食物碳消费,food-carbon consumption
1)food-carbon consumption食物碳消费
1.Non-sustainable households\' consumption activities are an important contributor to global environmental problems,and the study of food-carbon consumption of urban households is the key point for promoting sustainable consumption.不可持续的居民消费是造成全球环境问题的主要原因,而居民食物碳消费研究是促进可持续居民消费的重要内容。

1.Dynamics of urban food-carbon consumption in Beijing households;北京城市化进程中家庭食物碳消费动态
2.Dynamic Analysis of Change Tendency of Food-carbon Consumption in Shanghai上海市居民食物碳消费变化趋势的动态分析
3.Nowadays, changeable consumer food behavior prone to a low carbohydrate diet.当今,多变的食品消费行为更趋向于低碳水化合物食品。
4.the act of consuming food.摄取和消费食物的动作。
5.Adjust the Consumption Structure of Food,to Promote the Consumption of Aquatic Products调整食物消费结构 促进水产品消费
6.Food Security Conception Implication under Respective of Food Consumption Upgrade:A Case Study of United States;食物消费升级视角下的粮食安全内涵
7.Analysis of Carbon Emission Caused by Food Consumption in Urban and Rural Inhabitants in China中国城乡居民食品消费碳排放对比分析
8.The consumption of poultry, meat and oil/fat was too high, and cereals consumption was at a relatively low level.畜肉类及油脂消费过多,谷类食物消费偏低。
9.Food Consumption and Obesity in China Based on a Consumer Segmentation Study;食物消费与肥胖——基于食物特点的消费者分层研究
10.Food Consumption in a Well-off Society of China Referring to the Experiences of Some other Countries;从国外食物消费的发展进程看中国小康社会的食物消费
11.Over the past five years, consumption of grain in rural residents' food has come down, while that of meat increased significantly.5年来,农村居民食品消费中主食消费下降、动物性食品消费增加的倾向也十分明显。
12.primary consumers初级消费者 例如: 食草动物
13.the food and drink that are regularly consumed.有规律消费的食物和饮料。
14.Base on Persistence Developmental Stratagem of Food Consumption;基于可持续发展的食物消费战略探讨
15.The Mathematical Statistical Analysis of Food Consumption Activities of Rural Residents of Main Grain Producing Areas;粮食主产区农村居民食物消费行为的计量分析
16.goods (as food or clothing) intended for direct use or consumption.为了直接使用或消费的物品(像食物或衣服)。
17.These workpeople are enabled to buy and consume the food which would otherwise have been consumed by the hounds or by the servants;这些工人由此而能购买和消费原来会被猎狗或仆人消费掉的食物。
18.Study on food consumption and the frequency of food consumption of adults in Lhasa in 2002;2002年拉萨市居民肉类和奶类食物消费量及消费频次研究

Food consumption食物消费
1.Agricultural structure adjustment and dynamic changes of food consumption between urban and rural residents in the Yangtze River Delta;长江三角洲城乡居民食物消费结构演变及农业生产结构调整
2.An Analysis on Rural Residents Food Consumption in Jiangsu Province;江苏省农村居民食物消费研究
3.Research on Food Consumption and Nutrition of China s Rural Residents;中国农村居民食物消费与营养状况研究
3)Food consumption patterns食物消费模式
4)food consumption demand食物消费需求
1.A study on rural residents food consumption demand in Jiangsu Province;江苏省农村居民食物消费需求研究
5)food consumption upgrade食物消费升级
6)Daily prey consumption日消费食物量

食物部《食物部》作者欧阳询和裴矩、陈叔达等。这是作者于唐代武德七年(624)奉唐高祖令同修的一部大型类书。共一百卷,分七十四部,每部又分子、目,共七百四十余类。其中《食物部》载该书第七十二卷,分食、饼、肉、脯、酱、 、酪酥、米、酒等部分。每一部分先释名记事,然后标出所引古书的书名,再摘录有关的诗文等。是一部唐以前有关饮食资料的汇编,类似工具书。《食物部》中的《饼》类,先引《汉书》、《三辅旧事》、《三辅决录》中关于饼的三段文字,然后摘录《饼赋》、《饼说》中的文字,使人对饼的起源、发展状况有大致了解。再如《酪苏(即酥)》类,先引《释名》文字,对“酪”作解释。然后引《汉武内传》等五部书中关于“酪、苏”的故事,继而摘抄南朝梁沈约《谢司徒赐北苏启》中的一段文字,从而使人对“酪、苏”有了较为清楚的认识。除《食物部》外,《艺文类聚》中的《杂器物部》、《药香草部》、《百谷部》《 部》《鸟部》《兽部》以及《鳞介部》中涉及到的饮食工具、器皿、原料、调料,也值得参考。