社会生态位,social niche
1)social niche社会生态位
1.This article started with concepts and contents of social selection and social niche,and made a brief analysis of relationship between social selection and social niche.从社会选择和社会生态位的概念和内涵出发,简要分析了社会选择与社会生态位之间的关系,认为社会生态位的相对稳定和动态变化是社会选择的结果,是促进社会不断发展和进步的内在动力。

1.Analysising the Social Niche,Optimizing and Integrating the Tourism Exploitation in Fujian and Taiwan;分析社会生态位,优化整合闽台旅游开发
2.Optimizing Social Niche -Exploring on the Urban Planning Perspective on Adapting to Social Development;优化社会生态位——适应时代发展的城市规划理念探析
3.Research and Application on Network Community Enterprise Niche Models;网络社会企业生态位模型研究及应用
4.On Ecological Civilization in New Socialist Countryside;论社会主义新农村定位中的生态文明
5.The Study of the Effect of Social Capital on Enterprise s Network Niche;社会资本对技术创新网络企业生态位的影响
6.On Legal Status of Russian Eco-social Groups in the Implementation of Russian Ecology Law;论俄罗斯生态社会团体在俄罗斯生态法实施中的法律地位
7.Dynamic ecological niche of complex social-economical-natural ecosystem in Fujian from 1996 to 20061996~2006年福建省社会-经济-自然复合生态系统生态位变化分析
8.Constructing the Dynamic Balance Model of Curriculum Position--A New Visual Analysis of Relations between Curriculum and Students,Knowledge and Society in Foreign Countries:A Review;构建课程位动态平衡模型——分析课程与知识、学生、社会关系的新视角
9.Optimization of the Competition and Cooperation Relationships between Cybersociety Enterprises Based on Niche Theory基于生态位的网络社会企业间竞合关系优化研究
10.The Orientation and the Cultivation for the Functions of Social Science Associations in the New Ecological Environment新生态环境下社科类学会的功能定位与功能培育
11.On the Construction of Ecological Ethics in Socialist Harmonious Society;论社会主义和谐社会的生态伦理建设
12.Ecological Civilization:Foundation of Socialism Harmonious Society;生态文明:社会主义和谐社会的基石
13.Revelation of Ecological Socialism to the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society;生态社会主义对构建社会主义和谐社会的启示
14.A Preliminary Analysis of the New Ethics in the Ecological Society-Ecological Ethics;试论生态社会的新伦理学——生态伦理学
15.The Harmony of Ecology,the Basis of Building a Harmonious Society--An Ecological Reflection on Building a Socialist Harmonious Society;生态和谐,社会才能和谐——构建社会主义和谐社会的生态思考
16.Construct Ecological Social Relations in Cities' Eco-communities城市生态社区中生态性社会关系的构建
17.Analysis on Ecological Aesthetics Modality of Tuyao Nationality;土瑶族群社会生态审美意识形态分析
18.The Birth of Social Antagonistic Psychology and Treating with Social Reasonable Spirit社会逆反心态的产生与社会理性精神的疏导

the "society-ecology" standard"社会-生态"本位
3)ecological society生态社会
1.In order to protect natural environment and maintain ecological balance and to accelerate the sustainable development of human society,it is necessary to change the inconsistent social structure and its anti-nature essence: going from human society to ecological society,from anti-nature society to environment friendly society,from extravagant society to economical soc.为了保护自然环境和维持生态平衡,进而维护人类社会的可持续发展,需要改造与自然不协调的社会结构和反自然的社会本质,由人类社会走向生态社会,反自然的社会走向环境友好型社会,奢侈型社会走向资源节约型社会。
2.Human society must be reformed and geared towards ecological society to save the ecological environment from the current crisis.欲将生态从危机中拯救出来,必须改造人类社会,并由人类社会走向生态社会。
3.On the basis of exploring connotation of ecological society, the thesis studies the inevitability and necessity of economic operation, technological development, cultural construction and green forms of consumption on ecological society.生态社会实现了社会与自然的内在契合,它是人与自然本质融合为一体的社会。
4)social ecology社会生态
1.Research into Social Ecology of Ruling by the People s Action Party of Singapore;新加坡人民行动党执政的社会生态研究
2.From the view of the social ecology,the social structure,the social environment and the system of social flowing must support the action of the technological innovation as the corpus of social action.从社会生态学的视角来看,技术创新作为创新主体的一种社会活动,必须从社会生态中获得各个方面的支持,只有在社会结构系统、社会环境系统和社会流动系统都能够保持良好状态的情况下,才能够使技术创新活动顺利完成。
3.The post-modern philosophy of the ideological and political education on the social ecology,ecological culture is from the perspective of ideological and political education in the humanities care and the true meaning of life,formed the ideological education of the ecological value of social theory.用后现代哲学研究思想政治教育的社会生态,就是从生态文化的角度探讨思想政治教育过程中的人文关怀,实现生命的本真意义,形成思想政治教育社会生态的价值学说;使思想政治教育体现出生命存在的本真意义和价值关怀,以增大思想政治教育的社会涵容量、增强其社会功能和思想政治教育工作的有效性,从而构建一种新的、顺应历史潮流的思想政治教育的社会生态过程。
1.When we call for the eco-society, we must pay more attention to the social justice, in order to bring the social organization into effect, increase the social vigor, and bring the relation between people into balance.生态社会建设应该注重社会公平性建设,以便在尊重社会成员个体差异性的基础上,更好地发挥社会组织效能,增强社会活力,实现生态社会人与人之间的平衡。
2.From the perspective of entirety and systemic,Ecological postmodernism explained a″real″world view that eco-society needs,and put forward a series of vision about ecological construction.生态社会是每个有理性的民族和国家所向往的一种理想社会形式,而要建设生态社会需要解决的最根本问题便是人与自然和谐相处的问题。
3.The ecological model of an eco-society,which is composed of group P1 and P2,was set up by the method of mathematical physics.运用数学物理方法,通过生态模型考虑了在一个由群体P1和P2所组成的生态社会中,在作用因素不同的条件下,由繁殖和相互作用等引起的各群体数量n1(t)和n2(t)随时间的发展变化规律。
6)social ecologicalization社会生态化
1.Educational ecologicalization is inevitable result of the development of social ecologicalization.教育生态化是社会生态化发展的必然结果。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决