生态经济弹性,eco-economic resilience
1)eco-economic resilience生态经济弹性
1.Regional eco-economic resilience of Changzhi City长治市区域生态经济弹性
2)economic elasticity经济弹性

1.The Comparison and Economic Elastic Analysis on the Long-term Tendency of Sino-American Economic Growth中美经济增长长期趋势的比较及经济弹性分析
2.An Economic Elasticity Analysis of the Stock Investment Value in Constant-Growth Corporations;恒速成长公司股票投资价值的经济弹性分析
3.The Relation between the Demand Elasticityand the Overall Profit Elasticity in Economics;经济学中的需求弹性与总收益弹性的关系
4.On Chinese Regional Economic disparities and Flexible Design for Economic Legislation中国区域经济差异与经济立法的弹性设计初探
5.economists speak of an inelastic price structure.经济学家们说及非弹性价格结构。
6.Analysis on the Correlation of Traffic Volume and Economy Quantity;交通量与经济量弹性关系的系统分析
7.On Economics Analysis and Application based on Margin and Elasticity浅谈边际与弹性的经济学分析与应用
8.The Elastic-Plastic Mechanic and Economy Analysis of Steel Tube-Confiled Concret Frame;钢管混凝土结构的弹塑性分析及经济性比较
9.An Empirical Study on the Industry Cluster Elasticity--In Three Economic Circles of China;工业经济增长集聚弹性研究——对中国三大经济圈的实证分析
10.Our economy is flexible, it is resilient.我们的经济是富有弹性的,并且正在好转。”
11.Differences in Educational Input-Output Elasticity in Three Economic Regions of China;我国三大经济地带教育投入弹性的差异分析
12.Application of Demand Elasticity Theory in Economic Decisions;试析需求弹性理论在经济决策中的应用
13.Empirical Study of Elasticity of Currency Substitution in China Under Open Conditions;开放经济条件下我国货币替代弹性实证研究
14.Comment on the Flexibile Control of the Land Use Plan in the Marketoriented Economy System;市场经济体制下城市土地利用规划的弹性控制
15.Analysis of contribution and elasticity of investment in highway construction to economic increasement;公路建设投资对经济增长的贡献与弹性分析
16.Stochastic Demand Elasticity and Its Application in Economic Analysis;随机需求弹性及在经济分析中的应用(英文)
17.Probing Into Functional Flexibility & Its Application In Economic Analysis;试析函数的弹性及其在经济分析中的应用
18.Research on the Elastic Analysis Model of Economic Benefit of Water Project Investment;水利投资经济效益的弹性分析模型研究

economic elasticity经济弹性
3)eco-economic adaptability生态经济适宜性
1.Crops eco-economic adaptability evaluation based on ecological-market potential capacity;基于生态市场容量潜势的作物生态经济适宜性评价
4)ecological economy characteristics生态经济性状
1.This paper reviews ecological economy characteristics of Acacia n1earnsii after in-troduced in suitable area in Yunnan.本文从黑荆树在云南高原的广阔适生范围,适生表现(速生习性、固氮改土能力、涵水保土效益),多种用途及经济意义方面,评述了该树种引种云南后的生态经济性状表现。
5)eco-economic man生态理性经济人
1.At the microscopic level,the law of circular economy means new demands on enterprises and corporations,who need to meet them by taking effective measures to become "eco-economic man".我国企业应抓住机遇,树立"生态理性经济人"的理念,积极采取应对措施。
6)ecological economic man rationality"生态经济人"理性

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。