北方河流,northern rivers
1)northern rivers北方河流

1.Environmental capacity of rivers in North China中国北方河流环境容量核算方法研究
2.Study on the Calculation Method of Water Environmental Capacity of the North Area in the Region EIA区域环评中北方河流水环境容量计算方法研究
3.The river Lea flows into the Thames which flows into the North Sea.利河流入泰晤士河,泰晤士河流入北海。
4.A Primary Exploration of the Theories and Approaches on Ecological Management for Urban River in Beijing;对北京城市河流生态治理的理论与方法初探
5.Study on Optimal Storage Capacity of Underground Reservoir in North China s Small Coastal Valley;北方沿海小流域河谷型地下水库最优库容研究
6.This stream in which he stood was a feeder to the Coppermine River, which in turn flowed north and emptied into Coronation Gulf and the Arctic Ocean.他所站的地方,是铜矿河的一条支流,铜矿河本身则向北流去,通向加冕湾和北冰洋。
7.Pingju Opera is popular in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Northeast China.平剧在北京、天津、河北和东北都很流行。
8.At this point the fiver hooks around to the north.河流在此处转弯北去。
9.The river Themes flows into the North Sea.泰吾士河流入北海。
10.The River Thames empties into the North Sea.泰唔士河流入北海。
11.The river Thames flows into the North Sea.泰晤士河流入北海。
12.Tianjin is the largest coastal city in north China with a population of nearly 10 million. Haihe River flows across the central zone of Tianjin.天津是中国北方最大的滨海城市,人口约一千万。海河流经城市中心。
13.As it happens, my work is directly concerned with water: I am a consultant engaged in redesigning Beijing's rivers.而我的工作正巧与水有直接关系:我是北京河流整治方面的顾问,
14.His father Lo Xingtao, a government official from Fangyang of Hebei Province, was exiled to this undeveloped south for committing a misdemeanor.父亲卢行滔,原籍河北范阳,因事罢官,被流放到偏僻的岭南地方。
15.Study on HFRS Epidemic Characteristic and Forecast Methods in Hebei Province;河北省肾综合征出血热流行特征和预测方法研究
16.Mathematical Methods in Isotope Hydrogeology and Its Applications to the Inland River Basins in Northwest China;同位素水文地质学的数学方法及其在西北干旱内陆河流域的应用
17.Design of Ningyang Guanghe River Pollutant Diversion of the Eastern Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调东线工程宁阳洸河截污导流工程方案设计
18.The Region Environment and The Living Ways of Villager in The West Region of The North Yellow River in Ming and Qing Dynasties明清时期黄河小北干流西岸地域环境与村民营生方式选择

Hebei dialect河北方言
1.In Hebei dialect,the special grammatical function of the form "X-er" has the following types: in the structure of "N.在河北方言中特殊语法功能的"X-儿"主要有:用在"A儿去咧"结构中,"儿"用在"名词+儿"中,其中"儿"相当于"里,""V-儿"相当于"V的"结构,"儿"相当于时体虚成分或方位介词等几种功能。
2.Compared with Putonghua,Hebei dialect is different in vocabulary and grammar,Iet alone alone pronunciation.河北方言与普通话比较 ,语音自不必说 ,词汇、语法同样存在差异。
3.In the Hebei dialect " X- er" is very complex from the point of view of pronounciation, meaning and grammar.河北方言中“X-儿”形式无论从读音来看,还是从其表义和语法功能的表现上来看情况都很复杂,加之河北方言的独特地理位置,对其进行研究,一方面,可以为汉语方言的进一步研究提供重要语料,为共同语儿化研究提供一些有益的证据支持;另一方面,我们在语料详细描写的基础上对其进行一些深入的理论探讨,对儿化的性质、成因、音系地位以及“儿”的语素地位问题提出我们的看法,丰富有关理论研究的内容。
3)"North River"《北方的河》
1.Personal Idealism and Heroism in "North River" by Zhang Chengzhi;个人理想主义和英雄主义——评析张承志《北方的河》
4)northward removal of the Huanghe River黄河北流
5)the Beiliuhe river北流河
1.Analysis of the storm flood of "70.8" and "95.10" at the Beiliuhe river s Jinji station;北流河金鸡站“70.8”与“95.10”暴雨洪水分析
6)Local chronicles of Hebei河北地方志

被污染的河流被污染的河流 叱自 被污染的河流《自然生物之旅》