生计方式,means of livelihood
1)means of livelihood生计方式
1.Because of its peculiar historical,natural and social conditions,the village has formed its traditional means of livelihood which is based on agriculture and supplemented by animal husbandry.由于特定的历史、自然和社会原因,形成了以农为主牧业为辅的传统生计方式
2.Since 1980s,some Yao people living in Southeast Asia emigrated to America and their means of livelihood changed fundamentally.为适应美国的现代化生活,美国瑶族的生计方式发生了根本性的变化。

1.On the Relationship between Means of Living and Living Environment论民族生计方式与生存环境的关系
2.An Analysis on Means of Livelihood and Household Economic Structure of Tu Nationality in Dilishan Village;地力山土族生计方式与家庭经济结构
3.Cultural Pattern:An Integration of Behavior Pattern and Way of Livelihood--Take the Songs of Dong Nationality as an Example;文化模式:行为模式与生计方式的整合——以侗族大歌为例
4.A kind of method of design and management of cell flexible production mode一种单元式柔性生产方式的设计方法
5.Let One Do As One Pleases:Design An Individual Existing Style;“任其性命之情”:个体生命生存方式设计
6.Opal Furniture Design Displays Real Lifestyle澳珀——家具设计是生活方式的展示
7.The Effects of Lifestyle on Domestic Household Furniture Design;生活方式对我国民用家具设计的影响
8.Living Space Design Means of Expression-in-depth Interaction;生活空间设计的表达方式—深入互动
9.How to Design SC Based on MTO Manufacturing Mode;基于MTO生产方式的供应链设计研究
10.The influence of the mode of social life on furniture design tendency;社会生活方式对家具设计思潮的影响
11.The Connotation of Industry Design Is That It Makes a New Life Style;工业设计的内涵:创造新的生活方式
12.Design of Java code generation based on agile基于敏捷方式的Java代码生成方法的设计
13.The Design Program of Natural Purification Methods in the Treatment of Municipal Wastewater自然净化方式处理城市生活污水的设计方案
14.A Study on Design Procedures of Pull System of Lean Production;精益生产方式拉动生产系统设计程序的研究
15.The cracking has occurred in a predictable manner and time.开裂是在一种预计的方式和时间内发生的。
16.Study of the Innovative Product Design Thinking Based on Bionics;基于仿生学的产品创新设计思维方式研究
17.Research on Difference of Cognitive Styles and ERPs on Undergraduates Numerical Estimation;大学生数量估计的认知方式差异及ERP研究
18.On Contemporary Designing Art s Mode of Existence and Developing Strategies;论当代设计艺术的生存方式与发展策略

livelihood way生计方式
1.This paper combs out the livelihood way of Hui ethnic group from a nt hropological vision in Longwu town in Qinghai- Tibet plateau;and thinks and pa ys close attention to the existence and development of this colon本文从人类学的视野对青藏高原一个叫隆务镇回族群体的生计方式进行了粗线条的梳理,并以田野切入,从人类学层面思考和关注这个群体的生存发展及文化变迁。
3)pricing method计价方式
1.Discussion on pricing method of construction contract;建设工程承包合同计价方式选择的探讨
2.Based upon introduction of engineering quantity list pricing method and multi aspect analysis author points out that this pricing method will become the major way in inviting public bidding.分析介绍了加入WTO对建筑市场及企业的影响 ,阐述了工程量清单计价方式对建筑工程领域的影响 ,经多角度分析 ,指出加入WTO后 ,工程量清单计价招标将成为建筑企业招标的主要方式。
3.Quantity list pricing is widely used by the international project cost pricing method,the implementation of the project quantity bill is a revolution of China\'s construction.工程量清单计价是国际上普遍采用的工程造价计价方式,实行工程量清单计价是我国建设领域的一场革命。
4)flux tolly计数方式
5)measurement way计量方式
1.The component,protective way and measurement way of 10kV distrubiton system neutral point through low resistanuce grounding are mainly presented.主要介绍10kv配电系统中性点经小电阻接地方式的构成、保护方式和计量方式。
6)pricing mode计价方式
1.The article analyzes the risks that the owner and the contractor must take on and the means they should take to control the risks in an international project construction from the aspect of the pricing mode of a project construction contract.从国际工程施工合同的计价方式选择的角度,分析了业主和承包商所承担的风险,提出了双方应采取的风险管理措施。
2.Author points out that scientific pricing mode can receive good social and economic benefits.结合工程量清单计价的特点,提出了要很好地实现清单计价的效果必须加强的一些匹配工作,并对其进行了详细阐述,指出这一科学计价方式的实施,将取得良好的经济效果和社会效益。

油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas field  a垃d gas月e卫d) 、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl