自由贸易区战略,Free Trade Area Strategy
1)Free Trade Area Strategy自由贸易区战略

1.Deeper Integration:New Trend in the Strategies for China's Free Trade Area深度一体化:中国自由贸易区战略的新趋势
2.Deep Integration,FDI and Developing Countries' FTAs Strategies深度一体化、外国直接投资与发展中国家的自由贸易区战略
3.The Analysis of the Political Economy of U.S.FTAAP Strategy美国推进亚太自由贸易区战略构想的政治经济分析
4.China-ASEAN Free Trade Area: China s Practice of Geostrategy;中国—东盟自由贸易区:地缘战略·中国实践
5.Choosing Strategies for Fujian to Develop in CAFTA;福建在“中国——东盟自由贸易区”发展中的战略选择
6.Strategic choice in the process of the liberalization of trade in china west area;我国西部地区在贸易自由化进程中的战略选择
7.Free trade zone and the export-oriented Economy development in Xinjiang-Conception of Urumqi Free Trade Zone (UFFZ);自由贸易区与新疆外向型经济发展研究——乌鲁木齐自由贸易区的战略构想
8.On the Development Strategies of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area in Southwest China;西南民族地区应对中国—东盟自由贸易区的发展战略(上)
9.Strategic Choice of Trade Liberalization for DCs发展中国家贸易自由化的战略选择
10.The opportunity and challenge of Guangxi in course of building CAFTA略论广西在中国-东盟自由贸易区构建过程中的机遇与挑战
11.Research in Logistics Industry Development Strategy of the TianBao Group Company Based on Free Trade Harbor Area Mode;自由贸易港区模式下天保控股公司物流业发展战略研究
12.The Geo-economic practice of Peaceful Rising stratagy--A Case Study of CAFTA;中国“和平崛起”战略的地缘经济实践——以中国—东盟自由贸易区为例
13.Think on Yunnan near by the Frontier of the Free Trade Area of China and the Union of the South-east Asia Countries to set up an Example;关于中国—东盟自由贸易区云南邻边先行示范的战略构想
14.The China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA):Challenges,Opportunities,and Potentials;中国-东盟自由贸易区:挑战、机遇与潜力
15.Free port or free trade zone自由港口或自由贸易区
16.American free trade agreement strategy and China s countermeasure strategy;美国自由贸易协定战略与中国的应对策略
17.On the Notion of Service Trade Liberalization in the Sino-Indian FTA;中印自由贸易区服务贸易自由化构想
18.The Analysis of Sino-American Textile and Apparel Trade Status under Global Trade Liberalization;贸易自由化条件下中美纺织品服装贸易的战略研究

global free trade agreement strategy全球自由贸易协定战略
3)free trade area自由贸易区
1.Trade effects of free trade area established under the product differentiation;产品差别化条件下建立自由贸易区的贸易效应
2.Empirical Analysis on Establishing Free Trade Area Among China,Korea and Japan;中日韩三国建立自由贸易区的实证分析与模拟
3.Research on the Establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area;构建中国—东盟自由贸易区问题研究
1.Analysis on the welfare effect on Thailand after establishing China-ASEAN FTA;建立中国—东盟自由贸易区对泰国福利影响分析
2.Analysis on Establishing the Free Trade Areas (FTA) between China and India;构建中印自由贸易区的分析
3.The Analysis of Obstacles of Building China-ASEAN FTA;建设中国―东盟自由贸易区的障碍因素分析
5)Free Trade Zone自由贸易区
1.How Fu-zhou Bonded Zone Be Transformed into A Free Trade Zone;关于福州保税区向自由贸易区转型的探讨
2.The Economic Advantages of Buiding Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Zone;建立中国——东盟自由贸易区的经济效益分析
3.Comparative research between Chinese bonded zone and world free trade zone;我国保税区与世界自由贸易区的比较研究
6)Free Trade Areas自由贸易区
1.On the Prospect of the China-New Zealand Free Trade Areas;中国-新西兰自由贸易区的经济效应展望
2.The paper analyzes the difference of free trade areas contribution to foreign direct investment in ASEAN and Mexico.自由贸易区对成员国FDI产生拉动效应的起点是其共同政策与制度能改变成员国经济地理条件,从而打破跨国公司的原有优势格局、优化成员国投资环境。
3.So far,processing trade prevails,and Free Trade Areas are highly discussed.通过对一个多阶段生产模式的分析,将中间产品贸易、资源禀赋不同的国家和自由贸易区(考虑原产地规则)有机地联系起来,并且得出结论:在特定的生产模式下,最终产品的生产地、自由贸易区成员国的发展水平、原产地规则的严格程度等因素会影响自由贸易区的生产模式和福利状况。
