碳管理,carbon management
1)carbon management碳管理
1.Understanding the process,way,direction and mechanism of carbon cycle of regional urban system is helpful to better forecast the future concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases and to put forward corresponding carbon management measures.了解不同区域城市系统碳循环的过程、途径、方向和机制,有助于更好地进行未来大气温室气体的情景预测,并提出相应的碳管理措施。
2)carbon sequestration management碳汇管理
1.This paper aims to develop a new approach to assess the effects for the carbon sequestration management policies of cropland under various kinds of management strategies.应用数理统计方法构建评价碳汇管理政策影响分析模型,模拟农田碳汇管理政策的影响。

1.Management Strategies and Their Evaluation for Carbon Sequestration in Cropland农田碳汇管理策略及其效果评价(英文)
2.Effects of Carbon Sequestration Strategies on Agricultural Production in the North China Plain农田碳汇管理措施对农业生产影响的评价(英文)
3.State Administration of Foreign Exchange(SAFE)国家外汇管理局(汇管局,外管局,外汇局)
4.The RMB will not be devalued, and foreign exchange control should be tightened.坚持人民币汇率不贬值。强化外汇管理。
5.exchange interventio外汇管理当局对外汇市场的干预
6.internal management team [Exchange Fund]内部管理小组〔外汇基金〕
7.AP Admin logsAP Summary PageAP 管理日志AP 汇总页
8.State General Administration of Foreign Exchange Control of the PRC中国国家外汇管理总局
9.State Administration of Exchange Control [China]国家外汇管理局〔中国〕
10.Reform of forex loan management;改革外汇贷款管理方式, 提高外汇管理水平
11.Study on the Forest Carbon-Sink Trade Based on the Transaction Cost Theory基于交易成本理论的森林碳汇交易研究
12.Single-rate systems are administered by an exchange control authority that is the sole buyer and seller of foreign exchange.单一汇率制是由外汇管理局来执行的方法,外汇管理局是外汇的唯一买方和卖方。
13.The HKMA manages the Exchange Fund.金管局负责管理外汇基金。
14.These receipts can be sold to the designated foreign exchange banks upon the approval by the exchange control agencies.卖给外汇指定银行的,须经外汇管理机关批准。
15.Under the managed floating exchange rate regime,exchange rates always fluctuate acutely.在管理浮动汇率制度下 ,汇率波动一直相当剧烈。
16.They must submit their periodic reports and statements of their foreign exchange business to the SAEC.他们必须定期向外汇管理局报告其外汇业务。
17.Exchange Rate Problem of EURO and Our Management Strategy on Foreign Exchange Risk欧元的汇率问题与我国外汇风险管理策略
18.Companies Foreign Exchange Risk Management under the New RMB Exchange Rate System;新人民币汇率机制下企业外汇风险管理研究

carbon sequestration management碳汇管理
1.This paper aims to develop a new approach to assess the effects for the carbon sequestration management policies of cropland under various kinds of management strategies.应用数理统计方法构建评价碳汇管理政策影响分析模型,模拟农田碳汇管理政策的影响。
3)management of forestry carbon sequestration林业碳汇管理
4)carbon pool management index碳库管理指数
1.Influence of straw mulching with no-till on soil nutrients and carbon pool management index;秸秆还田和免耕对土壤养分及碳库管理指数的影响研究
2.Study on soil labile organic matter and carbon pool management index of vegetable sheltered field soil设施蔬菜栽培土壤活性有机质及碳库管理指数的研究
3.Appropriate amount of inorganic fertilizer increased LOM and raised carbon pool management index(CPMI).结果表明:①适量无机肥施用增加了土壤活性有机质含量,提高了土壤碳库管理指数;有机无机肥配合施用对提高土壤活性有机碳含量的作用大于单独施用无机肥,在75%有机肥的处理中活性有机质含量和碳库管理指数最大,分别为无机肥处理的1。
5)carbon management index碳库管理指数
1.The study was conducted to evaluate the soil total organic carbon(TOC), labile organic carbon(LOC),non-labile organic carbon(NLOC) and carbon management index after closing hillsides.采用时空互代法,以典型侵蚀环境纸坊沟流域不同封禁年限的狼牙刺群落和杂灌群落为研究对象,选取放牧地和天然次生林为参照,分析了植被恢复过程中土壤有机碳(TOC)、活性有机碳(LOC)、非活性有机碳(NLOC)及碳库管理指数的演变特征。
2.Zhifanggou small watershed on typical erosion environment is regarded as study plot to realize the effect of soil labile organic matter and carbon management index under erosion environment.为了解侵蚀环境下植被恢复对土壤活性有机碳及碳库管理指数的影响,以典型侵蚀环境黄土丘陵区纸坊沟流域生态恢复30 a植被长期定位试验点为研究对象,选取坡耕地为参照,分析植被恢复过程中土壤碳库各组分和碳库管理指数的演变特征。
3.Effects of different tillage systems on labile organic matter and carbon management index in purple paddy soil of long term experiment site(since 1990) were studied.以长期定位试验点的紫色水稻土为研究对象,研究了耕作制度对紫色水稻土活性有机质和碳库管理指数的影响。
1.For each treatment,CPMI improved obviously than control plot,CPMI of A,B,C,D and E were 1 149,1 042,270,311 and 1 109,the corresponding CPMI values were 10.通过测定苏打草甸碱土表层土壤全碳、活性有机碳(易氧化有机碳)含量的变化,研究生物修复对草甸碱土碳库管理指数的影响。
2.The TOC(total organic carbon),AC(active carbon) pool and CPMI(carbon pool management index) of soils in long term conversation tillage were discussed.以保护性耕作长期定位试验为研究对象,分析了保护性耕作对土壤不同层次的总碳、活性碳的影响,并计算了各处理的碳库活度、碳库活度指数和碳库管理指数。
3.【Objective】 Effect of reducing chemical nitrogen fertilizer and increasing organic manure on soil organic carbon content and carbon pool management index (CPMI) were examined, and the best design of organic manure and chemical fertilization proportion was researched.【目的】研究减施化学氮肥而相应增施有机肥对土壤有机碳含量及碳库管理指数的影响,寻找最佳的有机无机配比施肥方案。

二氧化碳汇(见碳循环)二氧化碳汇(见碳循环)  eryanghuatan hui二氧化碳汇见碳循环。