本体特性,ontological property
1)ontological property本体特性
1.He doesn t understand ontological property caused by origin for his neglect of its peculiarities.但因为波斯彼洛夫未能充分重视艺术的独特性,难以深刻认识文学艺术因起源带来的本体特性
2.The ideology is merely an aspect of the value of literature, but not ontological property of literature.反驳了把文学艺术视为“更高地悬浮于空中的意识形态领域”和把意识形态完全等同于“观念上层建筑”的观点,认为文学艺术不是一种意识形态,意识形态只是文学艺术的价值特性,而非本体特性,文学艺术是一种与意识形态相适应的社会意识形式。

1.Is Ideology the Ontological Property or an Aspect of the Value of Literature;意识形态:文艺的本体特性还是价值特性
2.The style of the female literature in works "Lover";《情人》中体现出的女性文学的文本特征
3.Penetrating the Non-ontological Characteristics of the Doctrine of Madhyamika Prajā from Zhao Lun;从《肇论》看中观般若学的非本体性特征
4.Views on the Individual Practical Rational Feature of Capitalist System;论资本主义制度的个体实用理性特征
5.The Basic Characteristic and the Applications Study of Photonic Crystal Fibers光子晶体光纤基本特性及其应用研究
6.Constitutive characteristic of hot deformation for Cr15Mn9Cu2Ni1N austenitic stainless steelCr15Mn9Cu2Ni1N奥氏体不锈钢的热变形本构特性
7.To Use VB Text Box Features to Create Multimedia Devices Answer利用VB文本框特性制作多媒体抢答器
8.By participating, visitors can experience the basic traits of gyro-precession.让观众通过参与体验陀螺的基本特性-进动性。
9.3.The river basin wholeness is the fundamental property of economic district.三、流域整体性是其经济地域的根本特性。
10.Character: The tan powdery pellet and the colorless transparent watery solution,has the special fetid odor slightly.性状:本品为近似澄清的粘性液体、稍具特异臭味。
11.Limitation and Surpassing--Exploring the Noumenon of Sartre s View on Freedom;有限性与超越性——萨特自由观的本体论探视
12.It has four traits: collectiveness, legitimacy, continuity and changeability.法律传统具有群体性、势合法性、史延续性和可变性四个基本特性。
13.The practical moral subject has its basic characteristics that are activity, independence and self-center.实践性道德主体有着自己的基本特征:能动性、自主性和为我性。
14.Is the identity of subjects and objects transformed by that which is virtual?主与客()特性会通过虚拟的本体而被改变吗?
15.Characteristics of Low Power He Microwave Induced Plasma低功率氦微波诱导等离子体的基本特性
16.The Basic Characteristic Investigation and Structure Analysis of Photonic Crystal Fibers;光子晶体光纤的基本特性研究及结构分析
17.Studies on the Inherited Character of Reproductivecell and Somatic Cell of Schistosome Japonicum;日本血吸虫生殖细胞和体细胞遗传特性的研究
18.Initially Search on the Colony Event s Substantive Characteristics, the Origin and the Prevention Countermeasure;群体性事件的本质特征、成因与防治对策初探

semiconductor intrinsic properties半导体本征特性
3)feature noumenon特征本体
1.The attributes of pa rt noumenon and feature noumenon are described.描述了零件本体和特征本体的属性 ,分析了各本体间和本体属性间的关系。
4)body characteristic本体特征
5)basic properties of plasma等离子体基本特性
6)basic characteristic基本特性
1.Study on the basic characteristics in peanut cold pressing process;花生冷榨过程中的基本特性研究
2.Mainly about the basic characteristic of atmospheric bioaerosol,the development and evaluation of samplingand monitoring technique,the current progress of research on its affect on human health and the trend of its environmental and climatic effect in the near future.主要围绕生物气溶胶的基本特性,生物气溶胶采检技术的发展状况,当前生物气溶胶的健康效应的研究进展及未来其环境效应和气候效应的研究动向等4个方面进行了阐述。
3.This paper described the progress of study on respirable particles, both at home and abroad and mainly describes the source,the basic characteristics the source analysis of PM(10) and its disservices.综述了国内外有关可吸入颗粒物的研究进展,主要围绕可吸入颗粒物的来源、基本特性、源解析及其危害影响等,对其研究动向进行了阐述。
