人类基本价值,The basic values of human beings
1)The basic values of human beings人类基本价值

1.The Confusion on Environmental Protection Which is Based on the Basic Values of Human Beings审视环保困惑:基于人类基本价值视角的分析框架
2.Reconsidering Schwartz s 10 Basic Human Value Types and Locating Chinese Young People;在中国文化背景下考察斯沃茨人类基本价值观理论
3.Pedagogy Towards Human Happiness--Side Discussion of the Basic Values of Pedagogy;面向人类幸福的教育学——兼论教育学的基本价值
4.Justice has perpetual significance in human society. It is the basic value pursuit and normal behavior of people.一正义是人类社会具有永恒意义的基本价值追求和基本行为准则。
5.Study on the of human capital based on valuable and unique characteristics;基于价值性和独特性双纬度的人力资本分类研究
6.The Practical Exploring of Mankind Essence and Its Contemporary Value;人的类本质的实践探解及其当代价值
7.Taking Man as the Foundation: The Basic Value Orientation of the Scientific Development Concept;以人为本:科学发展观的基本价值取向
8.an inclination to evaluate reality exclusively in terms of human values.凡事评价必以人类价值观念为本位的倾向。
9.Values can also be what separate us humans from the animals.人和动物的本质区别便在于人类拥有价值观。
10.On the basis of human concordance, Kang advocated that men share some basic values.在人性一律(一致)论的基础上,康有为主张,人类的基本价值是相通的,可以"暗合"。
11.Another Interpretation on the Essential Value of Socialism of The Social Party after the War;战后社会党对社会主义基本价值的另类阐释
12.The Value System of Human Capital Based on the Human Capital Reproduction;基于人力资本再生产的人力资本价值研究
13.A Probe into the Basic Theory of Human Worth关于人的价值问题的基本理论探析
14.The analysis of "human-oriented" philosophy foundation and the time value;“以人为本”的哲学基础与时代价值探析
15.Characteristics of the Contemporary Juvenile Values Evolvement;当代未成年人价值观演变的基本特征
16.Essential Values and Differences in Social Behaviors between the Chinese and the Americans;基本价值观与中美人的社会行为差异
17.Value Orientation of China s Personnel Resources;论我国人力资源管理的基本价值取向
18.Mr. Rolston argued that nature contains values independently of humans.他指出,自然不依赖于人类而本身拥有价值。

basic value of international community人类社会基本价值
3)humanistic value人本价值
1.The paper probes into the meanings, contents, measures and ways of humanistic value construction for library work on the basis of explaining the concept of human-orientation thoroughly.在深入阐释以人为本概念内涵的基础上,探寻图书馆工作中人本价值构建的意义、内容、及方式和途径。
2.The humanistic value of community education is to regard people as the springboard and utmost goal so as to realize overall development of people.社区教育的人本价值就是将人作为社区教育活动的出发点和最终归宿,从而实现人的全面发展。
3.It reflects upon the present lack of humanistic value in college moral education in China and also suggests that humanistic value can be truly embodied through the insistence of five “connections”.文章从思维方式、判断尺度以及方法手段三个方面解读了“以人为本”在高校德育活动中的内涵,并对当前高校德育活动中人本价值缺失的现象进行反思,提出通过坚持五个“结合”,真正体现德育活动中的人本价值。
4)Human Value人类价值
1.Cultural Tension of Deep Ecology and Human Value深生态学的文化张力与人类价值
5)basic value基本价值
1.This paper analyses the basic value of the right of libraries,probes into the system of structure of the right of libraries,and presents that the basic contents of the right of libraries are the right of the users of libraries,the right of librarians and the right of libraries.分析图书馆权利的基本价值,探讨图书馆权利体系结构,提出图书馆权利的基本内容是图书馆利用者的权利、图书馆员的权利和图书馆的权利,其核心是维护和保障利用者信息权利。
2.The wide spread of academic freedom idea stems from not only its instrumental value of promoting the advance and development of knowledge,but also from its mirroring academic subjects appeal to justice and appropriate rights,which is the basic value of academic freedom.学术自由的思想之所以获得广泛的传播,不只是在于它具有促进知识进步和发展的工具价值,更重要的是它反映了学术活动中主体个人正义、适切的权利诉求,这是学术自由的基本价值之所在。
6)fundamental value基本价值
1.In response to the new requirement to enhance Chinese traditional culture,further studies in Hui culture should be started from the following three aspects: refine fundamental value,reinforce modernity and push it to the world.遵循中共十七大对弘扬中华传统文化提出的新要求,应在以下三个新起点上推进徽文化研究:一是提炼徽文化的基本价值,二是增强徽文化的时代性,三是推进徽文化走向世界。
2.However,for a long time,there lacks the research about the academic structure on the fundamental values of the Civil Aviatio.面临我国修改民航法的情势,强化民航法价值的研究是必要的,应当确立以“领空主权原则、安全、正义、效益”为内容的民航法基本价值结构,以此作为修改民航法的指导思想。
3.Although there is neither clear line between rights,nor integrated division of rights rank,fundamental value remains existing.虽然权利之间不可能有泾渭分明的界限,不可能有完整的权利位阶划分,但是基本价值仍然存在。

人类1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。