人化的自然,humanized nature
1)humanized nature人化的自然
1.Aesthetic creation is a process of both "humanized nature" and "objectified human".马克思主义认为,劳动创造了美,审美创造是"人化的自然"和"人的对象化"的过程。

1.Dialectical Unity of Natural Human Culture and Human Culture Nature;浅谈“自然的人化”与“人化的自然”的辩证统一
2.Poetic Humans and Humanized Nature--A Brief Analysis on Humans and Nature in Tagore s Prose Poems;诗化的人与人化的自然——论泰戈尔散文诗中的人与自然
3.Natural Humanization and Natural Person--Introspection on Atheletic Sports;“自然的人化”与“人的自然化”——人类对体育的反思
4.On Colonization of Human-Nature Relationship by Interpersonal Relationship;人与人关系对人与自然关系的殖民化
5."Humanization of the Nature" and the Logic Development of Natural Beauty Theory in New China“自然的人化”与新中国自然美理论的逻辑进展
6.More understanding on the connection between the natural beauty and "humanized nature;对自然美与“人化自然”内在关联的再认识
7.The beauty of nature is the co-produce of naturalization and nature humanization, with wildness as its foundation.自然美是自然创化与自然人化共同的产物,自然性即野性是它的基础。
8.A Comparative Research between Artificial Nature Evolution and Ecosystem Evolution;人工自然演化与生态演化的对比研究
9.Man is an integral part of nature:the cultural connotation of harmony between man and nature;天人合一:人与自然和谐的文化意涵
10.Humanization of Nature and Nature Itself--An explanation of Economic Philosophy manuscript in 1844人化自然与自在自然——对《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的现代性解读
11.The Re-activation of Zhuangzi s "Human Naturalization";老庄“人的自然化”美学精神的现代激活
12.The Creation of the Nature s Ethical Transform and The Life s "Artistic Conception";自然的伦理化与人生之“意”的形成
13."Organic Nature" and "Capitalist Nature": Grassland Desertification in the Perspective of Environmental Anthropology;“有机体自然”与“资本化自然”——环境人类学视野中的草原沙漠化问题
14.The Dual Character of the Logical and Natural Premises of Alienated Labour--An Analysis on Marx s Statement of “Humanized Nature”;异化劳动逻辑自然前提的二重性特征——马克思“人化自然”命题探析
15.On the Cultural Traits of the Harmonious Co-existence between the Hani People and Nature;哈尼族人与自然和谐相处的文化特征
16.On the Concept of Harmony Between Man and Nature in Ancient Chang an Culture from the View of Dao Fa Zi Ran;从“道法自然”看长安文化的天人和谐观
17.A Study of Relationship between Human Being and Nature from Chinese;从中国传统文化解读人与自然的关系
18.A Cultural Reading of the Natural Mingling of “Kaifeng Jews”;“开封犹太人”自然融合原因的文化解读

humanization of nature自然的人化
1.Discussion on humanization of nature in practical aesthetics;论实践美学的自然的人化学说
2.The practical aesthetics based on the practice and unified “humanization of nature” and “naturalization of humanity”,which makes human s comprehensive and free development and nature’s continuing healthy development for a harmonious interaction.马克思主义哲学是关于人的学说,是人论与实践论的同一体,建立在其基础之上的实践美学在实践的基点上把“自然的人化”和“人的自然化”统一起来,使人的全面自由发展与自然的持续健康发展和谐互动,在审美价值论和自然生态美学等维度体现着对人与自然的人文关怀。
3.The anthropological theme of “humanization of nature” is unfolded into “the natural form of beauty”, “new perception” and artistic accumulation.“自然的人化”这一人类学主题分别展开为“美是自然的形式”、“新感性”和艺术积淀 ;审美本体论是主体性实践哲学的总结形态。
3)human naturalization人的自然化
1.Nature has experienced two processes,namely "nature humanization"and "human naturalization"before it became an aesthetic object.自然成为审美观照对象的过程是"自然的人化"和"人的自然化"过程。
2.Practice is a bidirectional target process between human and nature,which is realized by two different directions ——"nature humanization" and "human naturalization".实践是人和自然之间的一种双向对象化过程,体现为"自然的人化"和"人的自然化"两个不同的向度。
4)naturalization of humanity人的自然化
1.The practical aesthetics based on the practice and unified “humanization of nature” and “naturalization of humanity”,which makes human s comprehensive and free development and nature’s continuing healthy development for a harmonious interaction.马克思主义哲学是关于人的学说,是人论与实践论的同一体,建立在其基础之上的实践美学在实践的基点上把“自然的人化”和“人的自然化”统一起来,使人的全面自由发展与自然的持续健康发展和谐互动,在审美价值论和自然生态美学等维度体现着对人与自然的人文关怀。
2.New practical aesthetics is based on the Marxism practical materialism and consider that the practice is the two-way process of objectization that is the humanization of nature and the naturalization of humanity.新实践美学坚持马克思主义实践唯物主义,认为实践是自然的人化和人的自然化的双向对象化过程,实践本身具有超越性,美和美感是在自由的实践中生成的。
5)The Naturalization of Humankind人的自然化
1."The Naturalization of Humankind" and Ecological Dilemma;论“人的自然化”与生态
6)humanized nature自然的人化
1.Only in the society, natured human and humanized nature can reach a perfect unity.人的自然化和自然的人化只有在社会中才能达到高度的统一。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理