污染源概化,generalization of pollution sources
1)generalization of pollution sources污染源概化

1.Impact of Pollution Source Generalization on Computation of Pollution Carrying Capacity in 1-D Model污染源概化对一维模型纳污能力计算的影响分析
2.The following paragraphs deal with intra-source offsets and the so-called "bubble" concept.下面讨论污染源内部的补偿和所谓的“泡泡”概念。
3.General situation of electromagnetism radiation pollution source of environment in Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou City浙江省及杭州市电磁辐射环境污染源概况
4.Investigation on the Effect of Controlling the Non-point Source Pollution by Shallow Wet Irrigation;水稻不同灌概措施对面源污染影响效应研究
5.The Research on Enhanced Coagulation Technology Treats Micro-polluted Water;强化混凝技术处理微污染水源水研究
6.Research on the Current Situation of Pollution Sources and Its Countermeasure in ZPC中原石化污染源现状调查及对策研究
7.Intensify Pre-examination on Environment Protection Improve Control from Pollution Source强化环保前置审批 加强源头污染控制
8.discharge prediction of industrial pollution sources工业污染源排污预测
9.Pollution Source Fingerprinting System of Accident Water Pollution Based on GIS in Chemical Area基于GIS的化工区突发水污染事故污染源识别系统的构建研究
10.A concept design of information system on controlling total mass for the land based pollutants discharged into Dalian Bay大连湾陆源污染物排海总量控制信息系统概念设计
11.The small individual sources of pollution are far more numerous than the large ones.分散的小污染源远多于大污染源。
12.Pilot-scale Experimental Study on Constructed Wetlands for Eutrophication Lake Outer Pollution Control;人工湿地净化富营养化湖泊外源污染试验研究
13.Heilongjiang Province Site Pollution Source Survey and Estimation黑龙江省面污染源调查与污染物估算
14.State Key Laboratory of pollution control and resource reuse污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室
15.Environmental pollution caused dy beet sugar solid waste and their use as resources甜菜制糖固体废物的环境污染与资源化
16.Study on Load Estimation and Control Measures of Eutrophication by Non-point Sources Pollution in Coastal Areas;海湾富营养化非点源污染的评估与控制研究
17.Research on Transport and Transformation Law of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution;农业非点源污染迁移转化机理及规律研究
18.Study on Retention and Purification Effect of N and P in Pond Wetlands;水塘湿地截留和净化农业面源污染物特性研究

schematization of concentrated pollution source污染源集中概化
3)Reutilization of sewage sludge污染资源化
4)pollution probability污染概率
5)Situation of pollution污染概况
6)non-point source pollution面源污染
1.Application of grassed swales in urban non-point source pollution control;植草沟在城市面源污染控制系统的应用
2.SWAT simulation of effect of stream water quality on non-point source pollution;基于SWAT模型的流域面源污染模拟影响分析
3.Effectiveness of rural environmental education on non-point source pollution control;农村环境教育在控制农村面源污染中的作用

大气污染源  造成大气污染的污染物发生源。可分为天然大气污染源和人为大气污染源。    天然大气污染源  大气污染物的天然发生源,如排出火山灰、二氧化硫、硫化氢等的活火山,自然逸出煤气和天然气的煤田和油田,放出有害气体的腐烂的动植物。天然污染源造成的大气污染,目前还不能控制。    人为大气污染源  大气污染物的人为发生源,如资源和能源的开发(包括核工业)、燃料的燃烧以及向大气释放出污染物的各种生产场所、设施和装置等。可以按不同的方法分类:    按污染源的运动状态分为固定污染源和移动污染源。固定污染源是排放污染物的固定设施,如排放硫氧化物、氮氧化物、煤尘、粉尘及其他有害物的锅炉、加热炉、工业窑炉、民用炉灶等。移动污染源主要是排放大气污染物的交通工具,如排放碳、氮、硫的氧化物、碳氢化合物、铅化物、黑烟等的汽车、飞机、船舶、机车等。            按人们的社会活动功能分为工业污染源、生活污染源和交通运输污染源(见污染源)。    按污染物的影响范围分为局部大气污染源和区域性大气污染源。前者污染源是造成小范围局部地区的大气污染,后者造成大范围(有时超出行政区划或国界)的区域性的大气污染。