经济根源,economic root
1)economic root经济根源
1.The poor quality and the low efficiency of agriculture constitute the economic root of the gap,while "three pairs of scissors and one wide gap" is the policy root of the gap.农业的弱质低效产业特性是产生“城乡差别”的经济根源,“三把剪刀一条鸿沟”是“城乡差别”扩大的政策性根源。

1.On economic origin of the gap between cities and countryside about Chongqing education development;论重庆教育发展城乡差距之经济根源
2.On the Economic Reasons of the Australian Policy of " Facing Asia;论澳大利亚“面向亚洲”政策的经济根源
3.The Study of the Economic Causes and Stagric of Inner Mongolia Grassland Degradation;内蒙古草原退化的经济根源及对策研究
4.Economic Source of Transformation of China Social Endowment Insurance System;中国社会养老保险体制转变的经济根源
5.Economic Incentives for the Demand to Raise RMB Values and Adjustment of Relevant Policies;人民币汇率升值压力的经济根源与调节政策
6.Economic Source of some Features of Chinese Traditional Scientific & Technical Methodology;中国传统科技方法若干特点的经济根源
7.On Study of Tradable Emission Permits Economic Root and It s Development Trend;排污权交易产生的经济根源及其研究动态
8.On the Colonial Dependent Economic Structure Origin of Africa s Under-developed;非洲经济落后的殖民地依附性经济结构根源
9.Economic conditions may lie responsible for the creation of social unrest.经济状况可能是产生社会不安的根源。
10."Political Illness":The Source of Taiwan s "Illness";“政治病”:台湾“经济病”的根源
11.Hie Institutional Reasons of Deviation Between Chinese Stock Market and Real Economy;中国股市与实体经济背离的根源探析
12.Dilemma and the Source: Criminal Law’s Control of Economic Crimes;困境与根源:刑法对经济犯罪的控制
13.Roots and countermeasures on the unethical phenomenon in the field of economy;论经济领域不道德现象的根源及对策
14.The Main power of the Social Development From The Source of productivity;社会经济发展最根本的力量源——生产力源泉
15.The Poverty Valuation and Poverty Economy --A Shadow Research into the Originality of Poverty in Ankang;贫困的价值观与贫困的经济——安康经济落后根源探微
16.Economic conditions may is responsible for the creation of social unrest.经济状况不佳可能是造成社会动乱的根源.
17.Economic condition may be responsible for the creation of social unrest .经济状况不佳可能是造成社会动乱的根源。
18.Roots of the Product Exchange of the Northern Nomadic People during the Han-Tang Period;试论汉唐时期北方游牧民族交换经济之根源

economic source经济根源
1.It is the the economic source of usucaption that uncultivated lands is ex isting in our country.当前我国农村存在的抛荒土地现象是取得时效赖以产生的经济根源
2.As a matter of fact, the economic conflict among European powers, especially that between Great Britain and Russia, was the economic source or the cardinal cause of the Crimean War.实际上 ,欧洲列强 ,特别是英俄两国在近东的经济冲突 ,是克里米亚战争的经济根源或根本原
3)economics roots经济学根源
4)socioeconomic factors社会-经济根源
5)economic theoretical basis经济理论根源
1.This article has discussed about the economic theoretical basis and law value of system of tradable emissions right.其经济理论根源于环境外部不经济性的内部化 ,其法律价值在于企业利益与社会利益、效率与公平的统一。
6)social economic source社会经济根源
1.By discussing the social economic sources, orientation of value and regulative objects of the economic law, the thesis brings forward the idea of multiangular orientation of economic law.本文从传统的“调整对象定位说”之悖谬入手 ,提出经济法多角度定位的设想 ,从经济法之社会经济根源、价值取向和调整对象三个角度定经济法之位 ,愿为新创经济法定位理论抛砖。
