思想根源,ideological roots
1)ideological roots思想根源
1.It's partly incorrect to ascribe the ideological roots of environmental problems to the anthropocentricity either from the view of history, or reality, or the transformation progress of theoretical forms.把造成环境问题的思想根源归结于人类中心论 ,无论是从历史维度、现实层面分析 ,还是就理论形态转换过程透视都有失偏颇。
2.The ideological roots of the existen ce the Party s work style is the subjectivism and t he formalism and bureaucracy caused by such subjectivism if it is considered from the point of connection type.从关系范畴的意义上理解党风问题,党风存在问题的思想根源就是主观主义以及由主观主义引起的形式主义和官僚主义。

1.The Exploration of Chinese High-context Culture in Confucianism;中国高语境文化的儒家思想根源探究
2.Strengthen the Ideological and Political Education Improve the Quality of Nurturing Graduated Students;从思想根源抓起 确保研究生培养质量
3.On the Source of Thoughs in the Conflicts of Criticism about Qu Yuan in the Han Dynasties;两汉屈原“评价之争”的思想根源浅探
4.Analysis on Thought Origins of the Difference between Chinese and Western Painting Forms试析中西方绘画形式异同之思想根源
5.Analysis of the Intellectual Roots of Helmholtz's Paper Named "On the Conservation of Force"亥姆霍兹《论力的守恒》的思想根源分析
6.The Different Religion Ideology Root of Chinese Myth and Greek Myth;中国神话和希腊神话不同的宗教思想根源
7.A Theory of "Jingjie" Misunderstood by a Century:On the Thought Resource of Wang Guowei’s Poetic Remarks in the Human World;被误解的王国维“境界”说——论《人间词话》的思想根源
8.Inquiring Thinking Source of Appearance and Functions in Physical Design;实物设计中外观和功能相结合的思想根源探究
9.Thought Resources in the Changes of Mass Sport and Athletic Sport;我国群众体育与竞技体育嬗变的思想根源
10.Modern Ideological Root-cause of Zhou Zuoren Prose s Gentle Plain Style;周作人散文平和冲淡风格的现代思想根源
11.Characteristics of Western Moral Education Theories in the 20th Century and Its Origins;20世纪西方道德教育理论的特点及其思想根源
12.Comment on the source of subsidizing the higher education students and its patten choice;论高等教育学生资助的思想根源及方式选择
13.The Oriental Touch in George Gordon Byron s Works;拜伦作品中“东方情调”的思想文化根源
14.The Spirit of Confucianism: Source,Variation and Cultivation;儒家思想的基本精神——根源、变异及培植
15.Corrupt Practices in Chinese Medical Care:the root in public policies and a call for Confucian-market approach;医疗腐败的市场根源:儒家思想的角度
16.The Social Roots of the Mo-tse's Thought on "Tian Zhi" and "Ming Gui"墨子“天志”“明鬼”思想的社会根源
17.The Impact and the Origin of Huang Zongxi's Political Philosophy黄宗羲政治哲学思想的影响及其根源
18.The Cultural Root of Chinese Traditional Officialdom Standard Thought中国传统官本位思想生发的文化生态根源

ideological origin思想根源
1.Taking a close look at the ideological origin, it was mainly because Mao Zedong failed to innovate his theories in light of the conditions of China at that time.究其思想根源,主要是毛泽东未能坚持从中国的具体国情出发,"与时俱进"地做出理论创新;而是拘泥前人,犯了他自己过去所一贯反对的教条主义错误。
3)the origin of thought and culture思想文化根源
4)fundamental idea根本思想
1.The paper holds that human-centredness is the fundamental idea ; all-round, coordinated development among human beings, society, and nature is the fundamental content ; the general construction of a well-off society and the actualization of joint prosperity are therealistic objectives of the concept of scientific .本文认为,科学发展观的根本思想是以人为本;基本内容是实现人与社会、人与人和人与自然的全面协调发展;现实目标是全面建设小康社会和实现共同富裕。
5)Grassroots thought草根思想
6)ideological origin思想渊源
1.Its ideological origins are democratism and the doctrine of respecting human rights.其思想渊源是民主主义与尊重人权主义。
2.The article mainly explored the poetry s ideological origin from the influence of poet s learning handed down in family and the cultural atmosphere at the beginning of Tang.文章主要从诗人家学的影响及当时的文化氛围等方面探讨了其诗歌形成的思想渊源。
3.This paper mainly deals with the ideological original relationship between the Six classics, Pre-Qin Confucianists, such as Confucius, Tseng, Tzu-Si(Zi-Si), as well as Pre-Qin other schools and Mencius.仁政学说、天人合一思想及性善论三方面构成了孟子思想体系的主要内容,而这一体系的形成有主要有三方面的思想渊源。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j