和谐广西,Harmonious Guangxi
1)Harmonious Guangxi和谐广西
1.Enhancing Cadres Construction and Promoting New Development of Harmonious Guangxi;加强干部队伍建 设促进和谐广西新发展
2.A harmonious Guangxi should be a place where fairness and interests of all parties be well guaranteed.加强利益协调,构建和谐广西,必须坚持发展第一要务,推进体制机制创新,健全利益协调机制,加快民主政治建设。
3.It is of great significance to construct a harmonious culture and harmonious Guangxi.双语制体现了民族平等,有利于民族和谐,有利于广西经济发展,对和谐文化、和谐广西的构建起重要作用。

1.Strengthen Regional Autonomy and Constructat a Harmonious Guangxi;坚持民族区域 自治构建“和谐广西
2.Enhancing Cadres Construction and Promoting New Development of Harmonious Guangxi;加强干部队伍建 设促进和谐广西新发展
3.Strengthening the Education of Provincial Subject Knowledge and Serving the Construction of Harmonious Guangxi;加强乡土知识教育 为构建和谐广西服务
4.Well Coordinate the Interests of Different Parties to Build a Harmonious Guangxi;加强利益协调构建和谐广西的政策思考
5.Influence of National Tourism Development on the Building of Harmonious Guangxi--On National Cultures and Tourism Development in Guangxi(Ⅳ);民族旅游开发对建设和谐广西的影响——广西民族文化与旅游开发研究之四
6.Improving Family Culture to Build a Harmonious Guangxi:The effective role that women of Guangxi play in building the grass-roots culture;创新家庭文化 构建和谐广西——充分发挥广西妇女在基层文化建设中的作用
7.On the Harmonious Development of the Sexual Proportion in Guangxi;论实现广西人口性别结构的和谐发展
8.The Multi-ethnic Harmonious Coexistence in Guangxi under the Anthropological Perspective人类学视野下的广西多民族和谐共生
9.Harmonious Culture: the Latent Core of the Harmonious Development of Territory of Nationality--Taking the Cultural Development in Guangxi for an Example;和谐文化是民族地区和谐发展的潜质内核——以文化广西的建设为例
10.Advancing the Construction of A Peaceful Guangxi And Construct A Harmonious and Stable Society积极推进平安广西建设 努力构建和谐稳定社会
11.Solutions on Developing Guangxi Insurance to Serve the Construction of Harmonious Society;关于广西保险业服务和谐社会建设的对策研究
12.Implementing Toll-by-weight system,to Promote Harmonious Development of Guangxi Expressways;实行计重收费,促进广西高速公路和谐发展
13.Construct Harmony and Accelerate Development:a Probe into Employment Counseling in Guangxi Technology University;构建和谐促发展:广西工学院就业指导工作探索
14.Advancing the Construction of A Peaceful Guangxi And Construct A Harmonious and Stable Society;积极推进平安广西建设 努力构建和谐稳定社会
15.On Harmony of Ethnic Groups,Religion and National Society--An Analysis Based on the Investigatory Questionnaire of Guangxi民族、宗教与社会和谐——基于广西的问卷调查分析
16.The Harmonious Development Trend of Fusion of Zhuang and Han Nationality论走向和谐的广西壮汉民族融合大趋势
17.The Study of Harmonious Situation into Fusion Survival of Ethnic Group Culture--learnings from multicultural ecology connection into Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County of Guangxi;族群文化融合生境与和谐态势——以广西三江县境多元文化生态和谐模式为例
18.Countermeasure of Defusing Dunharmonious Phenomena of the Present Society in National Backward Areas;民族落后地区化解社会不和谐现象的对策探讨——以广西为例

harmonious advertising和谐广告
1.The article introduced the classic theory in Mass Communication——the Agenda-Setting Theory,and then probed the theoretic joint with harmonious advertising.通过引入传播学的经典理论——议程设置理论,探求它与和谐广告的理论接点,进而回答了如何利用该理论引导和谐广告发展的问题,并在和谐广告议题设置的具体操作层面提出了一些方法上的建议。
3)harmonious Guangdong和谐广东
1.All these determine that they play special roles in building a harmonious Guangdong.知识分子是社会主义现代化建设的重要决定力量,是推动先进生产力发展和社会全面进步的根本力量,是精神文明和法制建设的骨干力量,这些因素决定了知识分子在建设和谐广东中有着特殊作用。
4)Harmonious Guangzhou和谐广州
5)comprehensive harmony广大和谐
1.In this paper, starting from the Confucian philosophy, involving Taoism and Buddhism, analytic ideas of life in Chinese philosophy and which contains the comprehensive Harmony, and finding the realm of comprehensive harmony in the field of art and ethics which from Fang Dongmei.方东美以其渊博的学识和睿智的见解将深远的文化意蕴和现代意识贯注于中国文化传统研究,既肯定儒家思想是中国文化精神中的主要成分,又统摄道家与佛教的思想,构建自己独特的广大和谐的生命哲学体系,为中国文化的重建开辟一条道路。
6)Harmonious Shaanxi和谐陕西
1.A Talk about Innovating Governance Mechanism of Basic Government and Constructing Harmonious Shaanxi;基层政府治理机制创新与构建和谐陕西

广西方言笑话—学广西普通话  最近,设计系老师要进行普通话考试,这下可把乡音难改的老师整惨了。某广西籍老师普通话不怎么地,但他很自信。某一次,一位苏北口音的老师用苏北普通话反复练习讲“把湿纸巾纸拾起来”这一句话,这位广西籍老兄不屑一顾:“这么简单的话都讲不清楚,还考啥试嘛,你真是整个狗屎不清(口齿不清),不就是把十几斤屎(湿纸巾纸)拾起来嘛!