城镇发展,town development
1)town development城镇发展
1.On the influence of the traffic axle of modern roads on the town development and strategy study;现代公路交通轴对城镇发展的影响及对策研究
2.At the same time ,the scientific plan of the town development is propitious to the building and management of fast trunk road network in Shanghai.以南汇县为例,论证了快速干道建设与上海市郊区城镇发展之间的关系,分析了两者之间的互动影响,指出快速干道的合理布局与建设并辅以科学的规划和严格的管理,将极大地促进上海市郊区的城镇发展;同样,科学的城镇发展规划也将有利于上海市快速干道网络系统的顺利建设和运营。
3.Basing on the analyses of the diversities of town development between the south and the north region since carrying on reform and opening policy.本文在分析改革开放以来,江西城镇发展南北差异的基础上,探讨形成这种差异的原因,并对江西省城镇发展提出建议。

1.Research on the Development of Small Towns during Urbanization in China;中国城镇化进程中的小城镇发展研究
2.The developing potential and the system of cities and towns about the planned cities and towns of county in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古主要城镇发展潜力与城镇体系
4.Ecological Problems in Town Development Strategy;实施小城镇发展战略中的城镇生态问题
5.China Gives Priority to Small Cities and Towns in Accelerating Urbanization中国推进城镇化 重点发展小城镇
6.Building Ecological Towns and Promoting Their Sustainable Development;建设生态城镇,促进城镇可持续发展
7.Town Construction is an Important Measure to Develop the Economy in Towns;城镇建设是城镇经济发展的重要举措
8.The Belt Town Cluster Urbanization Development Level Of The Upper Reaches Of Yellow River Is Studied;黄河上游带状城镇群城镇化发展研究
9.One of the important measures of urbanization: an active development of small towns;城镇化的重要一翼:积极发展小城镇
10.Fast development of urbanization.城镇化水平发展较快。
11.This is a developing town.这是座发展中的城镇。
12.chronicle the growth of a town记载某个城镇的发展史
13.The Matching Development of the Small Towns Enterprises and Towns Construction;论乡镇企业与小城镇建设的协调发展
14.The Relationship between Township Enterprise Developmentand Rural Urbanization in China;我国乡镇企业发展与农村城镇化进程
15.Enhance the Town s Enterprises Development Put Forword the Small Town s Construction;加快乡镇企业发展 推进小城镇建设
16.A research of the coordinated development of township enterprise and small town;乡镇企业与小城镇协调发展问题研究
17.Study in Development of Small Town School Sports during the Urbanization;城镇化进程中小城镇学校体育发展研究
18.Urbanization Patterns in Taiwan:an Inspiration for Qingdao;台湾地区城镇化模式对青岛城镇化发展的启示

Urban Development城镇发展
1.The Urban Development Study of Xinzhou District Region of Northwest Shanxi in Historical Period;历史时期山西忻州地区城镇发展研究
2.After comprehensively analyzes the present condition of urban development of western China,the paper put forward that urban development of western area should be enhanced basing on small and medium sized cities and with medium sized cities as cores and furthermore forming a perfect and orderly town system.本文通过对西部地区城镇发展现状的综合分析 ,提出 2 1世纪初期西部地区的城镇发展要以中等城市为核心 ,以中小城市为主导 ,谋求大中小城市的和谐发展 ,构筑完善、有序的城镇体系。
3.This paperrevealed the inherent rule of urban development, pointed out the basic conception of urban spatial layout, in order to offer scien-tific reference that formulate the policy for urban spatial development in Hebei Province.本文通过城镇空间布局特征、影响及制约因素的比较分析,揭示出河北省城镇发展的内在规律,并提出了河北省城镇空间发展布局的基本思路,以期为制定河北省的城镇空间发展政策提供科学依据。
3)city development城镇发展
1.This paper analyzed the present situation of city development.本文从分析目前城镇建设中存在问题入手 ,提出城镇发展必须以耕地保护为前提 ,实现耕地保护和城镇发展的统一。
4)development of towns城镇发展
1.Thoughts on the development of towns in urban fringe district;城市边缘区城镇发展的思考
5)urbanization development城镇化发展
1.Econometric analyses of influencing factors on regional urbanization development ——take Jiangsu Province as an example;区域城镇化发展影响因素的数量经济分析——以江苏省为例
2.Research on Inequality and Polarization of Urbanization Development in Chongqing;重庆城镇化发展差异与极化研究
3.Problems,such as the quality and ratio of urbanization,statistical method,scale and structure,are more serious in the urbanization development of Heilongjiang Province.在这个历史进程中,不同的国家、不同的地区会遇到不同的问题,城镇化发展的方略也各不相同。
6)development of small towns小城镇发展
1.Causes and Counter Measures of the Development of Small Towns in Fushui County in Yunnan;云南省水富县小城镇发展的动因和对策研究
2.The development of small towns is an inevitable trend of social progress.在小城镇的发展进程中 ,要统筹规划 ,合理配置和利用小城镇土地资源 ,并针对小城镇发展建设在土地利用方面可能出现的问题采取相应对
3.In the current development of small towns in China, there are problems like lack of characteristic economy, convergent industrial structure, scattered distribution of township enterprises and weak clustering effect.当前我国小城镇发展中仍存在缺乏特色经济、产业结构趋同、乡镇企业布局分散、集聚效应差等问题。

城镇城镇  L城俄J亦称镇。居民点的一种,是城镇聚落中同农村关系最密切的基础层次,是城、乡经济、文化等联系的纽带。分为县级镇和县辖镇。县级镇,又称县中心镇,是县政府机关所在地,是全县的政治经济、文化中心,具有一定的工业、商业和科学技术力量,有较好的公用设施和方便的交通条件。县辖镇,又称县辖建制镇,是在县辖区范围内几个乡形成的区域中心,有的具有专门的工业和商业职能。镇介于城市与乡村之间,是城市文明的传播媒介,具有亦城亦乡特征,其分布密度和规模,是一个地区经济发展水平的重要表现形式。设镇的条件在不同国家各不相同;在同一国家,不同地区或不同的历史阶段也有区别。1981年国务院对镇的设置作了如下规定:1.县级和县级以上地方国家机关所在地,可以设置镇建制。2.聚居人口在5《XX)千以上,其中非农业人口占70%左右的工商业集中地、小港口、风景区或物资集散地,也可设镇建制。3.少数民族地区、边远地区的工商业集中地,虽然聚居人口不足5(XX),非农业人口比例不到70%,确有必要时,也可设置镇建制。镇一般不包括乡镇政府所在地的集镇。