天人观,Views on Heaven and Man
1)Views on Heaven and Man天人观
1.The Research on Li Ligu s Views on Heaven and Man——Centering Question of Human Fate;李栗谷天人观研究——以人的命运问题为中心

1.On China s Transition from Primitive Religious Outlook of Heaven and Man to the Philosophical One;论中国原始宗教天人观向哲学天人观的转变
2."Concept of Heaven and Man" in Ancient China and the Construction of Contemporary Ecological Values中国古代“天人观”与当代生态价值观的建构
3.About the Pre-confucian Concept of Heaven Ecological Ethics Thought;先秦儒家天人观的生态伦理思想探微
4.What he expressed seemed idle fears.他的观点有些杞人忧天。
5.The origin of ancient Chinese democratic ideas;“天下为天下人之天下”——中国古代民主观念的滥觞
6.Analysis of Confucius by the Concept of Heaven to Heaven,and Humane View of the Changing Idea Trajectory浅析孔子由天命观向天道观、人道观转变的思想轨迹
7.Oneness of Heaven and Men: New Research on the View of Humanized Nature;“天人合一”:马克思人化自然观新探
8.Is "Heaven and Man combine into an integral whole" (Tian-ren heyi) the same as "Harmony of Heaven and Man" (tian-ren hexie);“天人合一”即“天人和谐”?──解读儒家“天人合一”观念的一个误区
9.The Review and Looking-forward of Research on Anthropic Principle in China--Science Thought Research on Qian Xuesen′s Anthropic Principle;我国人天观研究的回顾与前瞻——钱学森人天观科学思想研究
10.A New Perspective on the Heaven-Man Relationship--Conceptual Evolution of Heaven and Confucian Ideology of the Heaven-Man Relationship;天人关系新论——先秦“天”的观念演进及儒家对天人关系的思考
11.The combination of man and universe: the orientation of value of modern science and technology and ecology;天人合一:现代科技观与生态观的价值取向
12.Study of"Heaven and Man"Concept and the Ecological Concept of the Chinese Vernacular Architecture“天人合一”观与中国乡土建筑生态观的研究
13.On Taoist Idea of Heaven s Mandate;天道无亲,常与善人——道教天道命运观浅说
14.Tianzhufeng National Forest Park was richly endowed by nature in cultural landscape and natural landscape.天柱峰国家森林公园具有得天独厚的人文景观和自然景观。
15.he visits the deserted planetarium;他参观空寂无人的天文馆;
16.Crowds poured in to see the Red Flag Canal every day.每天都有成群的人来参观红旗渠。
17.This is known as Wu'Lao'Shang'Tian' Du or Five Old Men Ascending the Heavenly Capital.人们把这景观称为“五老上天都”。
18.The ballet we saw yesterday is bewilderingly beautiful.我们昨天观赏的芭蕾舞美得令人入迷。

conception of Heaven and Man天人观
1.This article uses the method of unification between logic and history to probe into the origin of the Confucian’s conception of heaven and man, to review the logical development of the Confucian’s conception of heaven and man in pre-Qin, the Han Dynasty, in the Song and Ming Dynasty.本文采用逻辑与历史统一的方法,探讨儒家天人观的起源,对儒家天人观在先秦、汉代、宋明三个阶段的发展和演变进行考察。
3)Tian Ren天人观念
1.So the cultural mode of "Tian Ren He Yi" had been laid a foundation.本文从天人观念与天人关系的变迁的角度,对这一“酝酿”过程进行了梳理和挖掘。
4)unity between man and universe天人合一观
5)the concept of integrity of human and nature人天整体观
6)Theory of Man and Nature in Unity天人统一观

不自观音,以观观者【不自观音,以观观者】  不自观音者,谓不随声尘所起知见也。以观观者,谓返照自性也。不起知见,则无所妄;返照自性,则一切真寂,无复苦恼。故令受苦众生,蒙此真观,即得解脱,是为无畏。经云:观其音声,即得解脱。是也。