雷锋镇,Leifeng Town
1)Leifeng Town雷锋镇
1.On the basis of the concept, calculation method of the EF and its achievement, this paper chosen Leifeng Town as research object used improved ecological footprint model and forecast model to analyzed ecological footprint dynamic change and development trend.本文在介绍生态足迹的概念、计算方法及目前研究成果的基础上,以环境优美镇——雷锋镇为研究对象,对生态足迹模型进行调整,并运用调整的生态足迹模型对雷锋镇生态足迹动态变化进行了分析。
2)Lei Feng雷锋
1.Construction and Evolution in the Typical Character’s Reports:A Study on Lei Feng’s Image Construction in People’s Daily;青年典型人物的建构与嬗变——《人民日报》塑造的雷锋形象(1963-2003)
2.Lei Feng, as a political symbol shaped in revolutionary times, has again attracted wide attention in the post-revolution age, which itself has a very rich connotations.雷锋,一个革命时代被塑造的政治符号,在告别革命的后革命时代却重新引起人们的广泛关注,这本身就具有非常丰富的文化内涵。

1.We should model ourselves on Lei Feng.我们应当以雷锋为榜样。
2.In 1960 Lei Feng was accepted as a Party member.1960年雷锋被吸收入党。
3.Have you seen Lei Feng's diary?你看过雷锋日记吗?
4.Lei Feng came from a poor peasant's family.雷锋是贫农家庭出身。
5.Distillation of National Spirit--Comment on LEI Feng and LEI Feng Spirit;民族精神的高度升华——论雷锋雷锋精神
6.On the timely nature for Leifeng s spirit and the developmental trend for the movement of learning Leifeng;论雷锋精神的时代特点与学雷锋活动的发展趋势
7.They all started to compare him to Lei Feng.他们都开始把他比作雷锋
8.Millions of Chinese follow Lei Feng's example.千百万中国人以雷锋为学习榜样。
9.Lei Feng never ceased trying to measure up to his ideal.雷锋努力按这个理想去做,从不停息。
10.Lei Feng refused to spend a penny on himself.雷锋在自己身上一个子儿都不肯花。
11.Lei Feng has died, but his spirit lives on for ever.雷锋虽然死了,但他的精神将永远存在。
12.Seeing this, an old man commented, "Uncle Lei Feng isn't around any more."旁边有位老人说,雷锋叔叔不在了。
13.I went to the exhibition in memory of Lei Feng.我参观了纪念雷锋展览会。
14.Lei Feng held on to one of the men and begged:"Take me along, too."雷锋缠着一位战士,恳求说:“把我也带去。”
15.The Party calls on us to learn from Comrade Lei Feng.党号召我们向雷锋同志学习。
16.The Leifeng Spirit will be handed down forever and we should all learn from it.雷锋精神垂世远久, 值得我们学习。
17.Lei Feng devoted himself to the cause of communism.雷锋把一生献给了共产主义事业。
18.Comrade Lei Feng's heroic image is stamped in our memory.雷锋同志的英雄形象铭刻在我们心中。

Lei Feng雷锋
1.Construction and Evolution in the Typical Character’s Reports:A Study on Lei Feng’s Image Construction in People’s Daily;青年典型人物的建构与嬗变——《人民日报》塑造的雷锋形象(1963-2003)
2.Lei Feng, as a political symbol shaped in revolutionary times, has again attracted wide attention in the post-revolution age, which itself has a very rich connotations.雷锋,一个革命时代被塑造的政治符号,在告别革命的后革命时代却重新引起人们的广泛关注,这本身就具有非常丰富的文化内涵。
3)Leifeng Spirit雷锋精神
1.Leifeng Spirit and moral education in new days;雷锋精神与新时期德育教育
4)Leifeng Tower雷锋塔
1.Leifeng Tower lies in the XIZI national guesthouse, being built in AD 972 and collapsed in 1924.为了重现昔日的景观 ,浙江省政府、杭州市政府决定重建雷锋塔 ,为此需要对雷锋塔进行考古清理 ,包括地下部分的清理。
5)Lei Feng spirit雷锋精神
1.Carry Out “Three Representatives” and Enhance Lei Feng Spirit;实践“三个代表”与弘扬雷锋精神
2.Lei Feng spirit extended beyond his time, and has been made a cultural value.雷锋精神不仅属于雷锋所处的那个时代,而是已经被提炼升华成了我们今天的宝贵的文化财富。
3.Lei Feng spirit is not out of date,which is the time spirit of being aware of glories and disgraces.“学雷锋”没有过时,但不能仅停留在表面现象上,而雷锋精神就是“知荣知耻”的时代精神,与社会主义荣辱观的实质是完全一致的。
6)"Lei Feng company"雷锋公司
