深层生态运动,Deep ecology movement
1)Deep ecology movement深层生态运动
2)the Deep Ecological Movement深生态运动

1.From Grass Roots Democracy to Citizenship of World--Arendt’s Solution of Deep Ecological Movement生态运动的实践智慧——深生态运动的阿伦特方案
2.Reflections on Arne Naess, the Deep Ecology Movement and Personal Philosophies;关于阿恩·奈斯、深生态运动及个人哲学的思考
3.Fate of the Wild Ecological Understanding [WTHX]That Old Ace in the Hole;荒原的命运——生态解读《老谋深算》
4.3D Dynamic Simulation of Motion Morphology of Bionic Robot;仿生机器人运动形态的三维动态仿真
5.His thoughts has great influence on John Muir、Aldo Leopold and Deep Ecology.梭罗的思想直接或间接地影响了缪尔、利奥波德、深层生态学以及现代环境保护运动。
6.Finite element analysis for dynamic charactreistic of a deep-groove ball bearing in motion process深沟球轴承运转过程动态特性有限元分析
7.Kinetics of Material Metabolism during Exercise──Development of Exercise Biochemistry (1);运动时物质代谢动力学──运动生物化学动态之一
8.Urban Water Landscape Fragmentation and the Change of Ecological Values in Shenzhen深圳市水体景观破碎化动态及其生态价值变化
9.Research on Dynamic Evolvement and Operation of Business Ecosystem;企业生态系统的动态演化及运作研究
10.A Study of the Movements and its Ecology in the Mid of the 20th Century in China;运动与运动化——运动及中国20世纪中叶的运动生态研究
11.Sports Biomechanics Research on the Action Structure of Drop Jump about Sport Fatigue;运动性疲劳前后跳深动作结构的运动生物力学研究
12.Perhaps no other sport has become as deeply rooted in American life as baseball.或许没有其他一种运动能像棒球这样深深植根于美国人的生活,
13.A Three-year Follow-up Study on Health Status of Primary and Middle School Students in Futian District of Shenzhen;深圳市福田区中小学生健康状况3年动态分析
14.Examination of Visual-Motor Integration ability of pupils in Shenzhen;深圳市部分小学生视觉运动统合能力发育测查
15.HVAC design of the main sports complex of Shenzhen Universiade深圳世界大学生运动会主体育馆暖通空调设计
16.Present Problems of Exercise Biochemistry and Nutrition -Development of Exercise Biochemistry(4);当前运动生化与营养的几个问题——运动生物化学动态之四
17.Biochemical Diagnosis of Sports Fatigue and Overtraining;运动疲劳及过度训练的生化诊断——运动生物化学动态之三
18.But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players. but the spectator.但意味深长的倒不是运动员的行为, 而是观众的态度,

the Deep Ecological Movement深生态运动
3)deep ecology深层生态学
1.Arne Naess on Deep Ecology;阿兰·奈斯论深层生态学
2.The concept of sustainable plant protection from the perspective of deep ecology;从深层生态学看可持续植保理念
4)ecological movement生态运动
1.This paper makes a systematic introduction of the Green Welfare which is the theoretical basis of ecological movement and explores the framewoek of new public health.本文从生态运动入手,系统介绍作为生态运动理论基础的绿色福利主义,并以生态健康科学为基本理论视角,简要探讨新型现代公共卫生政策框架及其革命性的现实、理论与政策涵义。
2.Stuttgart is an important industry city of Germany, the ecological movement has obtained a marked effect in city construction, which has profound the typical demonstration significance.作为德国重要的工业城市,斯图加特在城市建设中开展的生态运动及其所取得的成效,具有典型的示范意义。
3.Ecological socialism advocates the combination of socialist movement and ecological movement so as to open the way to elimination of environmental pollution and ecological crisis as well as to protection of green environment for human existence.生态社会主义主张把社会主义运动同生态运动结合起来,开辟一条既能消除环境污染与生态危机,又能保护人类生存的绿色环境的途径。
5)movement ecology运动生态
6)deep ecological ethics深层生态伦理
1.It has been generally admetted that the scholars advocating the theory of deep ecological ethics have achieved great contributions in protecting environment and enhancing people s consciousness on environmental proteetion.深层生态伦理学派在环境保护和提高人们的环境保护意识等方面作出了重大的贡献 ,其所有存在物都有内在价值的观点虽有积极意义 ,但本文认为这一观点是错误的 ;其“手段俭朴 ,目标丰富”的生活追求 ,本文十分赞同 ,并对人类的生活目的、生活方式与生产方式进行了分析与检

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