社会经济影响因素,socio-economic influential factors
1)socio-economic influential factors社会经济影响因素
1.Analysis on coverage of vaccination campaign and its socio-economic influential factors;目的 了解影响成人疫苗接种率的有关社会经济影响因素

1.An Analysis of Difference of Socio-economic Influences on Rural Residential Land in Different Areas;农村居民点用地规模变化的社会经济影响因素区域差异验证分析
2.Government Control-an Important Factor Affects Society and Economy Performance;政府控制——影响转型社会经济绩效的重要因素
3.Analysis on the Social and Economic Factors Influencing the Aging of Chinese Population;影响我国人口老龄化的社会经济因素分析
4.Effect of the Changing Rural Socio-economic Factors on Sediment Yield of the Jialingjiang River Basin;农村社会经济因素变化对嘉陵江产沙量的影响
5.A Study of the Economic, Social and Cultural Factors Affecting China s Sports Consumption;影响我国体育消费的经济和社会文化因素
6.The ISM Analysis on the Influence Factors of Social and Economic Development in the West Part;西部地区社会经济发展影响因素的ISM分析
7.The effects of technological alternatives of enterprises in the economic society;谈经济社会企业技术选择的关键影响因素
8.An Analysis of Non-Economic Factors Influencing Social Security Institution in Chinese Rural Areas;影响农村社会保障制度的非经济因素分析
9.Analysis of Economic and Social Factors Which Impact the Formation and Development of Industrial Cluster影响产业集群形成与发展的经济社会因素分析
10.Analysis on the Socio-economic Influential Factors of the Grassland Ecological Footprint in Ganzi Prefecture甘孜州草地生态足迹经济社会影响因素分析
11.In the new stage, factors of urban land value increment have new characteristics.在新的经济、社会背景下,城市土地增值的影响因素呈现新的特点。
12.A Study on the Effects Social, Economic and Scientific Factors on Management Strategies of Locust Plague in China;我国蝗灾防治的社会、经济、科技影响因素及对策探讨
13.A Study on the Influence of Chinese Economic-Social Factors on the Fertility Level in the 1990s;1990年代中国经济社会因素对生育水平的影响研究
14.Sex Difference of Socioecnomic and Natural Environmental Factors on Physical Development Among University Students;社会经济及自然环境因素对大学生体格发育影响的性别差异
15.Tentative Research on Analysis and Countermeasures of Social and Economic Factors of Desertification in Northwest of China;试论西北地区荒漠化社会经济因素影响和相关对策
17.College aspiration and college choice of senior high school students;高中生的大学升学抱负和升学选择——兼论其他社会经济因素的影响
18.Analysis of the Socio-economic Factors Affecting the Migration Interval of Floating Population: A Case Study of Shenzhen;影响流动人口流动间隔的社会经济因素分析:以深圳为例

Socioeconomic impact社会经济影响
1.The relationship between socioeconomic development index and the indexes of economy and transportation is analyzed in a quantitative angle and then socioeconomic impact contribution model of express way is constructed;the economic contribution margin of the express way is arri.从定量分析角度出发,分析社会经济发展指数与经济指标、交通指标间的关系,建立了高速公路社会经济影响贡献模型,计算高速公路对社会经济发展的贡献值。
2.This paper makes a post-evaluation to the socioeconomic impact on the urban green space system in Taiyuan City by using techno-economic analysis method,so that to provide references and experiences for the following construction of urban green space system in Taiyuan City.本文运用技术经济分析方法对太原市城市绿地的社会经济影响进行了评价,力图为太原市今后的城市绿地系统建设提供借鉴和经验。
3)influence on society and economy社会与经济影响
4)economic and social impacts经济和社会影响
5)socio-economic impact社会经济影响
1.Study on Assessing the Socio-economic Impact for Freeway Traffic Management System;高速公路交通管理系统社会经济影响评价研究
2.By making a study on Variable Speed Limits(VSL) projects, this paper presents a comprehensive Weighted Principal Component Analysis(WPCA) model for the socio-economic impact evaluation of VSL projects and an example is introduced based on simulated program. 以可变限速系统(VSL)项目为研究对象,运用加权主成分分析法设计了VSL项目社会经济影响综合评价模型,并通过基于交通仿真软件模拟设计的评价方案给出了评价案例。
3.Based on the deeply study on the socio-economic impact of Electronic Toll Collection(ETC), this paper presents a scientific evaluation index system for ETC projects.在深入研究电子收费系统(ETC)项目社会经济影响的基础上,建立了科学实用的评价指标体系,设计了ETC项目社会经济影响均一和非均一综合集成的AHP/DEA评价模型,并通过算例验证了模型的客观合理性。
6)Social and Economic Impact社会经济影响
1.Study on Social and Economic Impact Evaluation for Freeway;高速公路社会经济影响评价研究
2.Expressway is characterized by its big scale,high technique standard,and great investment,so its social and economic impact is different from the highway in impact mode,relativity,and extend.而且由于高速公路建设具有规模大、技术标准高、投资额多的特点,所产生的社会经济影响,与一般公路相比,无论在产生方式、相关性还是显著程度等方面都更具有特殊性。

影响社会宣传效果因素影响社会宣传效果因素factors that influence the result of social propaganda 影响社会宜传效果因素(faetors thatinfluonee the result of soeial propaganda)社会宣传效果受制于多种因素,主要有:(l)宣传者的威信(包括个人和组织)。影响威信的主要因素是宣传信息是否真实、及时、准确,其次是宣传者的专家身份。(2)宣传媒介的性能。宣传媒介被认为是人体的延伸,如印刷品是眼睛的延伸,广播是耳朵的延伸等。媒介质量越好、越先进,传播面越宽、影响越大,所以电视宣传效果远远高于其他形式。(3)宣传内容和形式的安排。包括信息的取舍、编排、发送是否符合人们的心理特点及情境的要求等。(4)受传者个体差异及环境的影响。宣传能起何种作用还取决于受传个体原有的心理结构及水平和他所处的社会环境,特别是人际关系的影响。总的来说,社会宣传是一个多因素相互作用的连续性过程,宣传者只有善于分辨各种因素的特点、彼此的联系及状态的变化,进行适时的引导,才能取得良好的实效。 (王序荪撰戚立夫审)