人的不可超越性,The Inherent human limit that can not be transcended
1)The Inherent human limit that can not be transcended人的不可超越性

1.Nature of practice: Human-centralism is unable to be transcended;实践的本性:人类中心主义的不可超越性
2.The point, edge, or line beyond which something cannot or may not proceed.界限不能或不可能超越的点、边、线
3.No men or institutions are above the law.任何人或机构都不可超越法律。
4.ON PROSPEROUSDEVELOPMENT( I) -- Prosperous development:an eternal target of human beings;良性发展论:可持续发展超越与丰富
5.Human Nature,Transcendence,and Morality:The Possibility and Purpose of Moral Education人性·超越·道德——兼论德育的可能与目的
6.They might not outrun any animals,but they could outwalk them all.他们也许不能超越任何动物,但是他们可以超越自己!
7.Without taking responsibility, one cannot transcend or ascend, it is not possible.不能负责,你就不能超越和提升,这是不可能的。
8.Property overrides not allowed In Interface type在接口类型中不允许属性超越
9.Transcending the traditional teaching: facing uncertain knowledge;传统教学之超越:面向不确定性知识
10.Transcendence and Non-transcendence Regression--On the Transcendence of Embodied Philosophy and New Increment Point in the Linguistics Research;既超越又不超越的回归——兼谈体验哲学的超越性和语言学研究的新增长点
11.The electorate became increasingly intolerant of instabilities when the actual rates transgressed those considered tolerable.当实际税率超过可以容忍的限度时,选民们就会越发不能忍受经济的不稳定性。
12.The Jazz will ultimately pass the Spurs but not the Suns and end up with the third seed.爵士将会超越马刺最终排在第3位,而太阳不可逾越。
13.Moon- Serene power over mundane actions.月亮-种超越世俗的,纯洁不可动摇的力量。
14.Human center Principle:a Value Proposition which cannot be surmounted;人类中心主义:一个不可超越的价值命题
15.The Study of Reliability Optimum Design of Self-energizing Overrunning Spring Clutch;自激式超越弹簧离合器可靠性优化设计的研究
16.having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding.具有不是可以明显感知的或者容易理解的重要性;超越了普通的理解。
17.The Father, in so far as he represents authority and force, is the Devil, a power utterly transcending anything human in any common meaning of that term.假如父亲代表权威跟力量,这力量完全超越了人性的共同价值,谓之为恶魔有何不可。
18.Although views have softened, men who cross the sexual segregation line in the job market may still face discrimination and ridicule.看法虽然不那么刻板了,在就业市场上,超越男女之分这条界线的男性还可能遭受到白眼和嘲笑。

3)the transcendence character of human人的超越性
4)transcendence of the humanity人性的超越
5)non-transcended reality不可超越的现实
6)people's natural instinct of surmounting人的超越本性

超越性的度量超越性的度量ranscendency, measure of ^ transcendence measure  超越性的度量【transc耐巴cy,皿~of或transcell七nce心asule;TPaHc”e.江eHTH0cT“Mepa」,简称超越度 刻画一个给定的超越数(transcendental number)与高和次数均有界的代数数的集合之间,当这些参数的界值变化时产生的偏差的函数.对于超越数田及自然数n和H,超越性度量是 w。(aJ;H)=mm}p(田)1,其中极小值取自所有次数不超过n且高不超过H的非零多项式.由D训ehiet“抽屉”原理(见D沉d此t原理(Dirichiet pnncinle))可推出下列估值始终成立: ‘,。(田;H)H一’一(‘,”’in·)/in场H,此处c:>0是一个绝对常数,而H)H。(时.对任何固定的n及。>O,对几乎所有(在Lebesgue意义下)实数田有 、。(。;H)>e,H一”一’,c3=c3(。:n,。)(见N肠lller问题(Ma]日er prob肠们)).超越数可以基于在n和H不加限制地变化时、。(。;H)的渐近性状的差别而加以分类(见【3」).