政治支持,political support
1)political support政治支持
1.Strong political support,appropriate transitional path suit for the country and a high efficient government are necessary factors for the success of transition economy.从政治支持、路径、政府作用三个方面比较中国与俄罗斯以及中东欧国家在转轨方面的差异,认为,产权的完全私有化并不是计划经济向市场经济转轨取得成功的充分必要条件,强有力的政治支持、适合本国国情的转轨路径、一个高效的政府是转轨经济取得成功的必然要求。

1.(politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support.(政治)给与支持、保证或者给与公开的保证作为对政治支持的报答。
2.Political Support,Path and the Role of Government in Transition Economy;经济转轨中的政治支持、路径及政府作用
3.endorse a political candidate.See Synonyms atapprove支持政治候选人参见
4.politicians who seek the approval of the multitude/the multitudes寻求群众支持的政治家
5.The politician refused to identify himself with the Administration's foreign policy.那位政治家拒不支持政府的外交政策。
6.The politician refuse to identify himself with the administration 's foreign policy那位政治家拒不支持政府的外交政策
7.Third, intensifying political mutual trust and support.三、加强政治上的相互信任与支持。
8.A supporter of political conservatism.保守党人政治上保守主义的支持者
9.Belief in or support of the tenets of the political left.左派,左翼信仰或支持政治左派观点
10.faithful support for a religion or cause or political party.对宗教、事业或政治组织的忠诚支持。
11.He must be the winning of the people to his political belief.他必将赢得人民对他政治信念的支持。
12.a radical supporter of political or social revolution.政治或社会革命的过激支持者。
13.- To give full support to the political and institutional structures of emerging democracies in Africa.- 全力支持非洲新兴民主政体的政治和体制结构。
14.On the Gurantee and Support of Law-ruled Society on Socialism Politics Civilization;谈法治对社会主义政治文明的保障与支持
15.The voters united in support of the aging politician选民团结一致支持那位上了年纪的政治家。
16.What he has done is just a political gesture to draw popular support.(他所做的只是争取民众支持的一种政治姿态。)
17.She had the support of powerful and influential politicians.她得到有权力和有影响的政治家的支持。
18.Previous to the great downfall of politics in his county, he had supported the hunt by every means in his power.在国内政治大为衰微以前,他竭尽全力支持打猎。

political life support政治生活支持
1.As an important model of political civilization development in China, political life support is geared to the needs of modern democratic political construction and is becoming the actual base and powerful motivating force in the construction of China s political civilization.政治生活支持作为我国政治文明发展的一种重要范式,它适应了民主政治建设的现代发展,并愈益成为我国政治文明建设的现实基础和强大动力。
3)Endorse a political candidate.支持政治候选人
4)supportive care支持治疗
5)Policy support政策支持
1.Policy Support is the Base of Carrying out New Century "Projects of Educational Reform"——Taking the Implementation of the Projects of "New Century" Guangxi Higher Education and Teaching Reform as Example;政策支持:新世纪“教改工程”实施的基础——以新世纪广西高等教育教学改革工程的实施为例
2.Family: Functional Transformation and Policy Support during the Establishment of Harmonious Society;家庭:和谐社会建设中的功能变迁和政策支持
3.To analyse this “unconventional operation” from social aspects, such as technology , ethics and idea , rights and interests , legal structure and policy support ,etc.“非常规”的手术戒毒挑战了长久以来公众对毒品的“常规”认识以及现行的戒毒政策和方法,从技术、伦理以及观念、权益、法律规制和政策支持等社会层面考量了这一项“非常规”手
6)government support政府支持
1.The Study on Government Support in High-tech Industrialization;高科技产业化中的政府支持问题研究
2.Mining right market should be pushed forward from the next three sides: theoretical support,government support and commercial support.矿权市场建设需从三个方面加以推进,一是理论支持,二是政府支持,三是商品支持。

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。