生态要素消耗率,Ecological factor consumption rate
1)Ecological factor consumption rate生态要素消耗率
2)ecological consumption生态消耗
1.Ecological footprint analysis is a new method of ecological economics that quantitatively measures ecological consumption by mankind and the extent of sustainable development.生态足迹分析是一种新兴的定量测度人类对自然的生态消耗和可持续发展程度的生态经济学新方法,旅游生态足迹是生态足迹理论在旅游研究中的应用。

1.Comparative Study on the Trends of Ecological Consumption and Economic Development in China-Consideration of Developing Low Carbon Economy in Western Regions我国生态消耗与经济发展的动态比较研究——关于西部地区发展低碳经济的考量
2.The characteristic indexes of Daqu aroma-producing capability include ammoniacal nitrogen and the specific consumption of amylum.氨态氮和淀粉消耗率为大?生香力的特徵指标。
3.The main cause to the ecological deficit is because of the large demand of energy consumption.造成生态赤字的主要原因是由于武安市的能源消耗需求量大。
4.Research on the Balanceable Relationship between Material Input and Service Value in Construction Based on Ecological Value;基于生态价值的建筑物质消耗与服务价值平衡关系的研究
5.WEAK OR STRONG SUSTAINAB-EXPLORING THE ECO-LIMITS OF DEVELOPMENT──Discussing From the Eco-limits of Natural Resources Conswmption;可持续发展的“强”与“弱”——从自然资源消耗的生态极限谈起
6.Soil moisture consumption and ecological effects in alfalfa grasslands in Longdong area of Loess Plateau陇东黄土高原苜蓿草地土壤水分消耗及水分生态效应(英文)
7.The analysis on the pattern of eco-water use of vegetation and the availability of green water in Sanmenxia area of Yellow River植被生态用水结构及绿水资源消耗效用——以黄河三门峡地区为例
8.Tourism ecological footprint is a useful indicator for measuring the pressure imposed by tourists.旅游生态占用通过定量化游客的旅游消费行为来衡量旅游活动对资源的消耗程度。
9.An amount consumed.消耗量所消耗的数量
10.Despite the heavy use of forest products, the nation now grows more timber than it cuts.虽然木材的消耗量很大,但是每年生长的树木比消耗的还要多。
11.Also, the small galaxies may have consumed less of their surrounding material, allowing them to continue their more modest lifestyles to the present day.同时,小星系消耗较少周遭物质,使它们直到今天仍得以保持较有节制的生活型态。
12.While the country is in a relative depression, it can still live for a time off its fat.当这个国家处于相对来说不景气的状态中时,它仍能靠消耗储备生存一个时期。
13.Consuming or tending to consume.消耗性的消耗(性)的或促使消耗的
14.Energy consumption standard in forging productioGB/T11056-1989锻造生产能源消耗标准
15.The reactor can potentially produce more fuel than it consumes.这座原子炉可生产超出它消耗的燃料。
16.(iii) materials consumed in the production of the imported goods;(ⅲ)在生产进口货物过程中消耗的材料;
17.He had consumed the best years of his life in prison.他在狱中消耗了他生命中的大好年华。
18.The quantity of heat producing in the course equals to the electric energy of consumption.在过程中产生的热量等于消耗的电能。

ecological consumption生态消耗
1.Ecological footprint analysis is a new method of ecological economics that quantitatively measures ecological consumption by mankind and the extent of sustainable development.生态足迹分析是一种新兴的定量测度人类对自然的生态消耗和可持续发展程度的生态经济学新方法,旅游生态足迹是生态足迹理论在旅游研究中的应用。
3)ecological element生态要素
1.An ecological planning approach for Shanghai Expo 2010 was constructed based on "overlay-maps" model,and the ecological elements and GIS visualization in Shanghai Expo 2010 area were investigated and analyzed from the aspects of human comfort degree,life health,and sustainable utilization of resources.基于"千层饼"模式,构建了上海世界博览会区域的生态规划方法,并从人体舒适度、生命健康和资源可持续利用角度,对上海世界博览会区域建设用地进行了生态要素调查与GIS可视化综合分析。
4)Ecological Elements生态要素
1.Analysis of Current State of Ecological Elements Introducing in Underground Space上海城市地下空间如何导入生态要素
5)Factor Productivity要素生产率
1.And this paper,from the perspective of factor productivity,tries to find out the way of enhancing the quality of economic growth.通过对我国建国60年的要素生产率数据进行分析,明确指出了我国经济增长质量的提高在于经济增长方式的成功转变,而这一转变的关键在于投入产出效率的提高,即全要素生产率对经济增长贡献的提高。

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。