the dialectical inherent quality of unity of opposites.自然系统有两个主要本性,即差异相辅的整体本性和对立统一的辩证本性,前者为自然系统的显在本质,后者为自然系统的潜在本质,两者在相互渗透中发挥作用。
2.The occurrence,forming and development of National Musical Aesthetic Psychology is influenced and effected by the factors of mountain range,river system,climate of geographic environment in nature system,mode of production,political structure,philosophic thinking,patriarchal clan system in social system,and collective unconsciousness as deep psychological structure.民族的音乐审美心理之发生、形成与发展受到自然系统中地理环境的山脉水系、气候因素,社会系统中生产方式、社会政治结构、哲学伦理思想、宗教宗法思想以及作为深层心理结构的“集体无意识”的影响与制约。

1.Systema Naturae自然系统(1735)
2.On the Establishment of the Values of Development of Human-Nature System;论人类—自然系统发展价值观的确立
3.Global Information System on Natural Hazards全球自然灾险信息系统
4.natural circulation type cooling system自然循环液冷却系统
5.National Natural Resources Management System国家自然资源管理系统
6.world wide natural disaster warning system全球自然灾害警报系统
7.System for Technology Exchange for Natural Disasters自然灾害技术交流系统
8.natural speech understanding systems自然语言语音理解系统
9.natural language understanding systems自然语言书面理解系统
10.Profound Systematic Thinking on "Reverence for Nature";对“敬畏自然”的深入系统思考——《敬畏自然》一书评介
11.A comparative study on business ecosystem and biological ecosystem;商业生态系统与自然生态系统的比较研究
12.the systematic account of natural phenomena.对自然现象有系统的陈述。
13.Mountain Environment and Natural Resources Information System山区环境和自然资源信息系统
14.System Analysis & Information Management of Physical Resources自然资源系统分析与信息管理
15.International Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasters减少自然灾害预警系统国际会议
16.International Conference on Early-Warning for Natural Disasters自然灾害预警系统国际会议
17.Early warning systems for natural disaster reduction减少自然灾害的早期预警系统.
18.A Study and Development of Knowledge Management System for Near Natural Forest Management;近自然森林经营知识管理系统的研建

natural system自然系统
1.Having introduced the relations of value appraisal in natural system,Holmes Rolston attempted to draw relations of value from the creative relations of nature, and he regarded the most important property of value as creativity.罗尔斯顿把价值评价关系引入了自然系统,想从自然的创造性关系引出价值的关系,并把价值最重要的属性看作是创造性,因而,他也就偏离了主体设定的价值取向,把价值的生成看成是自然本身的事情了。
3)human-nature system人-自然系统
4)natural number system自然数系统
1.Secondly, by using of the medium axiomatic set theory (MS), a natural number system in MS is constructed, and it is proved that five axioms of Peano′s natural number system are theorems is MS.其次,利用中介公理集合论MS的相关理论,构造了MS中的自然数系统,证明了Peano5条公理为MS中的定理。
5)System naturalism系统自然观
6)Natural ecosystem自然生态系统
1.Organic nitrogen use by plants and its significance in some natural ecosystems;植物对有机氮源的利用及其在自然生态系统中的意义
2.Research advances in vulnerability assessment of natural ecosystem response to climate change;自然生态系统响应气候变化的脆弱性评价研究进展
3.Natural ecosystems services imply the natural environmental conditions and their services formed and sustained by natural ecosystem and ecological process,on which,human life relies for existence.自然生态系统公益是指自然生态系统及其生态过程所形成的维持人类赖以生态的自然环境条件及其提供的服务。
