哲学解读,philosophical understanding
1)philosophical understanding哲学解读

1.Philosophical Interpretation of Enhancement of Education on the Concept of Honors and Dishonors for College Students;对大学生加强荣辱观教育的哲学解读
2.Taoistic thought emulates nature--Analysis of Tao Te Ching from the perspective of legal philosophy;道法自然——关于《道德经》的法哲学解读
3.Freedom and Immortality-A Philosophic Explanation to Li Bai s Ideal Schema of being Meritorious and Retiring after Meritorious Service;自由与不朽——李白退守自然的哲学解读
4.The Interpretation of the Standard of Translation-"Xin" from the Perspective of the Philosophy of Language;关于“信”的翻译标准的语言哲学解读
5.Confucius s Conception of Dialogue between Friends in Terms of Jewish Philosophy of Dialogue;从犹太对话哲学解读“有朋自远方来”
6.Philosophy Is the History of Philosophy?--A Kind of Philosophical Historical Reading;哲学就是哲学史吗?——一种哲学史观的解读
7.Democracy,Science and Philosophy: Rorty s Interpretation of Dewey s Philosophy;民主、科学与哲学——罗蒂对杜威哲学的解读
8.An Explanation of "Wisdom Theory"--What Philosophy Is Called;哲学“智慧说”解读——论哲学教学目标的整合
9.Reading With Understanding: Interpretive Method in Chinese Philosophy;理解性阅读——中国哲学的解释方法
10.Hermeneutical Analysis of English Teaching Innovation of Reading Comprehension;英语阅读教学变革的哲学阐释学之解
11.The Pioneer of African "Ethno-philosophy" Study --Interpreting the Philosophical Thoughts of Alexis Kagame非洲“人种哲学”研究的先驱——卡加梅哲学思想解读
12.Philosophicalization of the World and Globalization of Philosophy;读解"世界的哲学化同时也就是哲学的世界化
13.The World Outlook of"Tragedy Philosophy"--An Existential Interpretation of Shestov's Philosophy“悲剧哲学”的世界观——舍斯托夫哲学的生存论解读
14.The Analysis of Academic Profession--The ideal and reality of scholarship学术职业的解读——哲学王的理想与现实
15.Eclipse of Reading: On the "Philosophical Turn" in American Sinology解读的衰落:美国汉学的“哲学转向”
16.The Economic-moral Interpretation on the 1844 Economic and Philosophy Manuscript;《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的经济道德解读
17.Academic Freedom:a Reading of Brubecker s Higher Education Philosophy;学术自由——《高等教育哲学》解读
18.Expounding the Feature of "Philosophy" in Western Philosophy--Examining from the perspective of ancient Greek philosophy;西方哲学“哲学”特质的自我解读——在古希腊哲学的视域上

philosophical interpretation哲学解读
1.The philosophical interpretation of works of art is conducted through man s spiritual retrospection and higher reaches of spirit.艺术作品的哲学解读是一种通过艺术作品反思人类精神现象、精神境界的活动 ,是一种超越感性有限而趋向于理性无限的过程 ,也是把作品的艺术情思内化为读者生命的过程 ,具有净化心灵人性、创造人生的意义和价值 ,可以给人以自由的愉悦和满足。
3)Philosophy Interpretation of Originate Work创新的哲学读解
4)A Study on Hu Hong s Historical Philosophy胡宏历史哲学解读
5)An interpretation of Sartre s moral philosophy萨特道德哲学解读
6)The preliminary interpretation to philosophy对哲学的初步解读

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀