现实途径,realistic way
1)realistic way现实途径

1.Realistic Approach Explore of Realizing Legalized Community Construction;实现社区建设法治化的现实途径探究
2.On Practical Method of Harmonious Development of Modern China s Politics;论现代中国政治和谐发展的现实途径
3.These are the realistic ways to guarantee peace and security.这是确保和平与安全的现实途径
4.The Reflection on Realizing the Fair Tax Burden;实现公平税负的现实意义和有效途径
5.Embodiments and Approaches of Student Party members Advancement in University;大学生党员先进性的体现及实现途径
6.On the Background and Realistic Meaning of the Putting Forward of Scientific Development Thought;论科学发展观的现实意义及实践途径
7.The Constitution Enforcement is the Necessary Way to Realize the Highest Constitution;宪法实施是实现宪法至上的必经途径
8.The Reasons for the Industrialization of Agriculture,Its Essence and Realization;农业产业化的成因、实质及实现途径
9.Understanding of "Fidelity" and Its Representation in Interpretation论口译实践中“信”的内涵与实现途径
10.way towards achieving sth, reaching a goal,etc实现某事、达到某目标等的途径
11.A Realization of By-pass Interception for Intrusion Detection入侵检测的旁路侦听的一种实现途径
12.Schools Find New Route to Diversity学校寻找实现多样化的新途径
13.On Higher Education Massifcation in Shaanxi and Its Ways for Implementation;论陕西高等教育大众化及其实现途径
14.The Ecology Value of Science Technology and Its Realization Countermeasures;论科学技术的生态价值及其实现途径
15.Realization of (?)(Sp_q(N)) Arising from U_q(sp(N)) Via Jantzen Approaching;(?)(Sp_q(N))经由U_q(sp(N))的Jantzen途径实现
16.Media Responsibility Theory and Practice of NanFengChuang;《南风窗》的媒体责任理念及其实现途径
17.The Moral Education Function of National Defense Education in Colleges and the Channals of Its Implement;高校国防教育的德育功能及实现途径
18.Targets Orientation of Internal Accounting Control and Their Attainment;内部会计控制的目标定位及实现途径

practical way现实途径
1.Deng XiaoPing significantly euriched and developed Marxist about the overall development Theories of humans, put forward the basic measures to develop humans at the primary stage of socialism of our country "four haves" quality, and succeeded in applying a practical way which is suitable to our country and has promoted the overall development of humans.邓小平极大地丰富和发展了马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论 ,提出了我国社会主义初级阶段人的全面发展的基本尺度 :“四有素质” ,并成功实践了一条符合我国国情、促进人全面发展的现实途径 :致力于创建一个有利于人全面发展的物质基础 ;着眼于建设一个有利于人全面发展的思想文化环境 ;营造一个有利于人全面发展的政治环
1.Thus,the approaches to actualize human-centered concept in hospital management were presented.该文论述了医院管理“以人为本”的科学内涵,既要以职工为中心,又要以病人为中心,从而提出医院“以人为本”管理思想的实现途径。
2.This paper expounds the dialectical relationship betwenn humanity and high technology through the analysis of the connotation of humanity and spirit in this hi-tech era and presents new approaches to cultivating humanity spirit.通过对高科技时代人文精神内涵的分析,阐述了科技与人文的辩证关系,提出了培育高科技时代人文精神 的实现途径。
3.A Simple Exploration of the Approaches to Achieving Public Health从发展经济、完善法律、健全制度、舆论监督、政府的宏观调控和道德力量等方面对公共健康实现途径作一尝试性探讨。
4)way of realization实现途径
1.Based on this, a new practical way of realization it is introduced.流域的可持续发展应满足"自然可能、经济可行、社会可接受"等原则,因此,根据流域可持续发展的运行机理,构建了以流域整体开发为指导思想、以流域土地利用空间重组为手段的流域可持续发展实现途径。
5)realization way实现途径
1.On the vital significance of legal system modernization and its realization way;论法制现代化重要意义和实现途径
2.Study on optimal mode and realization way of industrial symbiosis in mining area矿区最优工业共生模式及实现途径研究
3.Disucssion on the targeted model of township government and its realization way乡镇政府改革目标模式和实现途径探析
6)ways of realization实现途径

感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图
感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图 李瑞端绘[图]