文明形态,civilization form
1)civilization form文明形态
1.Intelligent civilization is a new civilization form that follows the industrial civilization.生态文明不是取代工业文明的新的文明形态,而是贯穿所有文明形态(从渔猎社会到农业文明、工业文明和智能文明)始终的一种基本结构。

1.Ecological civilization is the critique and sublation of various kinds of civilization in human history.生态文明是对以往诸文明形态的批判与扬弃。
2.Party Ruled by Law:A New Type of Party Culture;政党法治:一种新型的政党文明形态
3.Developing a Harmonic Relationship between Human and Nature for a Society with Ecological Civilization论生态文明形态下人与自然和谐关系的建构
4."Civilized Shape" view of "wolf Totem" "Wolf Totem" Interpretation of from the cultural angle of view;《狼图腾》的“文明形态”观——从文化视角解读《狼图腾》
5.Analysis of Social Form and Civilization Form--A question calling for investigation in the study of historic materialism;社会形态与文明形态辨析——唯物史观研究中一个值得注意的问题
6.A Comparative Study on Danilevsky's Civilization Morphology and Spengler's丹尼列夫斯基与斯宾格勒的文明形态论之比较
7.Integrative and Constructive Nature of Ecological Civilization and Its Diverse Patterns;生态文明的整合性、建设性及多样形态
8.The Integrated Formation of Social Civilization: A Five-leveled and Dual-natured Structure;双质五层结构:社会文明的完整形态
9.Political ecosystem:the modernization examination to the political civilization construction;政治生态:政治文明形塑的现代化考评
10.An Aesthetic Research on Patterns of Siming Literature;四明文学形态审美观照——诗、词、曲、赋部分
11.Chines Early Civilization and Social Welfare in Embryo;中国早期文明与社会福利的萌芽形态
12.An Analysis of "the Clash of Civilizations" and the Viewpoint of Ideological Theory意识形态理论视角下的“文明冲突论”
13.Ecological Civilization Construction under Socialist Ideology试论我国社会主义意识形态下的生态文明建设
14.Socialist Politics is the Most Perfect Statue of Modern Political Civilizations;论社会主义政治文明是现代政治文明的最高形态
16.The Socialism Country Under The Rule Of Law Is An Advanced Form Of Political Civilization;论社会主义法治国家是政治文明的高级形态
17.The Political Ecosystem and the Merit Rationality Construction of Political Civilization;政治生态与政治文明的价值合理性形塑
18.On Huntington s "The Clash of Civilizations;“文明冲突论”:亨廷顿为美国构建的意识形态策略

civilization morphology文明形态论
3)civilization formation文明形态转变
1.The first part of the paper clarifies the meaning of the idea "modernization" from three respects such as the transforming of civilization formation, of social formation and resources utilized formation.本文前半部分从文明形态转变说、社会形态转变说以及资源利用形态转变说三方面清理了现代化作为一种理念的内在涵义 ,试图为现代化问题提供某些共识基础。
4)social civilizafion formation社会文明形态
5)morphology of history文明形态史观
1.TOYNBEE has inherited precessors especially SPENGLER's morphology of history in his work A TSUDY OF HISTORY.本文着重概括、分析汤因比的文明形态史观。
6)The Third Form of Civilization论文明的三种形态
