布克钦,Murray Bookchin
1)Murray Bookchin布克钦

1.On Bookchin's Social Ecology and Ecoanarchism布克钦的社会生态学和生态无政府主义述评
2.Technology's Images,Matrix and Humanity's Freedom--An Analysis of Bookchin's Technology Thought技术意象、社会基质与人的解放——布克钦技术思想解析
3.A Study of the Birth of Living Buddha Shenqin the Fifth and Zhuoliketu Khan Buyanmengku卓哩克图汗布彦蒙库与五世生钦活佛生年考辨
4.hand - schuller - christian disease汉德-舒勒-克里斯钦病
5.For though he had a great taste for courage in other men, yet he admired it most in Alan Breck.他非常赞赏别人的勇敢,然而,他最钦佩的,还是他艾伦·布雷克本人的勇敢。
6.Investigation on the Buddhist Remains of Rin-chen Bzang-po s Period in Western Tibet;西藏西部仁钦桑布时期佛教遗迹考察
7.The Authorized Regulations for the Better Governing of Tibet, promulgated in 1793, had 29 articles.1793年,颁布了《钦定藏内善后章程》,共二十九条。
8.The distribution of Hg in sediments of Qinzhou Bay,Guangxi,and its influence钦州湾海底沉积物Hg元素分布及其影响分析
9.Reservoir Evaluation and Oil-Gas Distribution of Yurubcheno Oil Field in Russia俄罗斯尤罗勃钦油田储层评价与油气分布规律
10.Value-Free and Value-Imparting:A study of Brezinka's Educational Thoughts价值中立与价值灌输:布雷钦卡教育学思想研究
11.An investigation and Correction to the Life of the Fifth Seng Chen Living Buddha Touvdentserenchimid五世生钦活佛多布栋策楞车敏身世考释与订误
12.Lahkesis: Your resolve is admirable, even if it is… misguided.拉克西斯:你的决心令人钦佩,即使一度…被误导了。
13.This document . . . reeks of self - pity and self - deception(Christopher Hitchens)这份文件…充斥着自怜与自欺(克里斯托弗 希钦斯)
14.Mason & Dixon:Thomas Pynchon's Critique of American Exceptionalism《梅森与迪克逊》:托马斯·品钦对美国例外论的批判
15.feel [have] admiration for...钦佩 [佩服] …
16.Kia Joorabchian has denied" any wrongdoing whatsoever" over allegations of money-laundering.霍拉布钦已经否认了针对自己洗钱的说法,称“他没犯有任何罪行”。
17.(1) To publish the two telegrams of October 19 and December 8 to Chu Teh, Peng Teh-huai, Yeh Ting and Hsiang Ying over the signatures of Ho Ying-chin and Pai Chung-hsi, in order to arouse public opinion.(一)用何应钦、白崇禧名义,发布致朱彭叶项的“皓”“齐”两电,以动员舆论;
18.Frank seems to think the sun shines out of the manager's arse:in his opinion, he can do no wrong.弗兰克似乎非常钦佩经理;依他之见,他不会做错事。

3)Aksai Chin Area阿克赛钦
5)Kachin People克钦族
6)Bin-chen Bzang-po仁钦桑布
